The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 300 You Take Another Step and Try

Chapter 300 You Take Another Step and Try (3)
It seemed that the one who felt distressed was himself, and the one who was angry should be the one who put the sniper in the face.

In the blink of an eye, the man waved his hand, and a strong air current deviated from the trajectory of some bullets.At this moment, a figure leaped quickly from far to near.

As the bullet approached An Qianxi, a golden light overflowed from An Qianxi's chest, and the invisible air current shocked the man in front of him to retreat three feet in an instant, and the bullet also changed direction in an instant, while the man who came after him had already stretched out his hand and approached her. If he hit a bullet, he would be shocked by the airflow, coupled with the rebound of the bullet, there would be a blood hole in his chest.


"grown ups--"

A few figures suddenly appeared, and the man who had retreated before frowned and flicked his cloak: "Let's go!"

Just before leaving, she took another look at An Qianxi.

After An Qianxi was stunned, she turned her head and looked behind her, Yan Feimo?To protect Yan Feimo as an earl?Yan Feimo, who took a bullet for himself?

Seeing An Qianxi who was safe and sound, Yan Feimo felt relieved, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "It's good that you're fine."

However, the smoke from his chest, the bleeding wound and his staggered figure indicated that he was seriously injured, but Yan Feimo didn't take it seriously, covered his wound and turned around: "I'm back!"

"You dare to go!" An Qianxi's heart throbbed suddenly, and her eyes turned red unexpectedly. She, who never knew what tears were, shed two lines of hot tears at this very moment.

Yan Feimo paused for a second, and continued walking as if he didn't hear it.

"Yan Feimo, can you take another step?" The threat came with a crying voice, An Qianxi rushed up and hugged Yan Feimo who was stiff from behind, "Idiot, big idiot! You How long are you going to keep it from me?"

Yan Feimo didn't move, or to be precise, he didn't dare to move, and his mind was a little dazed.What did she just call herself?She knows everything?
Yan Feimo mechanically turned his head: "You..."

"I know, I know everything, I've been waiting for you to tell me, but what's wrong with you? Dare you do it or not? "

"You, aren't you angry?" You shouldn't be angry if you hug yourself like this and cry bitterly, right?
"Of course I'm angry..."

"An, Miss An, the master is seriously injured, should I..." Fearing that An Qianxi would be really angry and delay the diagnosis and treatment, Xiu Luomei hurriedly pulled off her veil and reminded her.

"Hmph! You are all in the same group, unite to lie to me!" An Qianxi walked up to Yan Feimo, glanced at the bleeding wound, "It deserves it!"

The words were harsh, but he put Yan Feimo's arm on his shoulders: "Aren't you going? I'll dig you out even if you die to make you feel uneasy!"

"Qianqian..." With a hint of sweetness in his heart, Yan Feimo smirked.

"shut up!"

Quickly came to Yan Feimo's manor, at this time Yan Feimo had fallen into a coma.

"Sister Mei, he, he..." The situation is not good, An Qianxi is in a hurry, she still has a lot of questions to say, "Yan Feimo, do you dare to die? Open your eyes for me, Otherwise, I don't want you!"

The corner of Shura Mei's mouth twitched, obviously she felt sorry for her master, so she didn't bring such a threat.

As if hearing An Qianxi's call, Yan Feimo opened his eyes with difficulty, and Shu Luomei immediately stepped forward: "Miss An, don't worry, this situation is indeed serious, but it should not be hit completely, let's come."

"Chu Wu, quickly show me the exact location of the bullet." Yasha hurriedly pushed Chu Wu forward.

Chu Wu, who has a clairvoyant eye, is the doctor of the Flying Eagle. He came here non-stop when he learned that his master was injured. After hearing this, he hurried forward to check.

"How is it? How is the master?"

Chu Wu breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's just that it grazed the heart, because the bullet has been specially treated, so it is close to the heart, so there will be such a reaction. I will take the bullet out immediately, it will be really bad if it is too late .”

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, he started the operation while talking, concentrating on it and not daring to be careless.Fortunately, Yan Feimo has a special status. If he was an ordinary person, he would not be able to do the operation without tossing all night. With the clairvoyance of the fifth day of junior high school and superb medical skills, the bullet was taken out and bandaged in less than half an hour.

"When will you wake up?" An Qianxi asked, staring at Yan Feimo, who was covered in cold sweat and had his eyes closed.

"Returning to Miss An, the master's body is strong, and he can wake up in less than 10 minutes."

"That's good!" An Qianxi breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again, "Do you need any special care? Tell me, I'll take care of him."

"Uh..." Chuwu paused, not knowing how to speak.

"Is hesitating a man? Tell me!"

"Master has lost a lot of blood, if he can wake up..."

"Is it blood? I have it. I am also a half-blood. It should be better than other blood. Go out, I am here."

When An Qianxi said this, everyone's eyes turned hot, and they knelt down on one knee: "Thank you Miss An, then let's go out first."

Master, you did not love the wrong person!At first, I thought it was not worth it for you to block this shot for Miss An, but Miss An didn't hesitate to give you blood, and she had you in her heart, we were overthinking.

Within 10 minutes, Yan Feimo woke up, and the first thing he saw when he woke up was An Qianxi's anxious eyes, and those soft and boneless little hands were holding his big hand tightly.

"It's really strong!" Woke up early, in good health.An Qianxi was relieved, raised her hand and bit her wrist, bringing it to Yan Feimo's lips.

"Qianqian?" What is this for?
"Damn it, my mother's blood is not for wasting, hurry up and replenish the blood!" An Qianxi rolled her eyes and forced her wrist to gag Yan Feimo's mouth.

Yan Feimo stared straight at An Qianxi, hesitant to speak, and finally hugged An Qianxi's wrist and began to suck blood.

The sweet blood flowed down the throat, and the limbs felt extremely refreshed. In an instant, he felt full of blood and revived. Finally, he lightly licked his tongue, picked up the gauze beside her and wrapped it around An Qianxi's wrist.

"This is enough?"

"Enough!" How could he be willing to drink her blood?
An Qianxi glanced up and down, it was amazing, she was dying just now, but now she is full of energy?Flicking the tip of his nose lightly with his fingers, he gave a sly smile: "Are you refreshed?"


"Okay, then it's time to settle the score. Say, why approach me with a different identity?"

Yan Feimo's scalp was numb, he came, and finally asked.With a dry cough, he said, "Actually, I really didn't mean it."

"Is that intentional? If you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, I will never end with you!"

"Uh... I was Yan Feimo when I met you, but at that time you were human, so I couldn't just tell you that I was a vampire, right?" Yan Feimo smiled wryly, "You suffered from the capital robbery?" Injury, I was by my side during the operation, and I noticed the difference at that time. Remember when you got the dagger and cut your hand? But it healed in an instant, which confirmed my thoughts. The so-called giving you Some ingredients are added to your soup to cure your blood addiction."

(End of this chapter)

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