Chapter 361 The Frozen Heart

Early the next morning, Wen Renyun went back to the mansion to find Wen Renshi.

"You came to me in such a big way this morning, there must be something unusual." Wen Renshi looked at the newspaper in his hand and said without raising his head.

Wen Renyun sat on the other side, watching Wen Renshi's actions indifferently, but his heart was very calm, anyway, this day will always come.

"I think you have already guessed what I came to you for, so I won't beat around the bush. I just want to know if you did what happened this time."

"Don't you already know the answer? Do you still need to ask me?" Wen Ren's expression did not change a bit, and his tone remained flat.

Wen Renyun took a deep breath and tried his best to control his emotions, "Perhaps you have always thought that no matter how we please you, it is because we want to inherit the Wenren Group, but I want you to know that I am real I want you to see me."

Seeing that Wen Renshi still hasn't changed, Wen Renyun continued, "My parents are not very powerful people, I know you look down on them, but I really want to do everything well. I know you have been Treat us as successors, and try our best to make us better. But I still remember when I was very young, you would gently ask me if I was happy and what I wanted, but from me You have never been like this since you were in junior high school. Every time we come, you will ask me if my grades are good and if I am obedient. If I say I have good grades, you will be very happy, but if my If your grades drop a little bit, you will be very unhappy. I always feel that adults are very concerned about children’s grades, so I have been studying hard all the time. First, I don’t want others to look down on children from rich families. Let them think that we are idiots who don't know how to study and only know how to enjoy, and more importantly, I want to see you smiling at me in comfort."

Wen Renshi was also a little shocked. He never knew what Wen Renyun thought in his heart, and he became a little hesitant when speaking, "But you have to understand that as the heir of the Wenren Group, opinions are very stressful." Things, if there is something wrong with it, others will catch it. That's why I..."

"I know, so I never complain. I have been working hard secretly, thinking that one day, you will be able to see my hard work. But what..." Wen Renyun looked straight at Wen Renyun Renshi's eyes, "Even if I got No.1 in the grade, you just nodded slightly, never praised me, never said something like "We Yooner worked hard". You know my How tormented is your heart? When I was 15 years old and won the first place in the school, you said you would take me out on my birthday, but I waited for you all day, knowing that you came back almost midnight, watching When I was hungry, I just said "Why are you still here?Hurry up and go home. "Then go upstairs. You promised me. Do you know how wronged I was when I watched your back upstairs? I asked Assistant Chen later, and he said it was because of the Wenren Group's cooperation. , that's why you forgot what you promised me. After that, I understood that in your heart, only the celebrity group is the most important. You don’t know yourself anymore.”

Wen Renshi was also shocked when she heard what Wen Renyun said. If she hadn't mentioned it herself, she would have forgotten that there was such a thing.But the memory is vague and it seems that there was a time when Wen Renyun stayed at home very late, but he was too busy at that time, so he forgot.

"Yun'er, these are all my problems. It's because of me that I made you like this, but it has nothing to do with Qian Xia. Why did you push Qian Xia down the stairs at the beginning, causing her to lose the child."

Wen Renyun laughed at himself, "Would you believe me if I said it was because of jealousy?"

"Jealous?" Wen Renshi looked at Wen Renyun in disbelief.

"Yes, it's because of jealousy. Why can't I compare with Gong Qianxia and you for a few days after so many years of hard work? Just because she is your granddaughter, can you ignore all my efforts? I pushed her downstairs because of jealousy, but I didn't expect that Gong Asaxia was pregnant at that time, and I was also frightened when I saw bloodstains all over her body, I never thought that things would happen It became like this. I just wanted to scare her, so she wouldn’t hang around in front of you if she was hurt a little, but who knew she would lose her child because of this incident! This can only be her own fault, maybe she It is destined to have no fate with that child."

"How can you talk like that? Qian Xia lost that child because of you, and you actually said it was Qian Xia's own fault. How did you become like this?" Wen Renshi pointed to Wen Renyun's nose, eyes wide Full of panic.

"Don't you know why I became like this? It's all because of you, it's all because of you. If you hadn't brought her back to the mansion rashly and introduced her to us rashly, I wouldn't have Did you never blame yourself for doing such a thing? After all, if it wasn't for you, Gong Qianxia would not have lost that child."

Wen Renshi looked at Wen Renyun, how could he not know what she said, and it was for this reason that he wanted to make up for Gong Qianxia.but……

"you you you……"

"Me, me." Wen Renyun patted Wen Renshi away and pointed to his hand, stood up and looked down at her, "Do you think you haven't done any unscrupulous things? Can you say that you are struggling in the mall?" After so many years, are your hands still clean? I also know why you attacked me personally. I guess the woman in Gong Qianxia also wanted to get rid of me personally, but because you didn’t want her to become As dirty as you. I'm right, Chairman Wenren."

Wen Renyun has been looking directly into Wen Renshi's eyes, without any intention of avoiding it, anyway, he has already talked about everything, and he doesn't care what to hide anymore.

"You..." Before Wen Ren could finish his sentence, he fell down clutching his heart.

Wen Renyun looked at Wen Renshi who fell in front of him, but didn't react for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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