The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 311: Island War

Chapter 311: Island War (4)
"Miss An, please!"

After the words fell, the stealth team marched towards the building.

The sea breeze blew the waves, the waves hit the rocks, and the water splashed in all directions. The two teams were spread out and faced each other by the sea.

"Yan Feimo, oh no, Earl, it's not polite to mobilize people to break into my island." Figes smiled leisurely, but the smile didn't come into his eyes, and he spoke first.

Sure enough, he really knew himself.

Yan Feimo raised his eyes, and glanced at the other party with the corners of his lips slightly hooked: "Prince Figers, my good uncle, I am really flattered that you greeted me in such a big way."

"Papa" applause, Figgers smiled and said: "It really is my good nephew, it is interesting to know my identity so quickly."

Figes had already scanned the crowd a few times while speaking, Susu wasn't there?Brow slightly wrinkled.

"Uncle, what are you looking for?" Yan Feimo knew it well, and then chuckled, "My own woman protects herself, so naturally she won't be involved in a man's battlefield, don't you think so?"

"You don't know Susu too well. She is not a weak woman who hides behind a man and seeks protection!" Fei Gesi's eyes darkened, feeling very upset in his heart, and at the same time felt sorry for An Qianxi, this is the man she fell in love with ?That's all, "What she wants is someone who walks side by side with him, you are not worthy!"

Figers was right, Yan Feimo naturally knew An Qianxi, otherwise he wouldn't have split up.On the contrary, Fei Gesi's words made him look at him with admiration, and at the same time, he was glad that he had the unique An Qianxi in this world.

"Whether you deserve it or not is up to you. Qianqian loves me, so she can understand my hard work."

"You!" Figgers looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "You want to provoke me? But I won't accept your methods of provocation. But——since you're here, save your life!"

At the end of the sentence, a group of witches took the lead, chanting silently, and the invisible pressure rushed towards them like an invisible high wall.Yan Feimo naturally has his own group of witches, and without him asking, the witches here have also started fighting.

There was only a loud noise, and a bright light flashed in the air between the two opposing forces. It was the spark of the collision of two forces, and a large crater suddenly appeared in the beach, and the dust was flying.

Immediately afterwards, two tornadoes formed of yellow sand intertwined in the open space, you advance and retreat, you retreat and advance, without giving in, even the air becomes thinner.

It seems that the situation is evenly matched, but the next moment, the situation changes suddenly.Dark clouds filled the sky, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, the waves got higher and higher, and the wind howled. If anyone saw it, this devastating prospect would be regarded as a science fiction film.

"Father, the witch you brought is really good." Yan Feimo admired sincerely. Sophia was already considered a strong one among the witches, but I didn't expect that the one brought by my father was even more powerful. After all, it was Jiang who was so old.

"Hehe, yours is not bad either. Sophia is considered the best among the younger generation."

The sky was full of gunpowder smoke, and the father and son were gossiping.If Oster hadn't changed his outfit and lowered his head to hide in the crowd, wouldn't Figes not be able to see it?In fact, I didn't expect my half-brother to appear here.

While the two were talking, the battle ended, and the sea was calm for a moment, as if everything just now was just an illusion or the weather on the sea was changing, and everything would be fine if the sky cleared.

In Yan Feimo's place, the five witches were just sweating profusely. On the other hand, in Figes' side, two of them had already fallen to the ground, the corners of their mouths were flushed, and it was clear at a glance whether they were high or low.

Figes only glanced at them briefly. He was very clear about the capabilities of his group of witches, and they were definitely not bad. But he never expected that Yan Feimo would be so powerful, which was really impressive.He raised his eyes and glanced at Yan Feimo's group of witches, Isabel?She is here!She wasn't... There was a thump in her heart, and she turned her gaze.

"Are you looking for me?" The teasing male voice sounded out, not to find fault, but to reminisce about the old days.Auston took a step forward and spread his hands, "You and my brother haven't seen each other for many years, not to mention tears of excitement, there should be a hug, right? Or are you too happy to be silly?"

"O, Auston?" Figgers took a step back, unable to believe what he saw, even his voice trembled a little, why did he come?Could it be... not good.

Figgers secretly hated himself for being careless, so he said how could Su Qian not be there?It turned out, it turned out to be to tune the tiger away from the mountain.He turned around decisively but was blocked by someone.

"Ferges, where are you going?"

"I don't have time to catch up with you now!" Figes raised his hand and waved a stream of air mercilessly.

Auston turned around and stood in front of Figes again, with a half-smile, but his eyes dimmed: "You look like this, I will think you have done something shameful, be honest and be lenient!"

"Don't use your big brother's tone to teach me, I am no longer the little boy who revolves around you."

"Oh, so you still remember that I'm your big brother, and you used to circle around me?" Alston clamped Figgers' wrist, "Then let's do two tricks? Let's see if you really surpassed me!"

While talking, the two exchanged hands. At the same time, under An Qianxi's instructions, a group of people walked into the building with ease, and quietly put down the guards.

"Hehe, it's good to be invisible." A proud female voice floated in the air.

"Miss An, what's the matter? We supernatural beings are nothing but a fart by your side. I, who can be invisible, have to drink potions. I really don't dare to be complacent."

"Well..." An Qianxi chuckled a few times, "It's okay, it's okay, although your ability is invalid in front of me, but your advantage is that you are on the same side as me."

"That is, this is our greatest advantage. Miss An, with you here, we are invincible. Why don't we beat them to pieces today? Oh heh heh heh..."

"Okay, the laboratory is ahead, let's make a quick decision."

There were only human voices but no shadows. An Qianxi had already arrived at the door of the laboratory.

"Password password..." An Qianxi was worried, "Yasha, can you solve it?"

"On the tenth day, come and decode."

"It's coming." Feeling a cool breeze, Chu Shi picked up the decoding tool, "Miss An, wait, I will solve it as soon as possible."

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so take your time." An Qianxi chuckled, "I said, Yan Feimo gave you all your names?"


"He's so worry-free. Is it his bad taste or his laziness? You've been lined up like this since the first day of junior high school?"

"The first day, the fifth day, the tenth day, the middle of the month, and the New Year's Eve." In order not to affect the action on the tenth day, Yasha explained.

"I'll go. Are there any names of festivals such as Qingming, Lantern Festival and Spring Festival?" An Qianxi stroked her forehead.

"Uh... Ching Ming Festival is bad luck, adults choose all auspicious festivals." Apparently Lantern Festival is among them.

(End of this chapter)

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