The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 307 Marriage Proposal

Chapter 307 Marriage Proposal (3)
"Well, I know you love me." An Qianxi didn't struggle anymore, although she felt that the big hands on her waist made her uncomfortable.

Jue hugged An Qianxi and walked out, but her eyes turned cold.Susu, you have never bothered to use a beauty trick, and you have never used a beauty trick to anyone.Today, for the first time in history, she hugged her body?Can't you see my sincerity?It has changed, it has changed, your heart is already too far away from me.But... It's the first time I've seen you so cutely smiling, showing the beauty of a woman in such a variety of ways, even if there are other purposes, I can't help but get caught up in it.Fortunately, fortunately, this kind of beauty is used on her body, if someone else...others?Yan Feimo?My hands tightened suddenly, as long as I keep you by my side, my heart will come back sooner or later.

The two walked towards the seaside "Qingqing, me, me", but An Qianxi was preoccupied with planning the next step.

While An Qianxi was dealing with Jue, Yan Feimo had arrived in this sea area.As soon as the speedboat stopped, Yan Feimo couldn't help sighing at the man's wonderful thoughts, and at the same time he was feeling overwhelmed.The little cat is so brave that he went to the island alone?Was she too confident in herself or was she underestimating the man?Fortunately, this little cat still knows how to leave a way for himself, so he glanced at the note in his hand, a coordinate and a string of spells.

"Qianqian, you are such a headache!" Yan Feimo sighed, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"My lord, there is indeed a curse here." A woman with big waves came along, and she must have said something while looking at the sea in front of her.

"Go to the island!" Yan Feimo had nothing else to say, and muttered silently, the scene in front of him changed suddenly, it was really strange.

The moment he stepped ashore, Yan Feimo caught sight of two figures moving from far to near, and dodged to hide behind a rock.But the fists are clenched tightly, that man hugs Qianqian?chop hands!
"My lord..." The woman obviously also saw this scene, and raised her eyes to see Yan Feimo's face was livid, and shut her mouth wisely.

"Act by chance!"


On the other side, An Qianxi suddenly sprained her foot and fell to one side.

"Be careful!" Jue's eyes were full of teasing light.

One is leaning back and the other is leaning forward. No matter how you look at the picture, it is so "tender and sweet", it is an eyesore!
An Qianxi laughed dryly, and glanced at her eyes: "Look, that tree has grown up!"

An Qianxi raised her hand and pointed, she turned around and was about to break free from her embrace.The corners of Jue's lips hooked slightly, and he grabbed An Qianxi's hand and walked forward: "This is how I held you when I was young. You have an old saying: hold your hand and grow old together, right?"

Emma!I really never forget to be affectionate at all times, but what should I do if she can't bear it?
An Qianxi raised her eyes and smiled: "That's really slick."

Jue raised An Qianxi's hand and took a look: "It's us."

Mushy! Mushy!
When the two came to the tree, An Qianxi glanced at the hands they held: "I want to hug it. I planted this tree with my own hands, and it has grown so big now."

"Hmm!" Jue finally let go, and leaned his back against the tree trunk, the meaning was obvious, let's hug me too.

The corner of An Qianxi's mouth twitched, and she consciously opened her arms and embraced Jue together.

There was nothing to say for a while, just quietly feeling the weird tenderness.Jue naturally hugged An Qianxi tightly, and after a long while, she suddenly said: "Susu, it would be great if you were sincere."

An Qianxi's heart clicked?Dare to be seen through?Then he has been playing with me for so long?Turning around, someone grabbed his wrist, and a small bottle suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Jeez, let me go!" An Qianxi no longer pretended, her face turned cold.

"Why?" Jue glanced at the porcelain bottle, what's in it?Looking up, "Is this used against me?"

"No, you have done me a favor, and I will not repay the favor." At least not for the time being, I just treat it as my own to repay the favor.If you become an enemy of yourself in the future, then I will be sorry.

"You still remember." Jue chuckled lightly, with a touch of sarcasm, and exerted all his strength, but the person in front of him remained motionless.The eyes flickered slightly, and suddenly softened, "Susu, do you have me in your heart? I want your truth!"

"True words are often not so pleasant."

"Then you better stop talking..."

"No, I want to say." An Qianxi's eyes were firm, without fear and absolute defiance, "I respect and love you, but this kind of love has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women. I admit that in the past, yes, in the past, I respect you For God, I regard you as the only man in this world. Youth may have ignorance, but it’s just ignorance. I was so ignorant that I was buried in the dark night without knowing my own mind.”

"Really?" Jueyang showed a bright smile and took a step forward, "It's not too late, God sent you to me again to let us continue our relationship. You were ignorant before, but now I can teach you ..."

"It's late!" An Qianxi took a step back and shook her head, "I now clearly understand what I want. I have someone I like. No, I have a lover. He taught me what love is. Absolutely, see me now Does it look like that? I am An Qianxi, not Su Qian anymore..."

"No, you are Susu, even if you change your skin, your soul will always be my Susu!"

"You are wrong, my soul has changed, I have become more humane, I am no longer that cold-blooded, ruthless, murderous blood fox, and I am no longer the only Susu in your eyes. Absolutely, Let the past go, don't you be happy for me that I have a new life?"

"I can't pass it! I won't allow it to pass! I am naturally happy about your new life, because your new life is my new life. My heart beats for you again, and my blood boils for you again. I have already lost once. , you are right in front of my eyes, do you still want me to lose it again? I don't allow it, and I can't bear it!"

"You—" An Qianxi shook her hand, but couldn't break free, her wrist hurt, "Don't force me, I don't want to fight with you."

"I've never been a gentleman, even if I break your wings, I won't let you go!"

"Absolutely, let me tell you the truth. I came here just to make sure. I'll forget it when I see you. I also want to tell you that I really don't want to be your enemy. However, if you insist on And for..."

"Really?" Jue twitched the corners of his mouth, his eyes gradually turned flat, "It seems that your camp and mine are different, what should we do?"

Yuluo grabbed An Qianxi's hand and pulled it into her arms.

An Qianxi turned around and slammed the elbow of the other hand. She raised her hand to block it, and smiled lightly: "I'll just check and accept your achievements over the past few years to see if you've improved!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the two fought.

"grown ups……"

(End of this chapter)

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