Chapter 329 The truth of the matter

Listening to Lan Chuchu's words, Gong Qianxia thought of what Yan Chaomu said to herself just now, and said to Lan Chuchu mercilessly, "But Chaomu told me just now that as soon as your assistant Su went to the company today, he publicized your marriage everywhere. , I guess by now almost everyone in the company knows about it.”

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, Su Mingfeng has that big mouth."

Hearing Lan Chuchu's exclamation, Gong Qianxia laughed mercilessly.

"Your assistant Su is also happy. I definitely want more people to know. Besides, the people in the company have known each other for a long time. It's okay."

"Oh, I know." Originally, Lan Chuchu didn't want so many people to know so early, but considering Su Mingfeng's temperament, it is impossible to keep others from knowing. "Oh, by the way, I still want to ask you, what are your plans with Yan Chaomu? When are you going to get married? Ming Feng and I have already made up our minds. How long are you going to delay?"

"We are discussing this matter, but it should not be so fast."

Gong Qianxia chatted with Lan Chuchu casually and hung up the phone. Looking at Yan Chaomu who was busy in the kitchen, Gong Qianxia also felt a little sorry, although the miscarriage before had some shadows in her heart.Although Yan Chaomu didn't say anything, Gong Qianxia still knew that he was not feeling well, but because of his own reasons, he never said anything about these things, and just endured them silently.

Suddenly, I felt like I was a little too selfish.

The matter that Gong Qianxia asked Yan Chaomu to help with the investigation soon came to fruition, Yan Chaomu took out the materials from the study, looked at Gong Qianxia, ​​and asked, "I have already found out what you asked me to investigate, Are you sure you want to know?"

Gong Qianxia looked at the information in Yan Chaomu's hand, and then at Yan Zhaomu's face, his expression was not very good, it should not look very good, but since she has already made up her mind, don't hesitate any longer.

"Well, tell me."

Seeing that Gong Qianxia was so sure, Yan Chaomu didn't hesitate any more, and sat down next to Gong Qianxia.

"I went to check Wenren's recent itinerary, and found that she went to the hospital recently, and she didn't look well. Later, Assistant Chen went to the hospital alone to get the diagnosis report. It should be Wenren's intention to take this The matter was kept secret, so Ming Feng spent a lot of effort to investigate, but it was found out." He opened the document in his hand and handed it to Gong Qianxia, ​​"This is the doctor's diagnosis report, you See for yourself."

Gong Qianxia took the document from Yan Chaomu's hand suspiciously, she didn't quite understand the things on the paper, she directly turned to the last column, and she could still understand the Chinese characters.

"Cancer?" Gong Qianxia couldn't believe what she saw, and confirmed to Yan Chaomu again uncertainly, "Are you sure you didn't get the wrong list? Is it cancer?"

Yan Chaomu nodded heavily, "There's nothing wrong with the list. It's true that there's nothing wrong with the cancer. Because he's the chairman of Wenren Group, the doctor remembers it very clearly and can't make a mistake. It's true that Wenren's got cancer. , she would say that, it should be because of this."

Listening to Yan Chaomu's words, Gong Qianxia frowned, not expecting the matter to be so serious.

Seeing Gong Qianxia's solemn expression, Yan Chaomu couldn't help but sighed, "The doctor said that this is only in the early stages. If you cooperate with the treatment well and take medicine and perform surgery, it will be completely recoverable. However, it seems that Wenrenshi didn't To cooperate with the doctor's wishes, I didn't go to the hospital after the report came out, I just took some medicine, but it was not enough. If this continues, the cancer cells will spread quickly."

Gong Qianxia pondered for a while, grabbed the documents on the table, and went out, leaving only one sentence, "I'll go out for a while."

Yan Chaomu probably guessed what Gong Qianxia wanted to do. Since it was what she wanted to do, he would not stop him. He knew that even if Gong Qianxia didn't have much relationship with Wenrenshi, but because they were related by blood The reason is that there is still no way to treat this matter too coldly. Maybe if she goes to persuade Wen Renshi, it will change a little bit.

Gong Qianxia drove to the mansion of Wenren's family. Today is the weekend, so Wenren's family is usually at home. Just now, Gong Qianxia has called Assistant Chen and confirmed that Wenren's family has no social gatherings today. , so it must be at home at this time.

Although Gong Qianxia only came once, the security guard at the door recognized her, so he opened the door without blocking her, and the cleaning servant also knew about Gong Qianxia.

"Where is the chairman now?" Gong Qianxia casually grabbed a servant who was cleaning and asked.

"Chairman? It's in the study now, and I sent something there just now."

Wen Renyun, who was drinking coffee and reading magazines in the lobby, looked over when he heard the movement here, but he didn't expect to see Gong Qianxia, ​​so he was taken aback.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

Wen Renyun spoke in a bad tone, but Gong Qianxia didn't pay attention to her, and went upstairs directly.Wen Renyun was so angry with Gong Qianxia's attitude that he jumped to his feet, seeing the servant just now was looking at this side, he became even more angry, "What are you looking at, get out and do your business."

Gong Qianxia went directly to the second floor, without even knocking on the door, just opened the door and walked in, Wen Renjing was still talking about things with Wen Renshi.

Wen Ren felt the movement, and thought it was some servant who didn't have a long memory, and didn't raise his head, "Didn't you know that you had to knock on the door before entering the study?"

Wen Renjing also noticed it naturally, turned around and saw Gong Qianxia standing with an angry face, as if she was very angry, she had never seen Gong Qianxia like this before, so she couldn't help but feel a little at a loss, "Gong... Qian Xia, why are you here?"

Gong Qianxia didn't mean to talk to Wen Renjing, in her heart, no matter whether these people treat others good or bad, they all have the same calculation in their hearts.Wen Renshi slowly raised his head when he heard Wen Renjing's words, and had no choice but to say to Wen Renjing, "You go out first, we will talk about this matter tomorrow, I have something to discuss with Qian Xia."

Although Wen Renjing was a bit reluctant, she still went out, and before leaving, she looked at Gong Qianxia, ​​but found that Gong Qianxia didn't notice her, and closed the door angrily and left.

After Wen Renjing left, Wen Renshi said, "What's wrong with you today, you're so reckless."

(End of this chapter)

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