The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 282 The Identity Revealed

Chapter 282 The Identity Revealed (3)
After Halloween, An Qianxi keenly noticed that Beat and Corian were following her even more closely.There seems to be some kind of agreement between the two. Every night, someone can feel that someone is wandering under her dormitory, and they even come to her dormitory to watch from time to time.That's right, just stay on the point, do nothing, just look at her quietly, and occasionally say a few warm words to express your heart.She could not stand it!I just feel that I am a princess who is carefully guarded, and the meticulousness of those two people is no different from that of a loyal knight?

But looking at it this way, An Qianxi has a solid foundation in her heart. The relationship between the two is very good. Even if there is friction, they will not break up because of a little bit of jealousy or misunderstanding.Presumably the reason for this is also inseparable from Corian's wisdom, and Beate is not as reckless as he appears on the surface, and he still has a brain.On the contrary, the hostile light cast by Alice intentionally or unintentionally makes people a little concerned. Looking at the two people's caring attitude towards themselves and the warning eyes they looked at Alice, as expected, Alice has suffered a lot in the hands of these two people. Little pain.

From this point of view, Keruien and Beata are indeed not bad-tempered, and Alice might not be able to bear it for a long time.In this case, it seems that his identity has nothing to hide in front of these people.

Alice really wanted to do it right away, but Corian and Beata kept tight guard and watched her every move like thieves, so she couldn't find a favorable opportunity to remove the thorn in her side.When I changed my mind, my attitude took a 180-degree turn.Alice, who once turned a blind eye to An Qianxi, put on that innocent smile again, and approached An Qianxi proactively.

On a bright sunny day, at noon, An Qianxi, Jin Xina and Corian were eating in the restaurant, Alice took a box of yogurt and put it in front of An Qianxi: "Hi, Oriental Doll, can I sit here? "

Charming and bright smile, no one will refuse.But Beat didn't show any good looks, and took a sip of juice: "No way!"

An Qianxi glared at Beat, then turned her head and smiled: "You're welcome, sit down."

"Ah, so you're so easy to get along with? Everyone says you're cold. It's been a semester and I haven't dared to say hello to you." Alice hurriedly sat next to An Qianxi, and stretched out her hand as soon as the plate was put down, "I It's Alice."

"Pretentious!" Beata snorted coldly and took a warning look.

"Ah? It turns out that I have such an image in everyone's minds. It's really my fault." An Qianxi raised her hand, and before she could touch Alice's hand, Beata stepped in and grabbed Alice first. silk hand.

"Beate, this is Corian. We are the knights of the doll. Not everyone can be friends with the doll."

"Ann, can I call you Ann? Your friend is so humorous." Alice's mouth twitched, knight?Samsam withdrew her hand.

"Yeah, Beate likes to joke the most. With him by my side, my campus life is rich and colorful. Oh, by the way, this is my roommate and my good friend, Jin Xina."

With a compliment from De'an Qianxi, Beata was in a good mood, smiled brightly, and looked back at Alice with another blank look.

"Uh... hello." Jin Xina raised her head lightly to say hello, then continued to eat with her head down.I was puzzled in my heart, Alice can be regarded as a very popular girl, and all the people she makes friends with are people of status, what does it mean to be close to An Qianxi all of a sudden?If you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward for a moment, Keruien glanced at An Qianxi's little food left, and got up: "Ann, are you finished?"

"Well, full."

"Then let's go."

Beat also got up in time, and together with Corian, they protected An Qianxi in the middle.

An Qianxi smiled helplessly, and said hello to Alice: "Sorry, let's go first, let's have dinner together next time."

"It's a deal, we'll be together next time." The drooping eyes darkened, although she had a bad start, An Qianxi didn't seem to have any intentions, she was so innocent.

Jin Xina raised her heels and went back to take a deep look at Alice.

"Baby, Alice is not a good person, she is vain and conceited, and her private life is not so discreet, stay away from her."

"I look pretty good, you see how enthusiastic she is..."

"Ann, isn't there a saying in your country that you know the face but not the heart? You can't look at the surface in everything. There is no harm in listening to us."

"An'an, Alice... I can't tell you what it feels like, but she must have no good intentions to get close to you for no reason. You'd better not get too close to her." Jin Xina also joined the ranks of persuasion.

"Look, even Nana said that. Women's intuition is always accurate. Even if you don't listen to us, baby, you should listen to Nana. Nana has been in school longer than you, although she doesn't talk to people very much. But I must have seen a lot, worrying is not unreasonable."

"Oh, that's it, then I try to avoid it as much as possible. But it's the same school and the same class, so you can't be too unfamiliar, that's so embarrassing. And you heard it just now, everyone said I'm not easy to get along with..."

"You don't care what others say? You don't have many sincere friends, and it's no loss if you don't want others, isn't it Corian?"

"Beate's sentence is good, don't care too much about other people's eyes. You are you, just be yourself."

" seems to make sense, but..."

An Qianxi wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Beata, and changed the subject by the way: "Baby, why don't you see your boyfriend come to see you after that concert?"

"He's very busy..." Speaking of which, she was also very puzzled. During this period of time, let alone a person, there was not even a phone call. She suspected that Yan Feimo had disappeared from the world.

"Business is not an excuse. No matter how busy I am, I can find time for the woman I love. At least I won't leave such a lovely doll indifferent like him. Doll, just dump him and be me Girlfriend!"

"You're here again..."

"I agree! Ann, I'm good too, you can choose whoever you like!"

"Ah, the weather is fine today, suitable for sleeping. I'll go back to take a nap. Nana, you should take a good rest too. Let's go to take a nap together."

"No, I still have a report to finish."

"Okay, why not? You have to combine work and rest, look at your dark circles, let's go!"

"Oh, An'an, slow down, I can't run fast..."

Seeing An Qianxi go away like the wind, the two of them laughed, and Beater pouted: "Is it true that I was too enthusiastic to scare the baby?"

"Yan Feimo..." A man who is so possessive doesn't seem like a master who will snub others, but Corian is thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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