The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 313 The First Tears

Chapter 313 The First Tears (2)
When the battle between the two was heating up, An Qianxi appeared in front of everyone with Long Yan in her arms, like Athena, the goddess of wisdom, guarding her people, with short hair brushing her face, standing proudly in front of everyone, full of domineering.

The supernatural force on Figes' side was about to make a move, Yasha and the others raised their machine guns and fired without saying a word.

"If you don't want your life, just come and die!" While everyone was dodging, An Qianxi strode forward, stopped her steps and smiled contemptuously, "Have you forgotten that you were all defeated by me? Blood Shadow, Poppy, and Lone Wolf? Do you need me to report your names one by one?"

That tone and expression made everyone feel inexplicably familiar, and they looked straight at An Qianxi.They are obviously different faces, but they have the same spirit, which makes people daunting.

Poppy who was named asked tremblingly, "Who are you?"

Why did the master treat her differently?Besides that person, who else in this world is worthy of the master's attention?

"Hehe, haven't you already guessed who I am?" An Qianxi carried Long Yan in her arms and continued walking, not paying attention to the woman in front of her at all.

"You, you... no, it's impossible, isn't the blood fox already dead? You... her body was brought back by the master himself..."

"You all have supernatural powers. What's so surprising about bringing the dead back to life? There are so many wonders in this world, it's so magical!" An Qianxi sighed and smiled, "Those who stop me... don't need me to talk about the consequences? Let alone now you But those who are at a disadvantage, they are all smart people, weigh the importance. Let's go!"

Poppy was shocked by An Qianxi's eyes and took a few steps back, but she felt a little unwilling and raised her hand...

Huh?Why didn't the ability that I was proud of didn't respond?

At the moment when Poppy was stunned, An Qianxi seemed to have eyes on the back of her head, turned around and kicked Poppy's pretty face, even though she was holding a living person in her hands, it didn't affect her vigorous skills at all.

Without warning, Poppy was knocked to the ground by An Qianxi's kick, and her heart tightened immediately, An Qianxi had already stepped on her heart, condescending: "What a supernatural power? Hang up? As I said before, don’t rely on supernatural powers for everything. It seems that you haven’t listened to it. No wonder you haven’t made any progress for so many years. I just kicked my legs casually, and you will be put on the ground. Don’t you think Are you ashamed of yourself? If I would have committed suicide and apologized. I will never fight there. You can kill me privately without ordering. If he knows, hehe...I will give you a ride to relieve your next pain Come on, don't thank me too much."


The unspoken words stopped there, and An Qianxi's figure was still reflected in her widened eyes, so she stopped there.

In the meantime, An Qianxi threw the dragon smoke in her hand into the sky, and the exquisite dagger was sealed with blood. It took less than a second for the dagger to be sheathed from unsheathed, and then changed hands to catch Long Yan firmly.Two seconds later, gorgeous blood flowers bloomed from Poppy's neck, and An Qianxi was already walking towards the fighting two with her dragon cigarette butt in her arms.

All the supernatural beings touched their own necks involuntarily, but none of them dared to move. This strange skill has improved to a higher level than before, and the deterrent force given to them, apart from the master, is only the woman in front of them.

Yasha and the others blew whistles of appreciation without hesitation, awesome.

Long Yan raised her head slightly, staring intently at An Qianxi who was holding her.

An Qianxi smiled teasingly: "Auntie, do you think my kung fu is okay? Can I catch your eyes?"

Long Yan blinked, then smiled suddenly: "Sturdy! My son has such a good eye."

"That's right? Don't you look at who I am?" An Qianxi was not humble at all, she raised her eyes to look at the two fighting people, "Uncle, your wife is here, take care of her."

While speaking, he raised his hand, and his figure also rushed out.

The two had a meal at the same time, and Oster jumped up without even thinking about it, and caught the figure that made him dream.And An Qianxi's yell undoubtedly stabbed Figes in the heart again, why?Why did it happen that the person I raised gave me a painful blow?Looking at the two people who descended from the sky, the eyes turned cold, and the three-inch long nails were exposed, and they raised their claws to grab them.

Grabbing in the middle of the air, suddenly there was a figure in front of him, he quickly retracted his hand, he couldn't bear it, he couldn't bear it after all.

An Qianxi's jump was so fast that no one could stop her, let alone that she would step forward. Even Yan Feimo was shocked by An Qianxi's throw. Who said he was the only one who didn't follow the rules? , Kitty is even worse than him.When she made a move, An Qianxi was already in front of Figes.

When An Qianxi blocked her, Yan Feimo knew what she meant. She was gambling with her life. She couldn't bear to bet on Figes. Seeing that Figes would stop, Yan Feimo knew An Qian Xi was right.Although he made the right bet, he felt very uncomfortable. What if Figes didn't have time to stop or didn't even think about it?He couldn't imagine the consequences.At the same time, she felt a little sympathetic to her uncle, didn't An Qianxi take advantage of his feelings for her?Wouldn't it just cut someone's heart open again?It really is the most poisonous woman's heart!But he just fell in love with her poison, her exquisite heart.Inexplicably sweet again in her heart, because everything she did was for herself.

Yan Feimo had a lot of thoughts, but it was only a moment for the two people who landed.

Figgers was so heartbroken that he raised his eyes to look at An Qianxi, and covered his heart with one hand: "Susu, is this your reward for my feelings? Is this how you use and trample on my sincerity? Haha, hahahaha... ..."

Figgers looked up to the sky and laughed, feeling that his relationship for many years was a big joke. It turned out that he was nothing in her eyes.

"Are you sure you really love me? Or do you like my abilities more?" Looking at the crazy and affectionate Figes, An Qianxi felt a little unbearable in her heart, but then she suppressed her emotions and said it out The words are also a little ruthless.

"Is that how you see me?" Figes took two steps back, lowering his eyelids.

"Isn't it? Why do you want to avoid my sight? Absolutely, I know you too well." Often he would show such an expression when he wanted to hide something, An Qianxi shook her head, "You said that I was the only one who had a problem at that time." Is it right? Based on the year Long Yan disappeared, he should have been in your laboratory long ago. I used to wonder why there were those mysterious lunatics. They were all defective products after experiments, and they couldn’t reach you. But you advocate perfection. My appearance is probably considered good in your eyes, at least it can become perfect after being refined, so you have always been very kind to me, so good that I am willing to go through fire and water for you, and even admire you. "

"She is your sister-in-law, and you actually used her as an experiment? Have you ever thought about the pain of your brother losing his lover? It is rare for thousands of years to have a bosom friend, so you can't let them love each other well? The human time is only a few dozen For years, you didn’t even give them such a little time to be together, what is your heart made of? As far as I know, uncle has always been very good to you, have you forgotten? "

(End of this chapter)

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