Chapter 328 Good things are coming
"Yeah." Even though she said so, it was impossible for Gong Qianxia not to be nervous. Before, she always thought that Wen Renshi was a superior person. Even if she kissed her grandma, she didn't communicate much, so Gong Qianxia Xia couldn't figure out her temper at all.It is definitely not easy for a person who can work hard in the mall to make a fortune on his own, let alone a woman, this is what Yan Chaomu told Gong Qianxia.Therefore, Gong Qianxia subconsciously felt that Wen Renshi was not an easy character to mess with.

Wenrenshi chatted with Gongqianxia for a long time, but most of the time it was Wenrenshi who asked the questions, and Gongqianxia just answered respectfully.

The lunch break was about to end, so Wenren asked Gong Qianxia to go back first. When Gong Qianxia was about to leave the office, Wenren said a word.

"Qianxia, ​​you must be on your own as soon as possible, I can't last that long anymore."

Gong Qianxia didn't understand what Wen Renshi meant by saying this, but she still felt a little uneasy in her heart. Forget it, I'd better ask Yan Zhaomu when I go back at night.

The whole afternoon, Gong Qianxia felt very uneasy, and she didn't know why.After finally getting off work in the afternoon, Gong Qianxia noticed that Gong Qianxia's complexion was not very good as soon as she got into the car, so she asked with concern, "What happened? It seems that your complexion is not very good."

Gong Qianxia took a look at Yan Chaomu, and he was the only one who knew herself best, he could find out that he was not in a good condition just by his expression.

"I don't know what to say, I just think it seems that the Wenren family is very different."

Hearing Gong Qianxia's words, Yan Chaomu immediately understood what she was thinking, "I understand what you are thinking, Wenren Group is a family business, and Wenren's started managing business matters only after marrying into Wenren's family , although it is true that the Wenren Group has its current status in her hands, in the eyes of others, she is just working for the Wenren family. But Wenren is also an ambitious person, and now the Wenren Group All the power is in her hands, and she cannot easily hand it over to those people. Not to mention that they have no good intentions at all, even with their ability, the Wenren Group will be handed over to them one day It will be defeated. Therefore, it is even more impossible for the Wenren family to hand over the management rights of the Wenren Group to those people. The Wenren family is too big, and there are too many conspiracies."

"Then why does she insist on cultivating me? I don't understand anything at all. Didn't I start all over again? No matter how you calculate it, it takes longer than those other people." Gong Qianxia is still a little I don't understand, don't you spend more time on yourself?

Yan Chaomu pondered for a moment, then continued, "I do have a few guesses about this, but I can't guarantee that Wen Renshi thinks the same way. First of all, you are her own granddaughter, and those people are just the brothers of her deceased husband. The sisters' children don't have much to do with her. She may be more at ease if you leave them to you, and I think Wen Renshi should have investigated you. If she doesn't know you at all, rely on her prudence It is also impossible to hand over the Wenren Group to you. Another point is, I think she may be thinking, even if you have no choice, at least you have me behind you, and I can take care of everything for you. She should be After seeing this, I am more determined to teach the Wenren Group to you."

After listening to Yan Chaomu's analysis, Gong Qianxia clearly understood that there were so many intentions behind Wenren's choosing herself as the heir. himself.

"You can check one thing for me." Gong Qianxia felt even more uneasy when she thought of Wen Renshi's inexplicable words at noon, maybe if she asked Yan Chaomu to help, she could have some clues.

"What's the matter, tell me." Yan Chaomu would never refuse any request from Gong Qianxia, ​​let alone something as simple as checking things.

"At noon, Wenren told me strangely that I must hurry up and take care of myself. She said that she might not be able to last that long. I always felt a little uneasy in my heart. Is there something she didn't tell me, so I wondered I want you to help me find out if something happened."

Yan Chaomu frowned, and couldn't help reminding, "Have you thought it through? If something really happened, what are you going to do."

"I'm not sure yet, let's talk about it after we find out."

Yan Chaomu sighed, "Xia Xia, you are already too concerned about Wenren's affairs."

Gong Qianxia froze for a moment, is that so?Is this the reason why I have been worrying?

"I feel that after hearing what you said, Wenren is a bit pitiful. What's more, she is my only relative now. No matter what, I have the responsibility to care about her affairs."

"Okay, since you've thought it through, I won't persuade you anymore. I'll check this matter for you as soon as possible. Oh, yes, Mingfeng told me today that he and Chuchu are planning a wedding on February 2th. Time for a wedding."

Gong Qianxia was a little surprised, she didn't even listen to Lan Chuchu's words, "So fast? It's already mid-January now."

"I thought it would be too soon, but Mingfeng said that his mother and Lan Chuchu's mother are jointly helping them prepare for their wedding, and the two of them will be at ease. Then they only need to take a wedding photo. Just choose the ring. All the details of the wedding are handled by the elders."

"That's pretty good. The wedding is really too troublesome. If someone can help, I will definitely feel a lot more at ease. I have to think about it, what better gift to give them."

Listening to Gong Qianxia's words, Yan Chaomu just smiled. Originally, he wanted to mention their wedding to Gong Qianxia, ​​but thinking that she had to worry about so many things, and Wenren's matter was also very difficult, This is not the right time to mention it.So I had no choice but to give up and wait for a while to talk about it.

Gong Qianxia called Lan Chuchu as soon as she got home, "You didn't tell me that your wedding date was fixed, I heard it from Chaomu."

"What did you say?" Lan Chuchu was very surprised, "Didn't you all know about this? I originally thought to tell you in a few days, but I actually thought it was a little too soon, but I Ma Fei said that if you miss this day, you will have to wait a long time for another good day, so you have to choose this time. Who knew that Su Mingfeng told you that."

(End of this chapter)

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