The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 306 Marriage Proposal

Chapter 306 Marriage Proposal (2)

"Absolute! Call me Absolute!"

"Stop! You know I don't like people getting too close to me..."

"Others?" Jue's lips tugged lightly, and instead of retreating, he grabbed An Qianxi's wrist and put it in his arms, lowered his head so close to the tip of his nose, and said with a hint of temptation, "Susu, am I someone else? When I was a child You slept in my arms..."

"You said you were a child, and I know you loved me like your own daughter, but I'm a big girl now, right? Even a daughter, don't you have to avoid suspicion when you grow up?" An Qianxi put her hands together with a dry smile On the chest of Jue.

"Daughter?" As if he had heard some joke, he glanced at the little hand on his chest, "Do you feel the heat in my chest? Will father be distracted by his daughter's approaching?"

"That's why it's more important to avoid suspicion..." An Qianxi immediately withdrew her hand, but Jue grabbed it and pressed it tightly to his heart.

"Don't say you and I have no blood relationship, even if you are really my daughter, if I like it, so what?"

I go!Perverted, perverted, why didn't she know that he was so perverted?I couldn't help but stand on end, I really shouldn't have come here so recklessly today.

"Did you follow me because of Yan Feimo?" Yan Feimo said that he had fought against him before.And Jue's temper, even if she can't figure it out ten points, she still understands eight points. It's rare to meet an equal opponent and she will never let it go easily, so it is logical to know herself.In other words, if he wasn't Su Qian, he would probably be the target he used to threaten Yan Feimo, right?At least the ambush in the woods can explain everything.

"After all, it's the person I like. Even if I don't say anything, you can understand. You are the only one who can understand me so well in this world. A thousand gold is easy to get, but a confidant is hard to find. If you say you are like this, I will Can you let go?"

"That means you admit that you wanted to use me to threaten Yan Feimo?"

"Ben? You used the word "Ben." Jue Xiexie smiled, as if the word "Ben" made him feel elated, "It seems that you don't understand my affection for you. Yes, because it's you, I can't bear it." .You see that nothing has changed here, because I have been waiting for you. You can come back, it means that you have me in your heart. No matter what your purpose is, don’t leave when you come back, and be my bride! I have waited for this day for too long , I originally planned to give you a surprise after the task that night, even the auditorium was decorated, but I didn't expect... I have always regarded you as a gift from heaven, my baby, and now you are back Come to me, that is God's will. No matter what you become, in my eyes, you will always be my only Susu, and you are my destined bride. Marry me!"

After finishing speaking, she knelt down on one knee and took off her tail ring: "Look, these two rings have been worn on my ring finger and little finger, and this pair of rings are my parents' wedding rings. From now on, daughter Jie can finally be handed over to its mistress!"

Fuck me!Please, please marry me?If one was a little surprised to see his own dead body, then the sudden proposal of marriage made people feel horrified.An Qianxi never expected that she would be proposed to the man Yan Feimo thought, and this man was also her "father" who raised her up since she was a child.

An Qianxi was caught off guard, and immediately jumped three feet away in shock, looking at the man kneeling on one knee with the ring in his hand like a ghost.

"Is it too sudden?" A glint of light flashed in Jue's eyes, he hid his displeasure, got up and walked in front of An Qianxi, and without a word, he was about to put the ring on that delicate ring finger, "Anyway, we If you have enough time, I will let you get back your past feelings one by one."

Can this ring be accepted?Of course it is impossible.An Qianxi bent her finger, and the ring got stuck on the phalange: "Hehe, so you are quite humorous, this joke is..."

"Susu, for disobedient people, I think you are very clear about what will happen, right?" Jue smiled, but she was utterly threatening, but she gently flattened her bent fingers with one hand, and then spoke softly. In a soft voice, "but you are Susu, I will only love you and pet you. I treat you so well, do you have to be as good as before? You never rejected me, didn't you? In the past, It's no different now, is it? Look, it's just the right size, and it's so pretty!"

Speaking of putting her big hand next to An Qianxi's for comparison, she smiled and said, "It's a good match, isn't it?"

If it was before, even though An Qianxi was at a loss, she would still feel a little sweet in her heart, after all, she was someone she had always looked up to.But today is different from the past, she already has Yan Feimo in her heart, Jue's confession and forced marriage seem crazy in her eyes, so crazy that she is a little scared.

Calm down, the more calm you have to be at this time!Since it was a wrong decision to come here alone, it has to be corrected, and the 36 plan is the best plan.But how?With a good look, there is it!

An Qianxi turned her head and hooked her hands, her eyebrows were affectionate, and she was shy: "Is it really a joke?"

An Qianxi is too aware of the lethality of this body to a man. Not to mention a frown and a smile, even standing still like a piece of wood has the ability to attract bees and butterflies.And the most important thing is obedience, because he is special to himself, he will not let go of a beauty trick.

"I never tell lies." The seductive fragrance came, and the eyes of the sweetheart were as charming as silk, and they softened their eyes unexpectedly, and put their big hands around An Qianxi's waist, pulling the figure closer to him Kind of, "Marry me!"

An Qianxi lowered her head, drew small circles on Jue's chest with one hand, and pouted her small mouth coquettishly: "It's too sudden, I'm not mentally prepared at all, can you let me digest and calm down?"

"Yes!" Jue smiled, and lifted An Qianxi's chin with her fingertips, "Give me an answer tomorrow, don't make me wait too long."

Seeing that the kiss was about to fall, An Qianxi giggled and covered her mouth, and glanced at the crystal coffin beside her: "Although that is me, don't you think it's quite a spoiler? Let's go see the sea, shall we?" ?”

Jue Dan glanced at the crystal coffin, pulled An Qianxi's hand down, rather indifferently, and kissed persistently: "Be a witness in front of yourself, this kiss is yours and my kiss of love!"

An Qianxi smiled and turned her head, and pressed her hands again: "It's itchy! I'm right in front of you, what more do I need an empty shell to witness? The waves, the sun, the beach, the blue sky, white clouds, green mountains and green trees are the only ones that count." The heaven and the earth are the matchmaker, I am a Chinese, why don't you come and experience our Chinese style?"

As he said that, he turned around and took Jue's hand, smiled playfully, and shook his strong arm coquettishly: "How about it! Don't you like me? I just ask you for such a small..."

"Okay, let's experience your Huaxia folk customs!" Jue chuckled, but brought An Qianxi back.

(End of this chapter)

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