The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 283 The Identity Revealed

Chapter 283 The Identity Revealed (4)
An Qianxi has never been a person disturbed by emotions, although she is not used to the sudden harassment from Yan Feimo, and there is a sense of loss in her heart that she doesn't want to admit, but focusing on the present is her way of life road.So the unhappiness in my heart was quickly forgotten, waiting for Alice's further actions.

Sure enough, Alice did not disappoint her, she stepped forward to show her kindness from time to time, but she was not too enthusiastic to make people feel that she had ulterior motives.But Corian and Beatt can't stay by An Qianxi's side all the time, at least not during class.So Alice seized the opportunity to approach An Qianxi during class.Going back and forth, I got acquainted with each other.After getting acquainted, there will naturally be some secret topics between women. Of course, men can't participate in secret topics.Logically, Alice found an excuse to ask An Qianxi out.

The corner of An Qianxi's lips hooked, Alice, you really can't hold back.He raised his hand and made a phone call: "Daddy, it's time to reveal my identity. Follow me in a while, I promise you will be an eye-opener, but let me have a good time first."

"You girl..." Eric sighed, hung up the phone and went out.

"Nana, I'm going out for a while. If Corian and the others find me, you will say that Alice and I went out to play?"

"Alice?" Jin Xina suddenly looked up in front of the computer, feeling inexplicably uneasy, "An'an, please don't go..."

"Don't worry, it's just for fun, and it's not just me, I'm leaving!"

An Qianxi smiled and opened the door to leave. Jin Xina immediately stopped what she was doing, took out her mobile phone and called Corian: "Corian, Ann, she..."

"What's wrong with Ann?"

"An'an, An'an, she and Alice went out, saying they were going to play, but for some reason, I always felt that something bad happened..."

"Did An say where to go?" Beata looked back and shook his head lightly, "Okay, I see. You are waiting for news in the dormitory. I will track Ann's mobile phone positioning system."

"Corian, is it Alice..."

"Well, take precautions against An'an's good intentions, let's go, let's catch up quickly, if we are late, it will be too late." As soon as the positioning system was turned on, he set off immediately.

An Qianxi followed Alice out of the dormitory building full of joy, the two were chatting and laughing, they walked more and more sideways, and the sky gradually became overcast, and there was a posture that the building was full of wind and rain, and after a while The first snowflakes in winter came.

"Hey, Alice, don't you want to go to the coffee shop? It seems that you don't want to go this way?" An Qianxi caught a snowflake casually with some doubts in her innocence, "It's snowing, Alice, do you see Did you take the weather forecast to a good place to enjoy the snow?”

"Yeah, I just wanted to give you a surprise. The mountain behind the school is very quiet. Standing on the top of the mountain and watching the snowflakes fall is a special experience." Alice said nonsensical words with sarcasm in her eyes, and smiled from the bottom of her heart: it's really deceiving.

"Really? Then let's go." Qingyou?Just no one bothers!No one is good, no one is good to do things.

Arriving at the top of Houshan, An Qianxi opened her arms and looked into the distance: "It really is a good place."

Alice's face turned cold suddenly: "I'll pick a place for you, okay? Although it's not green mountains and green waters, but in a foreign country, experiencing the last moment of life in the white snow will make you rest in peace."

A palm wind came behind her, and An Qianxi turned around suddenly, dodging the blow lightly: "Alice?"

Alice was taken aback for a moment, obviously she didn't expect the other party to hide, it just happened to be lucky.She no longer pretended, with a grim face: "An Qianxi, Yan Feimo is not enough, do you still want to seduce Corian and Beat? Because of you, they spurned me, hated me, and warned me not to It's your idea. I have known them for hundreds of years, and I have never seen them blush with me, but they regard me as an enemy just because of you, a woman. If I don't kill you today, how can I swallow this useless mouth ?”

"Alice, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand? Didn't you come to show me the snow scene?" Wu Wu blinked, thinking that all this was just a joke.

"An Qianxi, are you naive or stupid? Do you really think I want to be friends with you? A mere human wants to be friends with me, dreaming!" The figure flashed while speaking, and he raised his hand and waved it.

"I can't even understand. What is a mere human being? Alice, are you talking to me about the lines of a stage play?" An Qianxi looked blank, and blocked the thunderous blow with her hand.

"You know kung fu?" It turned out that it wasn't a coincidence, so it would be more interesting. With the idea of ​​being competitive, he flipped his hand and clasped An Qianxi's wrist.

"You know Kungfu too? Then let's compare and see whether our Chinese Kungfu is better or your western boxing is better!" An Qianxi's lips curled up, and a side kick was as fast as lightning.

Alice didn't expect An Qianxi to move so fast, so fast that she didn't even have time to hide, and she got kicked on the head.

"An Qianxi—"

"It's just one move of mine, don't let me. Although the competition is over, you have to do your best, right? Otherwise, I won't win!" While speaking, he clasped Alice's arm with his backhand, and From bottom to top, like vines climbing up Alice's shoulders, smiling lightly and pressing down with the palm of your hand, Alice's figure instantly became a little shorter.

"So you're still a master?" Alice's eyes flickered slightly, her shoulders shook, but she didn't shake off. Looking at the corners of the mouth of the person in front of her, all the feelings of being teased came to her heart, she turned around and wanted to throw herself over the shoulder. .

An Qianxi rolled over Alice's shoulder, holding Alice's hand tightly, and rolled on the spot at the same time when she landed, Alice rolled in mid-air, and when she was facing An Qianxi, she was evil. With a smile, the other hand stretched out to touch the other person's heart.

An Qianxi turned her beautiful eyes, raised her foot and kicked Alice's stomach. When she let go of her hand, the figure formed a parabola and was kicked out. One can imagine how powerful this kick was.

Eric, who was hidden in the tree, twitched his mouth and touched his stomach, as if he was the one who kicked him, how cruel!Alice, Alice, she is the defeated under Miss An, why can't she always learn how to be good?Oh, by the way, everything in the country has been forgotten, that's okay, then let An girl teach her a lesson again.

An Qianxi got up Shi Shiran, met Alice's eyes, and dusted off the dust on her body: "It seems that our Chinese kung fu is slightly better, let it go!"

Looking at the really smiling face that day, Alice felt that it was extremely dazzling, and her eyes dimmed and she teleported: "I won't let you this time."

"It's too slow!" An Qianxi had already dodged behind Alice, and put her hand on Alice's shoulder, "I still haven't made much progress!"

Alice was horrified, how did she get around behind her?While horrified, he ignored the last sentence, unwilling to do so, turned around and managed to get behind An Qianxi in a flash, and grabbed An Qianxi's neck with one hand: "Isn't there a saying in your country that arrogant soldiers must be defeated? No matter how good your skills are, you have no actual combat experience, so you're still under my control? An Qianxi, today I will let you taste the taste of death!"

(End of this chapter)

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