Chapter 384 Thank You For Going

"Heaven sends a great mission to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must first suffer their minds and wills, work their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skins, and empty their bodies."

Seeing Guo Degang's embarrassed look, Ye Qing just smiled slightly, and then continued:
"Old man, I have the ability to help you, but whether you can persist is subject to investigation. If I had helped you at that time, old man, even if you succeeded, it would only be for a while."

He helps people not because of temporary actions.

If it was only for a while, then his help would not have any meaning, and this child's fate belonged to Qian Fan's life.

So this child must have the firmness to persevere and go on, if he gives up on the way, then he will end up with nothing in his life.

"You're right. I wanted to give up twice back then, but I persevered in the end. I can have the status in the cross talk world today, and it was the hardships and experiences back then that trained me. You didn't show up to help me right away. correct."

Guo Degang nodded in affirmation of the old man's words.

What the old man said was indeed true. If he had received help all at once, although he might have achieved glory in the cross talk world, that glory would probably be short-lived.

Only after truly experiencing those sufferings can one be more determined, know what one's persistence in cross talk is, and become more resilient psychologically.

"This can indeed be seen. When I saw you coming to find Houzi to learn as a teacher in Liyuan, I saw the tenacity in your heart."

Ye Qing looked at the child in front of him with a gratified smile on his face.

The child persevered, and indeed experienced a lot of difficulties.

And now there is no deterioration on his face, and he still insists on the original goal in his heart.

"Speaking of apprenticeship, if it weren't for what you said back then, how could I have been able to worship under Teacher Hou. Before I worshiped Teacher Hou, I had already been rejected by many teachers, and my situation in the industry was very poor."

When Guo Degang heard the old man mention apprenticeship, his gratitude to the old man rose again in his heart.

It was really difficult for him to stay in Kyoto at that time.

I don’t talk about whether I have work or not, and sometimes I don’t say if I don’t get paid for the work. What makes him difficult is that his cross talk is ridiculed by many people.

Because there are famous artists in Kyoto, many people in the industry look down on them from outside to organize cross talk culture together.

And sometimes they will be suppressed, and it is difficult to move forward in the industry.

In fact, what was said on the Internet was correct. At the beginning, he kept going to apprentice to his master, so that he could have a backer in the industry.

At that time, he had already thought about it, even if he became a teacher, the teacher didn't teach him anything, as long as other people wouldn't squeeze him out, he could find a way to success again.

Thinking of this, Guo Degang looked at the old man gratefully:
"When I went to the master that day, I was ready to be rejected again. The master was actually ready to refuse at that time, but the moment the master opened his mouth, you stopped his rejection and asked him to give it to me. Opportunity. Without your help back then, I, Guo Degang, would not have achieved what I am today."

After he finished speaking, he bowed deeply to the old man, and his legs were ready to kneel down again.

Yes, he was really grateful to the old man in his heart.

All his achievements today are due to his help back then, which allowed him to stay in the capital.

But the moment he knelt down, he was stopped by Ye Qing.

"Old man, I know Houzi's father, and your child is a young child. I will naturally not let Houzi miss you, old man. Besides, from your appearance at that time, you were in a difficult situation. You can't walk a long cultural road, so I will help you, old man, as for where you can go later, it is all up to you step by step."

Seeing Guo Degang's movements, Ye Qing waved his hands, and an invisible force stopped the knees that were about to kneel down, and shook his head slightly after speaking.

There is affirmation of Guo Degang in his eyes:
"You should be most grateful not to me, old man, but to yourself. I just said a word in regret, old man. You did all the other hard work yourself. Your achievements today are also due to your persistence in those years. It’s because I’ve strengthened myself through the experience, old man, I’ll just accept your bow, and I don’t need to kneel down, after all, old man, I didn’t teach you anything about cross talk.”

It really doesn't have much to do with him that this kid can achieve what he is today.

It's just because of pity that I accepted it, so I wouldn't do such a big gift.

"But your words saved me. The relationship between you and the master's father, the master told me, and the master also told me. You said that to the master before you left. I will definitely make a difference in the field of cross talk culture in the future, so the master is extra careful when teaching me, and he also supports my grassroots cross talk to the outside world, so that those who refused to exclude me in the past will all slap their faces."

Guo Degang knew that he couldn't kneel down because of the old man, he felt helpless.

Why didn't you accept his kneeling?
Just because he cried at night, the old man helped him to speak, and told his master that he would achieve something in the future, which was the greatest affirmation for him.

His biggest goal in the past was to have someone to affirm him. The old man's affirmation of him was so high, he could only kneel down in return.

Yue Peng, who was standing aside, looked at the excited master, and then turned to look at the old man sitting on the chair.

Sigh... The master is so grateful to the old man, didn't you see that the corner of the old man's mouth twitched because of the topic of gratitude?

He had watched the show before, and the old man had always emphasized that the achievements were achieved by himself and had nothing to do with him.

Even the old man emphasized it just now. If we continue to talk about it, why is the old man getting impatient?

He quickly changed the subject.

"Did you have such a high opinion of my master back then? Can you tell my master that I also have great achievements."

"Yue Peng."

Guo Degang's face darkened.

Didn't the kid see that he was talking to the old man? What did he say?

Knowing that he was supported by his master because of that sentence, this kid also wants to concoct it, to compete for the first brother of the German Society?

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard Xiaoyue's words, they looked at Lao Guo's darkened face.

This old Guo is usually smiling, and it is rare to see his face so dark.

It was indeed a little thoughtless for Xiaoyue to insert these words.

"What's the situation with Yue Yue? How can you interrupt when Lao Guo is talking with the old man?"

"Didn't you hear what Lao Guo said? After the old man said that to Hou Yaowen, he was strongly supported. It has not been a day or two for them to compete for the first brother in the German Society. Now we only need the old man to talk, so Yue Yue will sit still. gone."

"Where is the nonsense coming from? The German Society is very friendly, isn't it good? What is the fight for? What's the use of the fight? It depends on the individual's ability to decide whether to fight or not."

"Then what do you mean by what Yue Yue asked?"

"...Although I don't know what it means, I know Yueyue definitely doesn't mean that."

"All right, all right, don't make any noise. Whether it's true or not, let's see how the old man reacts. If it's true, can the old man not see it?"

(End of this chapter)

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