The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 275 Let's play together

Chapter 275 Let’s play together (4)
"It's a bit embarrassing to say that I'm going to study abroad, but I'm actually here to heal my wounds. I originally had a childhood sweetheart fiance, and the relationship between the two families is very good. I planned to get married after graduation, but I didn't expect... Hey, I actually have more My sister, and, moreover, I didn’t expect that my fiancé who thought I would not marry would change his mind, and he would turn out to be my sister.” He sighed deeply, feeling depressed.

"What kind of fiancé would change his mind in the face of such a beautiful Ann?" Corian couldn't imagine that the woman in front of him was as quiet as a virgin, and her every move and smile attracted people's hearts. ?
"Obviously I'm not the ideal in his mind. No one can blame me. Just change. I'm just a man. I just feel sorry for our friendship since we were young. I understand the reason why we get together and part ways. Although I'm not that magnanimous , but after all, that is my sister and the whole family, so it will be fulfilled, but I didn't expect that the two of them would join forces to frame me..." An Qianxi's eyes turned red, and she briefly explained what had happened, and finally held back Tears shook his head, "Corian, what did I do wrong? Why did they treat me like this? I am a human being, a person with flesh and blood and feelings. How can I be framed by my relatives? But my self-esteem I am not allowed to cry in front of them, I can only walk away from home with my back straight, but every time I think about it, I still feel sad..."

Corian has lived as a vampire for hundreds of years, what kind of things haven't he seen?But hearing this, I still feel that the two people An Qianxi said are the best in the world, and when I look at the person who is holding back tears, pity wells up in my heart.He tightened his hands, gently pressed An Qianxi's head on his shoulder, and coaxed softly: "Although I am not your boyfriend, at this moment, I feel very sad to see you sad. Don't do anything. Think, if you want to cry, just cry out, and you will feel better."

When Corian said this, An Qianxi naturally fell on Corian's chest and "cryed in a low voice". It was this kind of forbearable crying that made people feel distressed.

Corian is indeed a gentleman, and a gentleman is naturally caring for a lady. He gently hugged An Qianxi and let her vent, but he didn't realize that his psychology was completely caught and used by the person in his arms.

The music was about to stop, An Qianxi restrained her emotions at the right time, raised her eyes and smiled embarrassedly, with tears still in her eyes: "Look, it's all my fault that I didn't restrain my mood, I ruined a good festival Exhausted."

Corian gently wiped away the teardrops from the corner of his eyes, and shook his head: "Ann, you are very strong, and you are too strong, no good. If you have emotions, you should vent them out, and feel uncomfortable in your heart. Are you much more comfortable now? "

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." The music stopped, and Corian left the stage with his arms around An Qianxi, "Take a break."

"Baby, why are you crying?" Beata asked knowingly, pulling An Qianxi to her side.

"It's okay, I'm just homesick, thank you for your concern." An Qianxi smiled shyly, took a glass of juice and drank it herself.

Beat glanced at Corian and remained silent. Since the moment they stepped onto the dance floor, they have been closely watching their every move. Everything An Qianxi said fell into her ears, including holding Corian and crying Seeing it in his eyes, he couldn't help feeling resentful about what happened to An Qianxi, but more of it was jealousy.Why didn't the doll tell himself these things?Why does everyone think Corian is better than himself?Could Corian's gentlemanly demeanor really make a woman open up?
"Ann, it's too noisy here, do you want to go out for a walk?"

"Corian, it's a rare festival, you guys have fun, don't worry about me."

"Baby, Halloween happens every year, but seeing you cry makes my heart ache. Let's go for a walk, anyway, everywhere is full of festive atmosphere, we will take you out to experience exotic customs, and make sure you feel open." Beat hurriedly took over the words and showed the picture, and even shook An Qianxi's hand, showing off her cuteness to the end.

"Then, let's go for a walk." As if she couldn't bear to reject that "sincere" face, An Qianxi followed the good advice.

"Let's go." Beate happily pulled An Qianxi past, separated Corian like a thief, and did not forget to snort.

Corian chuckled and followed, recalling what Beate said before, each according to their ability, raised their brows, has it started?Then let's get started.

While An Qianxi was "carnival" on campus, Eric approached Yan Feimo.

Country E's Yaoxing service point, Yan Feimo's exclusive karaoke practice room, no one dares to disturb except his own people, and even his own people can only enter after a respectful notification.But at this moment, the door panel fell down with a "bang", splintered and sawdust flying all over the sky, and a figure rushed in just like that.

"Yan Feimo, do you dare to bully my daughter?" Completely forgetting that he was the defeated general of Yan Feimo's men, he roared angrily and lost his usual demeanor, raised his hand and attacked.

The band, which was practicing a new song, stopped suddenly, their eyes darkened and they were about to make a move. Yan Feimo blocked the movement of several people with a wave of his hand, and avoided Eric's angry blow with his head.

Eric didn't stop even if he couldn't make a blow, and then pushed forward again.Yan Feimo frowned slightly, what happened to that gentle and convincing Eric today?are you crazy?
After the familiar move, Eric's anger did not disappear at all, Yan Feimo was beaten for no reason, and finally got a little impatient, and raised his hand to grab Eric's wrist: "Father-in-law, what is this acting on today? Even if you want to fight, give me a reason, if it's my fault, I'll take it easy."

"Bah! Who is your father-in-law?" In the past, the father-in-law felt a little complacent when he heard it, but now he heard it too harshly, so he couldn't help but bah, "What did you do wrong? You have the nerve to ask me? Tell me, you, you Do you want An An, An An..."

"What did I do to Qianqian?" What's the matter with this inexplicable anger?Didn't it just touched and kissed a few times, and it wasn't the first time.

"Did you put Qianqian that, that?"

"Which one?"

The few people who were ready to act at any time immediately pricked up their ears, there is gossip, there is gossip, tell me, which one is it?

"You, you, you... Did you force, rape my daughter?" I really couldn't ask this question, and I was always blushing when I said it.

Yan Feimo was taken aback. Did he mean that he forced An Qianxi?

"Said Qianqian?"

"You still don't admit it?" Dare to do it but dare not admit it, because I thought he was a good person for so long, the anger in my heart increased a little, and I turned my hand and slapped it again.

"Qianqian told you personally?"

"Hmph, it's not just once, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, Earl? Yan Feimo? Both of them have slept! I even tapped An An's acupuncture points. I trust you so much, and I say good things to you. Is that how you bully people? That's my precious daughter, how can you, how can you do something worse than a beast and still keep saying that it's an expression of love? I'm really blind!" Eric regretted it, and beat his chest excitedly, " You played the role very happily, but it hurt my An'an. I feel distressed when I see her tangled up. Do you understand the heart of a father? I am so relieved to give her to you, but you let her be so Pain, now that I am in front of you, you still refuse to admit it? Are you a man?"

(End of this chapter)

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