The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 301 You Take Another Step and Try

Chapter 301 You Take Another Step and Try (4)
"Damn, no wonder no one else can make that taste." This guy has done so much without telling himself.

"Li Canrong has always held a grudge against you, and even hired a killer to kill you, and you had just transformed at that time, and you also had doubts about your own identity. If something happened, I had to show up as a blood clan. Remember that Did you suck my blood at night?"

An Qianxi rolled her eyes, well, she did hug him that day, but that's not called sucking, right?Didn't you just bite the tip of your tongue and let yourself taste a little bit?

"The blood race is only convincing to the blood race, so I approached you logically as an earl, and explained to you some precautions for the blood race, so I achieved the situation of my two identities." Yan Feimo shrugged. I really didn't mean to say, "Later you had doubts about my identity, Yan Feimo, and secretly investigated Gu Zirui. At that time, Shura reminded me that you mistook Gu Zirui for me. Seriously, I was forgetting to return home that day. Seeing you pouring on Gu Zirui deliberately made me feel bad. After the audition, you said in front of me that you would check it out yourself, so I kept silent and let you do as you like, but I have a deliberate intention Just to give you a hint, do you remember my red eyes in the MV?"

As the words fell, the blue eyes gradually turned blood red.

"You you you..." An Qianxi's pupils shrank. Is he that little boy?No, when I saw that child, it was a matter of my previous life, how could he know?My heart tightened, and I covered my mouth, could it be that...

"Su Qian, it was you who woke me up when I was 12 years old, because your words 'you are not a monster' made me who I am today. I thought I would never see you again, but I didn't expect that in the subway station you I passed by, and although I didn't recognize you at that time, I was very impressed with the name Blood Fox. That night, I saw you fall with my own eyes, and I felt sorry for it." Yan Feimo took a deep breath , chuckled, "I didn't expect good fortune to trick people, and you actually resurrected with a dead body. This is the heaven's kindness to me!"

"You, you, how do you know I'm not An Qianxi?"

"I never cared who An Qianxi was, but your appearance made me inexplicably familiar. This is what people say is God's will in the dark. I have already noticed the difference between you and An Qianxi, and I also know that at that time You lived with her in one body. You came back from the dead during the capital robbery. I was afraid that the body was not you. Then you woke up and said something evil to me, and I was at ease. After the parachute jump, Zhang Donglai was also there, so I would I think you must have thought up a complete plan to seize the house, and it turns out that you succeeded." Yan Feimo smiled happily, grabbed An Qianxi and pressed it into his arms, "I finally completely I can hold you with your own soul!"

"Wait, wait, even if you know that I'm not An Qianxi, how can you be sure that I'm Su Qian's?" Lying in Yan Feimo's arms for a while, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "You, you were the one who picked up the trash that night. Your old woman made you suspicious?"

"Yes, I heard all the conversations between you and her, and I have already confirmed that you are her daughter. Then I conducted an investigation and found that woman to confront her. She recognized your childhood photos at a glance. In order to confirm that the blood fox is Su Qian, I also showed her the photos of you before you were alive. She was not sure at first glance, but she was sure when she saw your birthmark. At that time, I was completely sure of your identity. You are Su Qian."

An Qianxi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly took a strange look, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Yan Feimo immediately hugged him tightly, and said eagerly: "Qianqian, I just admire Su Qian. You don't think I like Su Qian from before, do you? When I accidentally found out that you were Su Qian, I was very glad. I was glad that I could get to know you and get close to you. I was glad that I could fall in love with the reborn you. You are not your own substitute. You, your soul. So, do you understand?"

"Uh..." An Qianxi's face turned red, as if she was ashamed and a little annoyed at being exposed, "I understand."

"Qianqian, I have no choice but to play two roles for one person, and the further you get to the back, the harder it is to open your mouth. When I heard you admit that you like Yan Feimo in front of me, I was both happy and entangled. I couldn't sleep that night. , I'm jealous, I'm jealous. I wanted to tell you everything, but I just didn't dare to speak. Eric's words have been echoing in my mind. I'm really afraid that if I say it, I will really hurt you. Losing you like that, I would rather just stay with you as Yan Feimo. Before I swore to say something in front of Eric, I have enough confidence to make you fall in love with two of me, because you are different from other women. Same, I won't be sad about such a thing. But when I really face your deep affection for Yan Feimo, I am timid. It is probably the so-called worry about gains and losses, so I choose to continue to hide it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, please forgive me Okay? Huh?"

" you think you can hide this kind of thing for a lifetime? I am a vampire, and now vampires are full of disputes. There is no guarantee that there will be a day when you and I will not meet. At that time, do you want to avoid me too?"

"It's not avoiding it, but continuing to guard it as your shadow guard, just like today. It won't destroy your relationship with Yan Feimo..."

"Are you a pig? Do you really think that Yan Feimo is someone else? Are you having a cramp?" An Qianxi was amused, and she touched Yan Feimo's forehead with her index finger unceremoniously, "Then Have you ever thought about your identity as a mortal, Yan Feimo? As a mortal, you have to experience birth, old age, sickness and death, the question is can you grow old?"

"Ahem...that's not a problem. Since I want to be with you forever, I will naturally choose to be your kind. When the time comes, you can transform me..." The more she spoke, the softer she was, secretly checking An Qianxi's expression.

"Yo drink, Ganqing is thoughtful, isn't it?"

"Hey! You're still angry—"

"Damn, the anger is only temporary. Since I know it all, and I'm still with you, I will recognize you. I've been waiting for you to confess to me. You're better, be a shadow to protect me? Why are you so rude? Believe in yourself? Aren't you a charismatic earl who can take all men, women, and children? You think me so low?"

"No no……"

"No you don't say it? Apart from concealing me, have you ever done anything to be sorry for me? No! Who is it that silently relieved my blood addiction and kept me from suffering? It was you! Seeing that I was in danger, I was desperate to protect me Who is it? Or you! Since you are doing everything for me, can I give up on you because of a little concealment? Who do you think I am? You really..."

Yan Feimo's heart was surging, he was so excited that he couldn't express it, he opened his mouth and kissed the delicate red lips, tossing and turning.

(End of this chapter)

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