Chapter 383 Didn't Recognize Who You Are

Mushroom House.

"In the past, there was a reckless man in the Three Kingdoms of the Later Han Dynasty. Since Taoyuan became sworn brothers, his uncle's surname was Liu, his name was Bei, his name was Xuande, and he lived in Lousang, the uncle. The second brother's surname was Guan, his name was Yu, and his name was Yunchang, and he lived in Xieliang County, Puzhou, Shanxi. The third brother's surname was Zhang Mingfei. The name is Yide, and he lives in Fanyang County, Zhuozhou. The fourth younger brother, whose surname is Zhao and whose name is Yun, is named Zilong, who lives in Changshan County, Zhending Prefecture.

When Guo Degang talked about this, he took a deep breath through his nose and continued to perform in his mouth:

"It's all because of the fierce battle before Changbanpo, that Zhao Yun broke into Cao's camp single-handedly... I saw Zhang Fei,"

When he said this sentence, he even took a deep breath when taking advantage of the breath:

"The leopard's head surrounds its eyes, its face is like moist iron, black is translucent, and bright is black. It has a black steel beard like a steel needle and iron wire. It wears an iron helmet on its head and two dragons fighting treasures. , Zhuying floating, embedded with eight treasures - clouds, Luo, umbrella, cover, flowers, pots, fish, long. Wearing a ring armor with locks and big leaves... Eternal fragrance and reckless people!"

As soon as the last sentence fell, Guo Degang took a few deep breaths into his lungs.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, sure enough, after getting older, I don't have the same lung capacity as before.

But fortunately, the whole game ended perfectly.

"it is good."

And the few people who were sitting in the audience applauded fiercely as soon as the words fell.

"It's just that the sword is not old."

"Teacher Guo, you are really amazing."

"It's okay, okay, luckily nothing went wrong."

Hearing the praise from his old acquaintance, Guo Degang smiled and pressed his hand.

For today's match, he used all his heart and energy, and he thought that today's match was also his most perfect match.

"Old man, Guo Degang and his lover came to see you."

He walked in front of Ye Qing and knelt down respectfully to the old man.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

Does the old man know Guo Degang?

Yue Peng watched the master's movements, stood in a daze for a few seconds, and then knelt down to the old man.

The master knelt down, so there was no reason for the apprentice to stand still.

It's just that he was extremely curious.

It turns out that the master made such a formal announcement today for the sake of the old man.

What is the relationship between his master and the old man?

I don't know what this seniority is called, so let's just call it the old man.

"Old man, Yue Peng saluted you."

"Get up first, don't engage in these etiquettes, old man, I haven't recognized who you are yet."

Ye Qing squinted his eyes and recalled the big gift as soon as the two walked in.

Who is this Guo Degang?

Although this face looks familiar, but I can't remember it.


Guo Degang and Yue Peng paused when they got up.

Yue Peng tightened his lips when he heard this, not letting himself laugh.

This old man is too funny, too sincere, he doesn't save the master any face.

It's okay to just say a word and not recognize who it is.

The same is true for the master, who patronizes and kneels, without talking about his origin and why.

"Degang, between you and the old man?"

"It's normal that the old man didn't recognize it, after all, he wasn't as rich as he is now at that time."

Guo De just smiled and went on to talk about his relationship with the old man:

"The old man and I have to start with my master. It was the old man who asked the master to accept me."

I remember that back then he wanted to learn from those masters in the capital, and make a name for himself in the capital, but whoever realized his dream hadn't been doing very well.

Later, I worked in some small theater troupes to make a living, and sometimes I didn't even have a meal money.

Because of his lack of fame, some masters don't want to see him at all, and some even criticize his grassroots cross talk for not being able to make it to the stage.

During those difficult days, it was only when I met the old man and the master that I changed.

Although he never saw the old man again after that day, he remembered the old man's kind words in his heart.

When he saw the old man appearing again, he immediately contacted the director and wanted to come to thank the old man.

"Your master?"

When Ye Qing heard this, the degree of squinting his eyes sank a little.

People who talk about cross talk?
Or did he propose to let that person accept the child as an apprentice?

As he recalled in his mind, his eyelids immediately loosened, and his eyes carefully looked at the child's face in front of him.

"Your master is Hou Zi?"

He seems to remember the trip he went out quietly 20 years ago, and it seems that before he came back, he did let a child take in an apprentice in Kyoto.

"Yes, you did call Master Hou Zi at that time."

When Guo De just heard the old man think of it, he smiled respectfully and nodded.

When we met that day, the old man really called his master that.

It seems that the old man has not forgotten the master.

He knew that the old man was over a hundred years old now. If the old man called him master like that, he thought that the old man was also a junior.

I don't know what is the relationship between the master and the old man?
The audience in the live broadcast room widened their eyes when they heard that Lao Guo and the old man had such a relationship.

"I guessed for a long time just now, but I didn't guess that the master of the emotional old Guo knew the old man."

"Hou Yaowen was the most prestigious cross talk actor in the cross talk world back then, what is the relationship between the old man and Hou Yaowen?"

"It should be a friend, after all, the old man also likes to listen to those little drama performances."

"It is said that Lao Guo had a miserable time in the capital. He worshiped Hou Yaowen as his teacher, and it was rumored that he was looking for a backer for himself."

"I've heard of this too. It seems that there are other reports saying that Lao Guo was suppressed by some masters in Kyoto."

"It's just heard, some of them are still unbelievable."

"It's definitely not the case. If you look for a backer, the old man is a stronger backer. Who would dare to touch the old man's people?"

"What's the use of us arguing, people are in the mushroom house, I think the old man will also talk about it."


Ye Qing nodded after hearing that Guo Degang confirmed it for him.

It's really that kid.

"Shouldn't you be crying while walking now? You should have earned a lot by eating so richly."

"How do you know I'm crying as I walk?"

Guo Degang was taken aback by the old man's words.

He didn't get paid for the performance, and there was no bus on the road, so he only had two dollars. He used the remaining two dollars to buy a few buns, and walked home while eating the buns. I couldn't help crying, and walked all the way home crying all the way.

The old man saw it?

Was there anyone on the road at that time?

But he was crying sadly, and he didn't pay attention to whether there was anyone around him.

"Otherwise, why do you think that the old man asked Hou Zi to accept you as an apprentice, and even walked home after such a long journey, tsk tsk, it's really a deep memory."

As soon as Ye Qing remembered who this child was, the memory of this child came to mind.

He also forgot why that day, he only remembered that he saw a fat man on the road, of course he was not as fat as this child now.

That little fat man, sitting on the side of the road, had a resentful look on his face, but after eating the buns, he didn't have that kind of resentment and decadence.

He followed the child for a while, but the child didn't notice it. After listening carefully, he realized that the child was crying very sadly, so he didn't notice him.

At that time, he looked more curiously, but he didn't expect that two or three years later, he saw the child again.

"So after you saw me crying so sad, you remembered me, and then you helped me when you were apprenticed that day?"

As soon as Guo De heard what the old man said, he raised his hand embarrassingly and touched his bald head.

The emotional old man is because he saw the only scene where he shed tears in Kyoto.

Did he not only thank the old man, but also thank himself that day.

If he didn't hold back that day and didn't cry, would he still have to be rejected by the master?
It is said that three points are destined, and seven points depend on hard work.

He is here with the old man, three points are destined, seven points are all due to tears.

(End of this chapter)

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