Chapter 293
"Bah! Is it a man who wants to join hands with others?" Beata let go of his hand in disdain, and looked at him in disgust. Is this psychopath worthy of being called a man?
"You know what? Let's unite to kill the most threatening ones first, and then chase after wives according to their own abilities. This is called tactics. Do you understand tactics? You foreigner know how to play ball!" Feng Langxiao snarled and dusted Clothes, strode forward, "shaking my head" like a pug, "Honey, I really listened to you and worked hard, really. I haven't seen you for so long, do you really miss me at all? You can just scold me." Hug one, hug one..."

When Guan Su heard An Qianxi's voice that I have a man, his heart turned cold, did he lose?Did he still lose?Looking up at the two cuddling each other, it is obvious that it is a concubine's love, and I really can't catch up in the past six months.He let out a sigh in his heart, but his demeanor was still there, and he pulled away the noisy Feng Langxiao: "An'an, welcome back!"

There was a smile in An Qianxi's eyes, and she saw a bit of sadness in Guan Su's eyes. Although she hid it well, she still caught it.Greeting himself so grandly, it seems that half a year has made this cynical boy mature a lot, and he should be called a man now.With a knowing smile, he reached out and hugged Guan Su: "I'm back, thank you!"

A word of thanks, I don't know whether to thank him for coming to pick up the plane in the twelfth lunar month of winter or for his deep affection, but Guan Su understood it, this thank you came from the heart.No sympathy, no hypocrisy, frank and frank, this hug is also full of affection, and he hugged An Qianxi tightly with his backhand, silently speaking.

"It's not fair, why did he hug me or not?" Feng Langxiao was unhappy, wishing he could squat in the corner to plant mushrooms, and murmured beside the two of them aggrievedly.

"Come here!" An Qianxi rolled her eyes and chuckled, hugging the two men together in her arms, "Thank you!"

This hug completely showed her heart, friends, they can only be friends.It has nothing to do with the love between men and women, but they can still never leave.

"What are you two girls still doing there? Who hugged me and cried when I left, and refused to let me come? Now that I'm back, I'm standing like a wooden stake. Don't you welcome me?" An Qian Xi hooked her fingers at Yue Lingyi and Cheng Shishi, then glanced at the man next to them, and curled her lips, "What's the matter? This is the rhythm of men not wanting sisters? Hey, it's boring, it's really boring..."

Before they finished speaking, the two rushed over with red eyes, and Cheng Shishi thumped and thumped exaggeratedly: "Little heartless, you just forget your friends when you see sex, and you said how many times you called me in half a year ? Dare to flirt with your Earl?”

"Oh mom, Shishi girl, why do you look like you are beating a heartless man?" An Qianxi twitched the corner of her mouth, glanced at Ji Mufeng, and joked, "It's not considerate enough to dare to love someone, this girl Come to me and complain!"

Ji Mufeng smiled, and pulled Cheng Shishi who was full of tears: "Look at you, I have become that heartless person. An An, welcome back."

"Hmm!" An Qianxi shrugged her shoulders, turned her gaze to An Qianye who was tearing aside, and rushed forward quickly, "Brother!"

"Good boy!" He obviously wanted to say a lot, but when he saw someone, he didn't know how to say it. Thousands of words were turned into one word, and he raised his eyes and nodded at Yan Feimo, expressing his gratitude.

"Oh, my baby An is back. I miss my brother." Yin Hanxi stepped forward to rub An Qianxi's head without hesitation, and glanced at the stranger, "Looks like campus life is good, don't stand still We're here, let's talk when we go home."

"Come on, let's go home!"

"Honey, go to my place tomorrow, everyone is waiting for you, you understand!"

"Yes, yes, get out of here." Ming'er?I really have a lot of people to meet.

Home, it is natural to go back to Anjia.Corian and the others were brought back by An Qianxi, so they also brought them to An's house.Eric showed his true colors, and didn't intend to show up so early, and went to his previous house.This time, Yan Feimo went to An's house as a formal boyfriend for the first time.

"Girl An, grandpa misses you so much!" An Zhengpeng, who had been waiting at the gate of An's mansion, was covered in snowflakes. With tears in her eyes, she tugged An Qianxi's hand to look up and down, "Well, it really is my girl An, not thin, not thin, then grandpa can rest assured."

"Grandpa, why are you crying when I'm back? You're ashamed like a child!" An Qianxi wiped the tears off Grandpa An's face affectionately, and led them into the house, "There are not many people in cold weather. Put on some clothes and go back to the house."

"Grandpa is crying with joy, can't he?"

"Okay, okay, it would be nice to have an old urchin in our family." The grandparents and grandson said witty words, and when they passed by An Youjun, they called softly, "Dad."

"Okay, take a rest and get ready for dinner." An Youjun took the luggage and led him in.

"An, An An..." An Zihui greeted her with a smile.

Before An Qianxi could speak, Beata tilted her head. This should be the "good sister" who snatched her sister's fiance from the doll's mouth, right?With a mocking smile: "Sure enough, it's better to be famous than to meet."

"Beate, don't forget your identity." Corinne glared, as if he was teaching Beata a lesson, but the last sentence was not so polite, "Any messy person can talk to you, and you don't think it's cheap ?”

"Yes, yes, my cousin taught me a good lesson, didn't I just express my feelings?"

"What are you expressing? The guests must be conscious of the guests!"

An Qianxi almost burst out laughing, but now she knows that she is a guest?But she likes the poisonous tongue of these two people who sing together.

An Zihui's smiling face froze, and she stood there in embarrassment.Seeing a group of people chatting and laughing into the room, their fists clenched tightly, An Qianxi, you really can't stop making trouble for others as soon as you come back.

"Grandpa, these are my friends from school, Corin and Beate, they take good care of me."

"Hello, Mrs. An." The two saluted respectfully, not as mean as they were when they scolded others before.

"Okay, Miss An, thanks to your care, old man, I am very grateful. Sit down, sit down quickly, and try our Huaxia dim sum. You are welcome." Mr. An hurriedly greeted.

"You're welcome, you're welcome. I've heard the doll talk about Huaxia, so I'm going to have a good time here today. The old man doesn't care about us, we are all very casual."

"That's good, young people should be generous. The New Year is coming soon, and then let An'an show you our Chinese customs."

"Yeah, I heard that the Chinese New Year is very lively, so I can see it this time."

"Then you will not be disappointed."

"Old man, are you still in good health?" Yan Feimo spoke next to An Qianxi in harmony, as casually as if at home, and poured the teapot on the table for old man An like a master cup of tea.

(End of this chapter)

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