Chapter 360 Wen Renyun's Choice
Before Wen Renyun could think of a solution, the door of the office was opened again.

"Who are you, how do you break into other people's offices at will?"

The people who came in ignored what Wen Renyun said, and took out their ID cards, "We are staff members of the National Product Safety Administration. We have received an order to come to your place for a random survey. Please cooperate with the investigation."

Wen Renyun was taken aback for a moment, if he handed over the formula now, he would definitely jump into the Yellow River and he would not be able to clean it up, "Even if you want to come to investigate me, you have to show your permit, if you don't have a permit, you can go Don't even think about taking away any of our Wenyun Group."

The man was not angry when he heard that Renyun said this, but instead smiled, "It seems that Miss Wenren knows a lot." He took a piece of paper from the person behind him and handed it to Wen Renyun, "Miss Wenren, this is a search warrant, can we take the things away now?"

Wen Renyun held the thing that the man handed over, his hands trembling slightly, now that the search warrants have been produced, it seems that he is determined to win.


"Please also ask Miss Wenren to cooperate with our work, don't make it difficult for us."

"But..." Wen Renyun was about to say something, but was stopped by the assistant at the side, "General Manager, we'd better not confront them head-on right now."

The man saw that Ren Yun had no other reaction, so he said to the people behind him, "Take everything here back."

A group of people took all the things away in a hurry, and left a sentence for Wen Renyun, "Thank you Miss Wenren for your cooperation, we will leave first." Then they led a group of people to leave.

Wen Renyun watched the people from the Security Bureau leave, his teeth itching with anger, "Now that everything has been taken away by them, what shall we do now?"

"I don't know what to do next. Now the outside is full of reporters and troublemakers. The stock of our Wenyun Group has been falling in recent days, and bad news about us has been spreading on the Internet."

"Things have developed to this point, what is the public relations side doing, don't they know how to suppress the news outside?"

"The public relations side has already taken measures, but there is nothing to do. Whether it is news on the Internet or on TV, the news is too turbulent, so it cannot be suppressed at all. Now the public opinion is one-sided, which is very unfavorable to us."

"Damn it, it's really horrible. Someone must be playing tricks behind the scenes. I must ask Wen Renjing, she must be playing tricks in the dark."

"Hey, the general manager..."

Wen Renyun ignored the assistant's voice and went downstairs directly, because in a moment of anxiety, he forgot that the downstairs is full of reporters and troublemakers.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Wen Renyun was spotted by sharp-eyed reporters, "Wen Renyun is over there."

Hearing the sound, Wen Renyun subconsciously wanted to turn around and leave, but found that there was no way out and could only be surrounded by reporters.

"Miss Wenren, how do you explain what happened not long ago?"

"Miss Wenren, may I ask if you know about this matter."

"Miss Wenren, why hasn't your company issued any statement until now?"

"Miss Wenren, how are you going to compensate those consumers who have been harmed?"

Wen Renyun's eyes were almost blinded by the reporter's flashing lights, and some troublemakers not far away naturally noticed the movement here, and rushed over one after another.

"Hurry up and give us an explanation."

"Look at us, one and two of us are allergic now."

"Look at what we are all like now. We were all happy at first, but now we are all very unhappy."

"I thought you were some good things, but you turned us all into this."

Everyone was chattering and wanting to push forward, even Wen Renyun was usually savage, but he couldn't stand such a battle.Wen Renyun didn't know what to do now, so he could only let those people push and push. When Wen Renyun's assistant rushed down, Wen Renyun was already surrounded by a group of people, and hurried forward.

"Please don't crowd here, we will give you an explanation, please stay safe and don't be impatient."

Everyone was even more unhappy when they heard what the assistant said, and they all squeezed harder, "Why do you give me an explanation? How long has it been? Has someone from your Wenyun Group come out to make a statement?"

"That's right. I saw people from the National Product Safety Administration just now. They must come here if there is a problem."

The assistant also didn't know how to deal with such a situation, so he had to take Wen Renyun to the garage, and at that moment the security guards rushed over.

"Security, here, stop these people, hurry up."

With the help of security guards and assistants, Wen Renyun got into the car safely.

After the experience just now, Wen Renyun obviously lacked energy, and sat in the car rubbing his temples.

"It was really thanks to you just now, thank you Xiao Li." Although Wen Renyun usually didn't have nice words to this assistant, he was still very grateful to him in his heart.

Since the accident, he has always been busy by his side.

"The general manager is serious. This is what I should do. Where do we go now?"

"Take me home first, I'm a little tired and want to rest."

Wen Renyun didn't speak any more, looking at the scenery outside the window, he gradually fell into deep thought.

In fact, I knew very well in my heart that this matter was obviously aimed at me.Whether it was TV news or public opinion from the Internet, it was obviously a malicious attack. No matter which aspect I thought about it, I felt that it was related to the Wenren Group.

It's just that I don't know whether it was Wen Renshi's instruction or Gong Qianxia's instruction. It seems that I need to find a time to have a good talk with Wen Renshi.

Now the situation of Wenyun Group is very clear to me, the previous profits can't solve this problem at all.

"Xiao Li, go to the finance department to settle your previous salary, and then you won't use it tomorrow."

Since I started managing the Wenyun Group, Assistant Li has been by my side to help me. Although I always speak sarcasticly to him, I still sincerely thank him.So I don't want him to be implicated.

"General manager……"

"You don't need to say any more, I've already made up my mind, I don't want to see you again after today." Wen Renyun directly interrupted Assistant Li's words, got out of the car and went upstairs after speaking, hoping that the decision he made was correct .

(End of this chapter)

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