Chapter 344 Gao Lang's Disappearance

Gao Lang couldn't stand Master Gao's nagging anymore, and said loudly, "What do you know? If I didn't do this, would the company have made so much profit? You weren't very happy when the company made money. , Did you say anything back then? Now that something has happened, you will know to scold me, why did you go long ago. "

Gao Lang said angrily, he was also under a lot of pressure during this time, he went to find help several times, went to various companies to find countless people, but every time he returned in failure.He was sure that someone must be messing with him behind his back, but that person must be stronger than himself, so no one dared to offend that person because of him.

"You, you, you... You rebellious son, to say such a thing, do you think I'm still a father?" Master Gao tremblingly pointed at Gao Lang, glaring at him.

In an instant, Mr. Gao fell down clutching his heart, and Mrs. Gao ran up to support her husband, but she still fell on the sofa.

"Husband? Husband, don't scare me. Call an ambulance quickly."

Gao Lang was also taken aback by the sight in front of him, and quickly took out his phone.The ambulance came soon, and the family rushed to the hospital in a panic.

Gao Lang and Mrs. Gao stood guard outside the operating room, looking at the door of the operating room. Mrs. Gao kept wiping her tears silently.She doesn't know much about the company, but she also knows that this time Gao will definitely have a difficult time.About Gao Lang, she only heard some other people's words and some news reports, so she knew almost everything.Although it was sad that Gao Lang would do such a thing, but he also knew that he was only for the good of the Gao family, so he didn't know what to say.

Gao Lang also sat quietly on the stool, looking at the door of the operating room, feeling very confused. Although he was used to being arrogant since he was a child, it was the first time he disobeyed Master Gao like this.Moreover, Mr. Gao was so angry that he was sent to the hospital, so he felt very uncomfortable.But recently I have been under too much pressure.

The door of the operating room opened quickly, and when the doctor came out, Gao Lang and Gao's mother immediately surrounded him.

"Doctor, how is the patient's condition?"

The doctor took off his mask, "It's nothing serious, but you must pay attention to rest. This time it was sent to the hospital in time, otherwise it will easily lead to stroke, so the family members should take good care of it. Go first Go through the hospital procedures."

"Thank you doctor."

"Mom, you go to the ward first, I'll go through the hospitalization procedures."

After Gao Lang said that, he left temporarily, and Gao's mother looked at her son's back thoughtfully.

Sighing, he followed the nurse to Master Gao's ward.

Gao Lang quickly completed the hospitalization procedures, and then returned to the inpatient department.Seeing my mother sitting on the side with a worried face, I felt very guilty and regretful.

"Mom, go back and rest first. I will find a professional nurse to take care of it. It's useless for us to stay in the hospital. Let's go home first. There will be someone to take care of you here."

Mama Gao stood up, "I also have something to say to you." Then she walked out first.

Gao Lang was shocked. He explained to the nurse first and then went out. After closing the door of the ward, he saw his mother sitting on the chair next to him.


"Sit down." Mama Gao took a long breath and continued, "Mom knows that you are doing it for Gao's good. It's very difficult. Mom doesn't expect us to be rich all the time, as long as the family can be together forever, isn't it good? So mom hopes you can solve this matter well, and I will be happy if our family can be together Very satisfied, I believe your father thinks so too."

Gao Lang lowered his head, couldn't see his expression clearly, and kept repeating what his mother said just now in his mind.Maybe it makes sense, but I have worked hard for such a long time, and I don't want to just give up halfway.Anyway, I still have to try again.

Gao Mama saw that Gao Lang didn't respond, so she stood up first, and said silently, "Go home." Then she walked out.

The investigation work of the procuratorate has entered the final period. When Gao Lang received the notice from the procuratorate, he lost his mind at all.

"General Manager, what should we do now?" Gao Lang's assistant looked at Gao Lang tremblingly. Recently, Gao Lang's mood is not very good, so he often suffers.

"You asked me what to do, and I want to ask you what to do? I haven't done any of the things I told you before, so what am I going to do with you?"

"General manager, I can't help it. People in the procuratorate don't want to see me after hearing my name. I can't help it either."

Gao Lang waved his hand and rubbed his brows, "Okay, I don't want to hear what you said now. You can reply to the people at the procuratorate first, and I will definitely cooperate with their investigation, but Please wait for a day or two, I have some things to deal with first."

"I see, I'll reply immediately." The assistant left the office as if fleeing, and he didn't want to suffer any more.

Gao Lang rubbed his temples, he couldn't accept the investigation so obediently, his affairs were already settled, if he went, he would definitely not be able to come out again.So I had to take advantage of this time to find a shelter first.

After the prosecutor waited for a week, when he called Gao Lang again, the phone number was empty, and he felt a little uneasy.So he called Gao Lang's assistant and found out that something really happened.

"Prosecutor, you have to believe me, I really don't know. The day I called you last time was also the last time I saw my general manager, and I haven't seen him since then , I really don’t know. Just let me go.” The assistant was almost crying, and he only found out that Gao Lang was missing today, and he really thought that Gao Lang would go there honestly. Under investigation, who knows that he actually ran away.

"If you let me know that his escape has something to do with you, I will definitely sue you for obstructing justice." The prosecutor hung up the phone angrily, and called the police station to ask them to help find someone.

At this time, in the southern suburbs of City H, a man dressed in black opened the door of a room, put the things in his hand on the table, and silently turned on the TV.

(End of this chapter)

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