Chapter 292
As he spoke, he winked at the camera.

A calm and dignified man with a gentle and polite smile, but his words were simple and clear: "Excuse me, thank you!"

"What's your relationship with Miss An?" Foreigner?They look good and dress casually, but a discerning eye can tell that they are all famous brands, low-key luxury, tasteful, not ordinary people.It's amazing to protect An Qianxi so much.

The two said in unison: "Naturally, Princess Ann's knight!"

Look at this is a princess, but also a knight, full of aristocratic demeanor, people can't help but admire An Qianxi's charm.

An Qianxi chuckled, these two guys speak Huaxia's language well, and their words are correct. It seems that the surprise study has achieved extraordinary results.

"Earl, earl, you have never mentioned your family background. Now there are rumors that you are a nobleman of country E. Is this news true?"

"The company will issue a statement later this time, and it will definitely satisfy your curiosity."

That's it?Everyone was amazed, and someone from the media asked: "Count, since you have a distinguished status, why did you wait until now to announce it?"

"What do you think?" Yan Feimo raised his and An Qianxi's clasped hands in front of everyone, meaningfully, "Although it is emotionally realistic to say that the family is right, as a man, I must not For a woman who has wronged herself, if you love her, you must give her the best."

Yan Feimo answered the reporter's question, but looked at An Qianxi affectionately, no doubt he came to make a high-profile confession in public.

After finishing speaking, Yan Feimo raised his eyes and faced the crowd: "Qianqian always said that identity, status, and money are all external objects. When two people are together, they cannot be judged by whether they are compatible or not. They must be judged with heart and love. But now, in front of my In front of fans and friends from the media, I still have to ask, are we - are we a good match?"


"A match made in heaven!"

"A man with a talent and a woman with a beautiful appearance can't be more suitable!"

Everyone shouted, although they did not speak in unison, but they all meant the same thing, there is no better match than these two.Many fans were so excited that they cried, "The Earl and Ms. An are finally together, so happy, so touched, I'm about to cry—"

"Beate, everyone is too excited, you take care of the security."

"I see."

During the conversation, there was a burst of air-conditioning from far to near, and everyone involuntarily moved out of the way.

An Qianxi raised her eyes and smiled slightly, the rescuer came.He raised his eyebrows and glanced at Yan Feimo, who was calm and composed. You got Gu Zirui here, right?
Yan Feimo obviously understood the meaning in An Qianxi's eyes, and smiled without saying a word.

Corian and Beatle looked at it in surprise, who is so powerful?To make everyone give way one after another?Then what's the matter with them?
Wearing a coat, who came forward steadily, covered in cold air, who was it but Gu Zirui?Of course, the little girl beside her was Yue Lingyi.

Yan Feimo took An Qianxi and his party for a stroll in the courtyard, and met Gu Zirui face to face, with the corners of his lips slightly hooked: "You're here?"

"Let's go." Gu Zirui nodded, he was as straightforward as when he came, and turned around to open the way.

Who would dare to stop Gu Zirui from going out?

The female fans present were nympho again and kept saying things like "so handsome" and "so stylish", but the media didn't think so.Gu Zirui picked up the plane himself?Yan Feimo's attitude... No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look as simple as just an artist under his hands. Why do you think that Gu Zirui is acting on Yan Feimo's face?Be darling, the descendants of the nobles are indeed true, if you can't keep the Gu's group together...

With this thought, everyone was shocked, Yan Feimo, what a big story, big news!

With Gu Zirui around, the media really didn't dare to follow. They could only watch from a distance. Anyway, the photos and everything were almost done. Today's task has come to a perfect conclusion.And judging from this posture, Yan Feimo and An Qianxi seem to be lovers, so the engagement ceremony between An's family and Mu's family in a few days, isn't there a good show to watch?Okay, that's great, I can grab a few headlines during the Chinese New Year, and I don't have to worry about the year-end red envelopes.

After leaving the airport, there was another wave of enthusiastic welcome team.who?Naturally, they are An Qianxi's relatives and friends.This group of people obviously knew that there were too many people at the airport exit, so they didn't rush for the excitement. This time, with Gu Zirui escorting them, they were naturally happy to relax.

"Wife—" Feng Langxiao, who was not surprised and kept dying, opened his arms and ran over, his face was full of joy and excitement, his eyes were red and he wanted to give him a big hug.

wife?Beat and Corian looked at each other, and after learning the Chinese language for several months, of course they understood what the wife meant.Someone actually shouted loudly and called their princess his wife in public?Who is so arrogant?When they both died?No matter how bad it is, don't even look at Yan Feimo, the rightful lord next to him, it's simply too blind.

This time without Yan Feimo's hands, Keruien and the two took a step forward, set up Feng Langxiao on the left and right and threw it aside.

"Ah, my wife——" Feng Langxiao waved his hands in tears, gave the two people around him a hard look, and asked angrily, "Where did the barbarians come from? I see that my wife has nothing to do with you. Let me go, let me go!"

Beatt's critical gaze swept Feng Langxiao up and down: "You are the only one who wants to get close to the doll? What a toad wants to eat swan meat!"

"You bastard? Toad? You are the toad bastard. Your whole family is a toad bastard. How dare you stop me from seeing my wife? I'll kill you!"

"Feng Langxiao, are you impatient?" Why is this guy always out of his mind?There are people coming and going at the gate of the airport, and my wife is yelling so loudly that she doesn't want to stop her, and she is going to draw a gun?An Qianxi snorted, "Do you dare to touch my people?"

"Your man?" Feng Langxiao blinked, and suddenly smiled, "Ahaha, it turned out to be two thugs. Wife, I miss you so much, please let them let me go, hug, please hug !"

"Hold your sister! Hug! Are you acting like an old man again? Nima told you to read and you read it into the stomach of a dog? My wife is so stupid, I have a man!" When encountering Feng Langxiao, An Qianxi's good demeanor remained No more, swearing one after another, everyone laughed, Corin and Beat were even more surprised from ear to ear, how dare their princess still have such a naughty side.

"Oh hehehehe, my wife is tough." Feng Langxiao laughed, and suddenly yelled, "Wife, what did you say? There is a man? Who, who?"

Yan Feimo looked at it funny, and "bobo" kissed An Qianxi's red lips twice in front of everyone: "I am her man!"

"Ahhh, Guan Su, my wife was taken first by this little boy, why? God, how could you treat me like this? We haven't seen each other for half a year, and my wife ran away with the boy... Guan Su, if it's a man, we two Join hands to kill this little boy—"

(End of this chapter)

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