Chapter 327 Family Conversation

Su Mingfeng didn't expect Ye Qianwen to be so straightforward, and he was right to ask her for help.

Mother Lan was only stunned for two seconds before she came to her senses and said with a smile, "We also have the same intention. We want to talk about the marriage of the two children."

So the two mothers looked at each other and smiled, and started a lively discussion, from where to order the ring and wedding dress, what kind of wedding invitations should be made, and how to prepare various things for the wedding.Lan Chuchu looked at Su Mingfeng helplessly, she was indeed the one who got married, why did she feel that the two mothers were more anxious than herself.

"Forget it, leave this matter to the mothers. Anyway, we are both busy, so we don't have to worry about these things." Su Mingfeng said with a smile.

Lan Chuchu nodded, anyway, she was really afraid of trouble, thinking about so many things about the wedding, she was already exhausted enough to help Yan Chaomu with the engagement ceremony before.

"Should we do it in a Chinese style or a Western style? Should we do it outdoors, in a hotel, or in a church?" Ye Qianwen took the wedding planning book that she had prepared a long time ago, and asked Mother Lan for advice.

"Chuchu, what do you think?" Mother Lan felt that she still needed to seek her daughter's opinion, so she asked Lan Chuchu.

"Ah, it's decide." Lan Chuchu didn't have any demands in her heart, the wedding was just a formality, the important thing was the person who would accompany her on the way.

"Mom, let's do it in the hotel. Chuchu doesn't like it, it's too troublesome. Our wedding should be simple."

Ye Qianwen was obviously in a bit of a dilemma. Originally, she wanted to make a big fuss, "Is this really okay?" This sentence was asked by Lan Chuchu, all girls hope that their wedding can be grand and perfect.

But obviously, Lan Chuchu is different from ordinary girls.

"It's okay, just have a simple wedding, I don't want to be so troublesome."

"Since you've said so, let's do it this way." Although Ye Qianwen regretted that she couldn't perform well, Lan Chuchu said so, and she couldn't force it, "It doesn't matter, when will you change? We have an idea, we can change it at any time. Let’s pick a good time first.”

So the night of the New Year's Eve passed quickly under the toss of Lan Mama and Ye Qianwen.In the end, under Ye Qianwen's strong invitation, Lan Chuchu's family stayed at Su Mingfeng's house. Naturally, Lan Chuchu shared a room with Su Mingfeng.

Kitty and Hua Wuyou, who agreed to celebrate the New Year together early in the morning, have already prepared the things they need for the New Year. In addition, the two have just confirmed their relationship, so this New Year is even sweeter.

No matter who it is, this new year is very happy.

After the New Year's holiday, everyone seemed a little out of shape.

"Everyone cheer up, today is the first day of work." Supervisor Xia encouraged everyone, but everyone still didn't get over it, and Supervisor Xia didn't push too hard. Enough.

Gong Qianxia also felt a little powerless, after taking such a long vacation, suddenly when she came across these things again, she was a little unskilled.Looking at the people around, it seems that everyone is a little listless. At first, she thought that the employees of Wenren Group would not be like this, but it seems that she was wrong, and everyone would be in this state.

The whole morning passed quickly, Gong Qianxia was soon dragged by Ding Ding to the cafeteria to have dinner, almost all the people in the department had arrived, and everyone happily chatted about interesting things about the New Year.

Seeing everyone's high spirits, Gong Qianxia didn't look like the person who was scratching his head and ears in the office just now, and couldn't help jokingly asking Ding Ding, "I thought people from the Wenren Group didn't have vacation syndrome. It doesn't look too light."

Ding Ding glanced at Gong Qianxia, ​​"Nonsense, we are not gods, of course we are the same as ordinary people. In fact, it is those people outside who spread the 2 Wenren Group too amazingly, that's why others will behave like this In fact, everyone has the same idea. But we are better, and we met Director Xia."

"How to say?" Gong Qianxia looked at Ding Ding curiously.

"I'm not boasting. Although Director Xia treats the studio a little more strictly, he treats our subordinates well. Our Director Xia is the most popular supervisor in our company. I have a friend who works in the finance department and complains to me every day. Their supervisors are so perverted, they don't allow any mistakes, which makes her nervous at work every day. Our supervisor Xia is different, so our department can take the first place every year, that is Xia The supervisor is leading well."

Hearing Ding Ding's words, Gong Qianxia was a little surprised.She also knew that Supervisor Xia treated his subordinates well, but she didn't know anyone else, so she didn't clear up the style of other departments at all. She didn't expect that the finance department was so scary. Fortunately, she was not transferred there at that time.

After the meal, Gong Qianxia bid farewell to Ding Ding and the others temporarily, and received a call from Assistant Chen early this morning, asking her to come to the chairman's office after lunch today.So Gong Qianxia obediently finished her meal and went upstairs.

Wen Renshi's office is actually on a separate floor, and the room outside is Assistant Chen's office, so it's easy to find.When Gong Asaxia went upstairs, the whole floor was very quiet.Standing at the door of the chairman's office, he knocked lightly on the door.

"come in."

Wenren's voice came from inside, and Gong Qianxia opened the door and went in.Assistant Chen saw Gong Qianxia coming, and then left first. When passing by Gong Qianxia, ​​he nodded friendly.

"Did you come up with me for something?"

"Sit first." Wen Ren did not answer Gong Qianxia's question, but walked to the edge of the sofa and sat down first. Gong Qianxia had no choice but to sit on another sofa.

"How is the new year?" Wen Ren asked first.

Gong Qianxia looked at Wenren's with some puzzlement, but still answered her question, "It's not bad, uncle takes good care of me."

"That's good."

"How are you doing?" Gong Qianxia still asked the same question out of politeness.

Wenren's smile was unclear, "That's it, you've seen those people in Wenren's family, and I know exactly what they're up to."

Gong Qianxia didn't know how to answer Wen Renshi's words, so she sat silently.Seeing Gong Qianxia's nervous expression, Wenren smiled wryly and said, "You don't have to be so afraid of me, just treat it as a conversation between family members."

(End of this chapter)

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