Chapter 362 Knowing the truth

While Wen Renyun was in a daze, the door of the study was pushed open by Assistant Chen from the outside. As soon as Assistant Chen saw Wen Renshi who had fainted, he knew what had happened.

Hastily rushed forward to check on Wenren's situation, "Chairman, what's wrong with you?"

Jianwenren didn't respond, Assistant Chen called to Wenrenyun who was standing beside him, "Call an ambulance quickly, hurry up."

Only then did Wen Renyun come to his senses, hurriedly took out his cell phone, unlocked it tremblingly, and called the emergency call, "Hello, is it 120? This is...someone fainted, hurry up Send someone."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Renyun said to Assistant Chen, "I didn't do it on purpose, and I don't know why the chairman fainted suddenly."

When Assistant Chen heard Wen Renyun's words, he didn't know what to say, but waited patiently for the ambulance to arrive, and then immediately sent Wen Renshi to the hospital.

When being sent to the ambulance, Wen Renyun also got into the ambulance, Assistant Chen didn't stop him, and went to the hospital together.

"Doctor, what's the situation now? Why did you suddenly faint?" Assistant Chen asked the attending doctor after Wen Renshi was sent to the ward by the nurse.

"Oh, there's nothing serious about it, it's just because the previous surgery hasn't fully recovered, and today it's only caused by a momentary emotional agitation. You can leave the hospital after a few days of hospital observation if there is no abnormality."

"Well, thank you doctor."

Assistant Chen sent the doctor away, and turned around to see Wen Renyun's puzzled eyes. Thinking of what the doctor said just now, she understood clearly, probably she was guessing what kind of operation it was.

"Has the chairman you mentioned just had any surgery before? Why don't I know?"

"Only me, the chairman, and Ms. Gong know about this matter. The chairman is afraid that it will cause a commotion in the celebrity group, so he asked me to suppress this matter. Not long ago, the chairman was found to have cancer. But because it was discovered earlier, and fortunately, Miss Gong knew about it earlier, so she persuaded the chairman to have the operation, and gradually recovered."

Hearing Assistant Chen's words, Wen Renyun suddenly understood that before Gong Qianxia rushed home and entered Wen Ren's study without even knocking on the door, but Wen Ren did not scold her , it turned out to be the reason.No wonder Wen Renshi had been missing for such a long time before, and he declared that he had something to deal with, but Wen Renyun felt something was wrong when he saw her face, but Wen Renshi himself didn't say anything, it turned out to be like this.

"Cancer? Why do you help hide such a serious matter? If something happens, can you bear it?" Wen Renyun is also a little confused about what he is thinking about asking about this matter now, but I just feel a little scared when I think about it.

"Miss Wenren, I think you know better than me how much effort the chairman has put into Wenren Group. It's not a matter of a day or two that you, Miss Jing and Master Xiong can't get along. The chairman is afraid of you Young and energetic. The Wenren Group has her whole life's effort, don't you have the heart to watch the Wenren Group fall apart under your intervention?"

Hearing Assistant Chen's words, Wen Renyun fell silent.

Assistant Chen was right. At that time, I would never have thought about it so much. If I really knew about Wen Renshi's illness, I would definitely not be thinking about trying my best to heal her, but thinking about how to get her to treat Wen Ren's illness. Hand over the management rights of the people group.

"I understand what you said. I think it's too simple." Wen Renyun raised his head and looked at Assistant Chen seriously, "Assistant Chen, the chairman will be handed over to you. You have to take good care of her." .” Then he was about to turn around.

"Where are you going? Don't you wait for the chairman to wake up?" Assistant Chen didn't know what happened to the two of them today, but Wen Renyun was by his side when Wen Renshi fainted, so they were sure Something happened.

"I won't wait for the chairman to wake up. I guess she won't want to see me when she wakes up. I have to pay my debts now." Wen Renyun smiled at Assistant Chen, then There was a touch of despair in the smile, "You have to take good care of the chairman for me."

Assistant Chen was a little confused, but he still didn't stop Wen Renyun from going out.

After Wen Renyun left the hospital, he went directly to Wenren Group. He had to explain some things to Gong Qianxia himself.Just like what Wenrenshi said, I shouldn't vent my dissatisfaction with Wenrenshi on Gong Qianxia, ​​and more importantly, I also caused myself to lose my child.

"Chairman, Wen Renyun is here and wants to see you."

"Let her come up." Gong Qianxia was still a little shocked, isn't Wen Renyun busy with Wen Yun Group's affairs during this time?Why is she still in the mood to come here?

Kitty soon came up with Wen Renyun.

"Why do you still have time to come to me, shouldn't you be busy with Wenyun Group's affairs?"

Wen Renyun didn't answer Gong Qianxia's words, and knelt down in front of Gong Qianxia.Seeing Wen Renyun's posture, Gong Qianxia was taken aback, and quickly stood up, "What are you doing?" Just as she was about to step forward, Wen Renyun stopped her.

"I came to you today to apologize to you."

"Apologize?" Gong Qianxia still didn't understand why.

"Before I pushed you down the stairs and caused you to lose your child, I was wrong. I apologize to you because I was narrow-minded, and because I was jealous of you, I couldn't think about it for a while. That's for you. But I didn't know that you were pregnant at that time, I just wanted to show you off, I didn't think about making you lose your child, you believe me, I really didn't mean it. "

Gong Qianxia was at a loss for what Wen Renyun said, so what did she want to say now?

Seeing that Gong Qianxia didn't answer her own words, Wen Renyun continued, "I didn't want to ask for your forgiveness. I know that I shouldn't be forgiven for the things I did. I just hope that you can be well in the future. Take care of Chairman Wenren, Wenren Group is as important as her life to her, please, you must take good care of Wenren Group. I also know about the chairman's surgery before, and I will trouble you in the future. Take care of the chairman, I believe you will do well."

"What do you mean by that?" Gong Qianxia always felt a little uneasy, Wen Renyun said this, as if she was giving instructions for the future, is there anything she can't think of?

(End of this chapter)

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