The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 312 The First Tears

Chapter 312 The First Tears (1)
"Well, I was defeated by your master, and he can figure it out."

"Isn't it? We were also defeated by the master. The master's brain circuit is different from that of ordinary people, and he never plays cards according to common sense. Miss An, do you understand our difficulties?"

"Tsk tsk, talking about your master behind his back is not afraid of him getting mad?"

"No way, master can read minds. We are all transparent people in front of master. We don't even dare to think about it. We can only complain behind our backs, otherwise we won't be able to live. Miss An, this is what we have to do. It's a secret, please do me a favor and don't make a small report in front of the master."

"What will happen if I tell you?" These subordinates are quite amusing, and teasing and teasing are also good.

"Come on, master, we're done for if you get mad." Yasha couldn't help but smile, "Miss An, you don't know that once a month and a half I said something wrong, the master directly demoted him to the South Pole, and made him work there for three years. Popsicles for a month! What else is there? I went to see the great migration of animals on the tenth and tenth day of the lunar new year, and I had to stand in the fauna to experience the magnificence of the great migration for myself, and I had to broadcast it live. Trample him to death! Emma, ​​Emma, ​​it's shocking to think about it. Miss An, you have pity on us, don't say yes to the master? That's really going to kill you!"

An Qianxi chuckled, Yan Feimo is so cruel.But if you think about it carefully, it is Yan Feimo's painstaking efforts to come back alive in the harsh environment and improve his experience.

"Okay, I won't tell, this is a secret between me and you."

"Good man, Ms. An, you are really a good man. If you have any questions, including my master's little secret, Yasha knows everything."

"That's a good thing, Yasha, you really win my heart."

"Oh hehehehe, you are welcome! You are also my hostess, so naturally I have to listen to you, right?"

With a "click", the two of them straightened their faces from laughter.

"Miss An, open it."

The security door opened automatically, and several people looked up.


No doubt gasped at the sight inside.

Can a person in a closed container with tubes inserted all over his body still be considered a person?
"Do it!" An Qianxi felt sore, and as soon as she walked in, she knocked down a researcher in a white coat.

In an instant, the men in white fell down one after another.The person in the container seemed to find something wrong, opened his eyes, and was dumbfounded when he saw it.what's the situation?All down?Remember the sirens before, that means someone broke the island?Immediately, his eyes were full of hope, he moved his hands and feet and opened his mouth, and there was another series of blisters.But why didn't I see anyone?
alive, alive!

An Qianxi was overjoyed, took out a bottle of potion, and suddenly appeared, followed by Yasha and others.

"Get people out quickly." An Qianxi didn't dare to act rashly, no one knew what was in that container, and that container couldn't be easily broken.Frowning, he glanced at the unconscious person on the ground.He stepped forward to pick up a man, took a snuff bottle and touched the tip of the man's nose twice. Seeing the man wake up slowly, his eyes were deep and there was a hint of threat, "Let him go!"

"No, no, if I let him go, I will die."

"If you don't let him go, you will die now." An Qianxi sneered, "Researcher? Do you have any brains? Since we are here, it is obvious that the situation has been controlled by us. If you can cooperate honestly, maybe we will still If you can forgive me, let alone save your life, you can live a normal life in the future."


"Still thinking?" Yasha slapped the man on the forehead, rolling his eyes, "What a stupid pig!"

The man's eyes lit up, yes, do you still need to think about it?These people just knocked them out and didn't kill them, didn't they?Then they wouldn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, they were just forced to do so, and they really didn't want to live through this dark day, so they nodded immediately, turned around and pressed a button on the machine.

The lid of the container was opened, and the man pressed a button again, and the tube inserted into the woman's body came out spontaneously, and the man said: "There is water in it, and it is harmless."

An Qianxi immediately jumped up when she heard this, stood on the stage and reached out to fish out the woman: "Take off your coat."

"Huh? Oh oh."

Taking the coat, An Qianxi wrapped the woman tightly, and looked at the weak woman carefully: "Can you talk?"

"Ahem..." The woman coughed a few times, spat out the sleep that had choked her lungs, and raised her eyes, "Thank you!"

"You, are you Longyan?" Considering his age, he should be around fifty, right?How can you be so young?But with that appearance, I have seen the photos myself, so it must be right.

The woman grabbed An Qianxi's arm excitedly: "You, you know me?"

That's it!An Qianxi's heart relaxed, and she picked her up: "Of course, I'm your future daughter-in-law!"

"Daughter-in-law?" Maybe it's because she has been trapped in the water for a long time, and she has been treated as a guinea pig for too long. Long Yan really couldn't turn the corner for a while. How could she have a daughter-in-law?Suddenly her eyes flashed, son, yes, she has a son, she raised her eyes, "Say it again?"

"Auntie, your son and husband are waiting outside, we are late!"

Long Yan was stunned for a moment, tears streaming down her face, could she still see her son and husband?For a moment I cried like a child.

"Miss An, let me hug you."

"You hug? If you want to be chopped off by the Prince, come and hug me!" Joke, I don't even have a problem with being called a handsome guy, how can I let other men hug his wife?

"Uh..." Yasha was speechless for a moment, and laughed dryly, "That's thanks to you."

He still wants to live!
"Auntie, let's go!"

"Hey, miss, what about me, us?" The man behind was at a loss.

"Silly B! Stay honest for a while, and someone will rescue you when you are safe." Yasha raised his eyebrows slightly, and strode forward to follow.

"thanks, thanks--"

Auston and Figgers played in full swing, and no one watching the game intervened.Yan Feimo's side respected Oster's wishes, but on Figers' side, the master didn't speak, and no one dared to move. What's more, they didn't see the fighting movements of the two clearly, only saw two afterimages Skimming back and forth on the sand.

Experts play tricks, insiders look at the doorway, laymen just watch the excitement, and except for top experts like Yan Feimo, don't everyone else just watch the excitement?
As a hybrid of a werewolf and a vampire, Figes naturally has his advantages. As long as the wolf claw is scratched casually, Oston will be infected with wolf poison. Going down is also inhuman torture.But Figes didn't take advantage of his advantage, and fought against his brother completely as a vampire.I don't know if it's because he is worried about his mixed-race identity, or because he is extremely confident in his skills, or because he cares about his family affection, but at this moment, no one knows what he is thinking in his heart, and he will not care about it.On the contrary, Yan Feimo, who was watching the battle, and Auston, who was in the middle of the fight, couldn't help sighing in their hearts, that this relative might still be saved.

(End of this chapter)

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