The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 299 You Take Another Step and Try

Chapter 299 You Take Another Step and Try (2)
Three years ago, An Qianxi had fully integrated into the Torredo tribe, and formed a watchful alliance with several other peace-loving blood tribes, completely adapting to the life of the blood tribe.It was also in this temporary relatively harmonious situation that he was keenly aware that someone was secretly spying on him.

One semester before graduation, Jin Xina had already completed her credits, and followed An Qianxi's arrangement to go to Huaxia ahead of schedule. An Qianxi was the only one left in the dormitory.

It was a cold winter night, and there was heavy snow falling in the sky. As a blood clan, An Qianxi was naturally not afraid of the cold, but the fireplace was still burning brightly.In the warm room, An Qianxi made herself a cup of coffee in her pajamas, turned on the computer and the Yuelingyi video, and listened to the various developments of the Mu family during these times.

The cold wind howled, and the branches creaked, casting swaying tree shadows in front of the window.An Qianxi sat by the window, drank coffee, listened to the report, and joked a few words from time to time, which was very pleasant.Suddenly he paused his hand, frowned slightly, and turned his head to look out of the window. Apart from the flying snow and the swaying branches, where was there a single figure?
An Qianxi shook her head, was it an illusion?But why do you feel that your back is burning hot from being stared at?
"Miss An, what's the matter with you?" Yue Lingyi in the video asked with concern.

An Qianxi turned her gaze to the screen, and smiled slightly: "It's nothing, it's just that the wind outside is a little strong, and it's snowing heavily, and the branches are broken, don't worry."

"Miss An, how lonely are you living alone now? Mr. Yan should feel distressed..."

"You girl, take care of yourself, don't gossip about me." An Qianxi flicked Yue Lingyi's forehead on the screen, "It's almost the day, I'm going to bed."

"Good night, Miss An."

"Bye!" An Qianxi waved her hand and closed the computer.

Yan Feimo did say that he wanted her to move in and live with him, but he didn't agree, at least she wouldn't agree until Yan Feimo confessed.

here we go again?An Qianxi turned her head suddenly, her eyes stopped on the big tree not far from the window, no one?I have always been alert, and I feel that I have never made a mistake. Someone was there before.It's just... is it an enemy or a friend?I haven't found any malice for the time being, could it be Yan Feimo?
He remembered that two years ago he talked with him as an earl, and that was the last time the two talked face to face. The only person who stayed with him in the past two years was Yan Feimo's public identity.Is that guy who dares to explain himself to himself?Fool!

An Qianxi cursed in a low voice, angry and funny, saying that women's minds are difficult to understand, but in her opinion, men's minds are numb and cannot be solved.

Thinking about this, he rejected that the peeping person was Yan Feimo. After all, he didn't need to be so sneaky. When did he not sneak into the room and get under the bed?Isn't it silly to peek in snowdrifts on a cold day?Then who else?Since I don't feel any malice for the time being, just let nature take its course, there will always be a time to meet.Thinking about it this way, I got into bed and fell asleep.

"What a sharp woman!" The man who was spying on the big tree had already drifted away when An Qianxi cast her second glance, stepping on the snow without a trace, and pulled down the brim of his hat a little bit in the cold wind, "An Qianxi Xi? Interesting!"

Since then, An Qianxi felt that she was being followed all the time, as silent as a ghost, which made her a little restless.She used to be the one who stalked others, and for the first time in her life, she felt uneasy, and it was naturally mixed with a little bit of unhappiness.

It was another cold night, and the lingering man seemed to be more and more unscrupulous. The hotness of his back made An Qianxi furious, pretending to turn over, and threw out the dagger that was close to him.

With a sound of "Kang Dang", the glass shattered in response, and a black shadow flew out quickly, leaving only a deep and slightly teasing male voice: "The dagger is good!"

The voice sounded familiar. An Qianxi didn't have time to think about it. The dagger was Yan Feimo's first gift. She grabbed her coat and jumped out of the window. Two figures flew past one after the other.

The man's speed was astonishing. An Qianxi used the instinct of a vampire, and the speed can be imagined.And that man was able to remain calm under such a pursuit, obviously he was quite capable.

When he came to the woods, the man stopped and stood with his back, his black cloak fluttering in the cold wind.An Qianxi glanced around vigilantly, is there an ambush?

"Your Excellency Yingwei is tall and straight, but he has the habit of peeping at beautiful women when he doesn't want to. This is a disease and needs to be cured!"

"Smart teeth!" The man chuckled lightly, playing with the dagger in his hand, "What a wonderful idea."

"Your Excellency, are you shameless or do you think you are cute because you didn't take the medicine today?" Was she boasting about her dagger at this moment?With a movement of his body, "You can't just take things that are not yours. Didn't your mother teach you how to pick up money? Come on!"

"Oh? Didn't you give it to me?" The man turned sideways, turned his wrist several times, and the cold light of the dagger was extremely bright under the moonlight.

"Sure enough, there is no tutoring to speak of. My sister will teach you the principles of life today!" While speaking, she walked around behind the man, put one hand on the man's shoulder, and pressed down hard.

The man's shoulders trembled, and the strong airflow made An Qianxi's palms slightly numb. If she was an ordinary person, she would have let go of her hands long ago.But instead of not doing it, An Qianxi clenched her fingers even tighter.I saw the two of them going forward and back, left and right, but the hand on the man's shoulder never let go.

The man's eyes flickered, this move... suddenly turned around, and met An Qianxi's eyes, but one had an alluring face without any cover, while the other wore half a mask.

"Who are you?" The man's heart was shocked by the sharp eyes. There was once a man with such eyes who raised his hand to lock An Qianxi's throat when he asked.

An Qianxi raised her plain hand lightly, and the two of them did a few tricks with one hand: "Your Excellency's question is really funny, if you don't know who I am, why do you haunt me every day?"

After punching and kicking, no one got cheap, but the tricks were exactly the same.An Qianxi groaned in her heart, and at that moment, she wrapped one hand around the man's arm, and snatched the dagger from the man's hand with the other, raising her eyes and laying the dagger across the man's neck.

Staring at the man's black eyes, this look... seems familiar, and this outfit, could it be, could it be him?
Suddenly, he remembered the man in his previous life, the mysterious man who saved him when he was most desperate and desperate. He was also a teacher and friend, and also the supreme leader of the mercenary group—KING!

No one knew his real name or how old he was, but he taught him all his skills, and he treated him very well since he was a child, as if he was his daughter.There are so many children in the mercenary regiment, but Xu himself is the only one who calls him "jue" presumptuously, which should be one of the words in his name.

Thinking of this, An Qianxi was a little dazed, and the dagger wrapped around the man's neck loosened.But at this moment, a sniper shot came from behind, so fast that she had no time to move, so she could only instinctively turn her body a little bit.The man in front of him suddenly stared, with complex emotions in his eyes that she couldn't see clearly, but she understood one thing, there was a hint of distress and anger in those eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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