Chapter 345 Bride-to-be

"You mean Gao Lang is missing?" Gong Qianxia looked at Kitty standing in front of her and said.

"Well, I went to investigate. I heard that his assistant replied to the prosecutor that Gao Lang would cooperate with the investigation, but he didn't go after waiting for a long time, so the prosecutor suspected that there was something wrong. After checking Only then did I realize that Gao Lang had run away."

Hearing Kitty's words, Gong Qianxia's eyes became serious, Gao Lang ran away at such an important moment.Just when Gong Qianxia was about to say something, her cell phone rang.When he saw the caller ID of his mobile phone, he slapped himself on the forehead, said badly to Kitty, and quickly said to Kitty, "Let's leave this matter as it is for now, put a little pressure on the police station, and make them be sure to stop in the shortest possible time." Find the person in time, and you can't let him run amok outside. I have something to leave now, and you should get off work early when you are done." Gong Qianxia picked up her coat and went out, picking it up by the way. phone.

"it is good."

Gong Qianxia picked up the phone, and wittily took the phone away, and then heard Lan Chuchu's roar.

"Gong Qianxia, ​​don't tell me that you are still in your company."

Of course I wouldn't be so stupid as to tell the truth to General Lan Chuchu, otherwise I would definitely be beaten to death.But this is indeed my own fault. I had agreed to accompany Lan Chuchu to pick up the ring today, but I was busy with things just now and it happened that Kitty came to talk to me about Gao Lang, so I just forgot.

"No, no, I'm already on my way, I'll be there soon, you wait for me first. That's it, bye." Gong Qianxia hung up the phone quickly, although Lan Chuchu would definitely scold herself later Paused, but it's better than listening to her Hedong lion's roar now.

Now she just hopes that there will be no traffic jams on the road, otherwise she will really be silenced later.

But things are often not satisfactory, and I met some people from the original department at the door of the company.

"Hey, Qianxia, ​​where are you going now?" Ding Ding saw that the person in the car looked a bit like Gong Qianxia, ​​so he took a closer look, who knew it was really her, so he ran over to say hello.

"Ah! Ding Ding, what are you going to do?" Gong Qianxia saw a large group of people behind Ding Ding, all from the same department, and she couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"Oh, there is a newcomer in our department today, so today we are going to hold a welcome party. You know this is an old rule in our department."

"Oh, I understand."

"Why don't you come with me too." Lao Wang warmly invited, "Anyway, you can be regarded as the senior of our new comrade, and guide and guide the experience."

"Yeah yeah."

"Come together, Asaka."

Hearing everyone's invitation, Gong Qianxia showed embarrassment, she would definitely not be able to go, even if she had the guts, she wouldn't dare to let Lan Chuchu's pigeons go.But how to tactfully refuse their warm invitation, Gong Qianxia looked at the time, almost 10 minutes had passed, and she could imagine that Lan Chuchu's face must be ugly now.

"I'm really sorry. I really want to go with you, but I have already made an appointment today. How about another day? I'll invite everyone to dinner."

Originally, Ding Ding wanted to persuade him again, but he was stopped by Lao Wang, "Well, since you already have an appointment, we won't force you."

Gong Qianxia looked at Lao Wang gratefully, clasped his hands together, "Thank you very much."

Ding Ding also had no choice but to sigh and said, "Could it be that he wants to go back to accompany Mr. Yan, okay, then we have to retreat to the back line."

Gong Qianxia smiled awkwardly, letting them misunderstand, and she didn't bother to explain.

The time now is just the rush hour for getting off work. Although the place where Lan Chuchu picked up the ring is not far from the Wenren Group, Gong Qianxia was "lucky" to encounter a big traffic jam.Sitting on the seat and anxiously looking at the car in front, I have no choice but to go. I checked my phone and there is no call from Lan Chuchu. I don’t know what is going on with her now. Now I silently pray in my heart that I will stay. It won't be too ugly to die soon.

By the time we finally arrived at the mall, almost an hour had passed.

"Gong Qianxia, ​​you are an hour late." Hurrying to the place, Lan Chuchu sat on the sofa beside her, looking at Gong Qianxia angrily.

Gong Qianxia walked over with a smile, her heart was already so nervous.

"Chuchu is really sorry. I met my former colleagues at the gate of the company just now and insisted on dragging me to a dinner together. I talked for a long time before they let me go. There was a traffic jam on the road again. I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it wanted to be late."

Lan Chuchu didn't speak, just looked at Gong Qianxia, ​​that look made Gong Qianxia tremble all over, and broke into a cold sweat.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I will definitely not be like this in the future, I will treat you to dinner later, it's an apology."

Gong Qianxia pulled Lan Chuchu's arm and begged for love for a long time, and finally Lan Chuchu calmed down a little, "You are the first person who made Miss me wait so long."

Hearing Lan Chuchu's words, Gong Qianxia had no choice but to smile embarrassingly, "Let's go get the ring, the bride-to-be will get married tomorrow, so I have to go back to rest early today. If I look bad tomorrow, I will definitely be punished by the groom's officer." It was destroyed."

Lan Chuchu smiled, and let Gong Qianxia drag her to the jewelry store.Lan Chuchu handed over the order to the clerk, but the clerk just asked them to wait for a while, and then went to pick up the ring by himself.

Gong Qianxia wandered around in the shop casually, and said enviously, "That's great, you're all going to get married soon, so I'm relieved." Gong Qianxia looked like she was marrying a daughter, and Lan Chuchu rolled her eyes angrily. .

"But when are you and Yan Chaomu planning to get married? You have been engaged for a long time, aren't you planning to get married?"

Obviously, the two of them established their relationship earlier, but they are about to get married, and there is no news about the two of them. Even those of them who are friends are a little anxious, let alone those people who don't know the truth.

"We have discussed this issue. The case that Yan's cooperated with KW International is now the most critical moment. We think it is better to pass this time first."

Lan Chuchu sighed, knowing that it would be useless even if she tried to persuade her, "It's better not to procrastinate any longer, lest you have long nights and dreams."

Gong Qianxia just smiled, "I know, the bride-to-be should not worry about us. I am looking forward to your wedding tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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