The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 314 The First Tears

Chapter 314 The First Tears (3)
"So what about you? Susu, did I treat you badly? I raised you up and taught you all the survival skills, but in the end? Why, why did the person I taught betray me? If you can Realize my care for you, will you still treat me like this?"

"Ah, then you really have good intentions!" An Qianxi smiled sarcastically, and took a step forward, "Absolutely, you can be so cruel to your sister-in-law, until you succeeded in turning them into supernatural beings, you have become so persistent Almost crazy! What kind of sincerity do you want me to see? Let me boldly guess, too many miracles have happened to your family, do you also have the idea that you will create miracles yourself? You are a mixed race, powerful , and I am a supernatural being, if the two of us combine, will our offspring be more perfect?"

"Susu..." Figes suddenly raised his head and looked at An Qianxi's eyes shining with fiery light. How smart is she?

"This expression seems to be what I said." An Qianxi's heart suddenly calmed down, and the trace of unbearableness was forgotten, "Now do you still dare to say that you love me? Dare to touch your conscience and say with a clear conscience." Is it sincere?"

"Yes, I admit that I was indeed as selfish as you said at the beginning, but I can't deny my intentions for you because of this. I thought I was cold and heartless, and it was a gift to you to make you my woman, but With the passage of time, I have already given up my original intention. I fell in love with you, fell in love with you as a human being, and I wanted to be with you forever. But when you lay lifeless on the cold concrete floor, I couldn’t believe it You left me like this, even if it's just your dead body, as long as I'm by my side, I'm satisfied, it turns out I'm so in love with you that I can't leave you." Figes laughed at himself, held An Qianxi's shoulders, "Susu, I know that although you are strong, you long for someone to love and love you. So I took your dead body home and made you a beautiful crystal coffin. With me by your side, you will not be lonely .I thought that this life would just be spent by guarding the lifeless you, but when you appeared in front of me again, my heart came alive again. I thought it was a gift from God. So when you are alone I am very happy to be here, thinking that you really have me in your heart, so I don't want to wait any longer, I propose to you."

"However, everything is my self-indulgent sentimentality. You, who never bothered to use beauty tricks, actually used beauty tricks on me, just to escape from my side. But even so, your smiles and smiles will always be engraved in my heart, Knowing that it was a beauty trick, I was also intoxicated by it, deceiving myself and thinking that your beauty is only shown to me." Fei Gesi was affectionate, with a happy smile on his face, his face sank in an instant, and he spoke After turning around, "But you still left with him, that person turned out to be my nephew! It's ridiculous, ridiculous, I, a thousand-year-old non-human, has raised you for so many years and given you so much love, but I can't compare to a little boy How long have you known him? How dare you make me feel so bad for bringing so many people to the island for him, and betting on my feelings for you? "

"I..." Facing Figes' inner confession, An Qianxi suddenly felt powerless, she still looked down on him, her nose was sore, she didn't know what to say.

"Why this expression? When you look at me like that, I'll think your heart is moving!" Figes raised An Qianxi's chin, "If you change your mind now, I can pretend that nothing happened and I don't care about anything. I don’t need it anymore, as long as you are away. From now on, I will live and live together, and I will take you to do what you like, okay?”

"As proud as you are, how could you act like nothing happened?" An Qianxi shook her head, took a step back, and then pointed to her heart, "After all, there is a lump here, and you can't ignore it. If you want it, I will give it to you." Sorry."

"Papa papa" applauded, and Figgers chuckled lightly: "Okay! As expected of the person I taught, he has a firm will! This expression is right, you have to do whatever you can to deal with the enemy, as long as you can put the opponent to death, let alone It's feelings, but anything that can be used can be used as a bargaining chip. Susu's hand today did not embarrass me. I have raised so many people, and you are the only one who is the most like me. It is not in vain that I handed over for you Sincerely. What are you still doing in a daze? Don’t forget the purpose of coming today by just a few words of praise, do it! If you don’t do it, I’m not welcome—”

After Fei Gesi finished speaking, he moved his hands. Yan Feimo admired his uncle a little at this time. Who said he was heartless?Once a heartless person falls in love, he will have no regrets. He said that he wants to do it himself, but it is nothing more than to keep his last bit of self-esteem.

In this case, how could An Qianxi do anything?He closed his eyes and stood still, as if he was paying for his cruelty just now.Yan Feimo shook his head, feeling distressed, and moved An Qianxi aside: "Father, look at Qianqian."

"Okay, you're welcome, your uncle has an elm head, you have to wake him up!" Auston said loudly, and pulled An Qianxi to his side, "Girl, it's very popular, no Thinking that my pretentious younger brother fell into your hands."

"..." An Qianxi was speechless, did she praise her or scold her?

Long Yan glared angrily: "If you don't know how to speak, just say a few words, and let our daughter-in-law run away in anger. Don't say that my son will never end with you, and I will never end with you, my mother."

"Honey, don't be angry, you're still hurting, come on, let's rest." Alston hurriedly hugged his wife and sat on a big rock beside him, "Honey, your face hasn't changed for so many years, I thought I was dreaming .”

"I'm the same as you now." Long Yan had mixed feelings in her heart, and she opened her mouth to show her fangs. She really wanted to be with Auston forever, but she still couldn't give up her identity as a human being, and couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart.

"Did Figes do it?" Alston looked up at the two people fighting, and he was really the only one who could do this.Just why would he do this?Is it for yourself?
Long Yan nodded, thinking back in the past, her indecision became a sign of cowardice in the eyes of others, and Fei Gesi resolutely transformed her while mocking her.Now, after hearing what Figes said to An Qianxi from the bottom of his heart, thinking back, although he did something unforgivable to himself, it didn't seem that bad.I used to hate him to the bone, but now that I see my family, I suddenly can't hate him anymore.

"Ferges, these people are really the result of your experiments with my mother?"

Fei Gesi didn't explain, and calmly slapped Yan Feimo: "Didn't Susu just say it? My good nephew, if your ears are not working well, go buy a hearing aid."

While the two were fighting each other, the supernatural team under Figes also moved, and they all understood that this time it was a life-and-death struggle, and they would fight to the end with all their lives.

But before activating the ability, Yasha and the others raised their machine guns and started shooting.It's a joke, they also want to use supernatural powers to beat them, but it's a pity that as long as An Qianxi is by the side, it's tantamount to doing useless work, so it's better to save some energy, solve it early and go home and roll under the covers.

(End of this chapter)

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