Chapter 363 Strange Behavior
"Don't worry about what I mean, you just need to answer me, you will protect Wenren Group and take good care of the chairman."

"Can you talk after you get up first?" What do you mean by kneeling in your own office? It always feels so strange.

"If you don't agree to me, I won't get up." Wen Renyun said firmly, avoiding Gong Qianxia's eyes.

"Hey, can do it, I promise you, I will protect the Wenren Group and take good care of the chairman. You can get up now."

Gong Qianxia stretched out her hand to support Wen Renyun, but Wen Renyun stopped insisting, and stood up with Gong Qianxia's hand.

Wen Renyun looked at Gong Qianxia and said seriously, "It was my fault for causing you to lose that child, and I didn't expect things to turn out like that, and I didn't expect you to forgive me, but you promised me, I will I hope you can do it." After Wen Renyun finished speaking, he left Wenren Group.

Gong Qianxia stared blankly at Wen Renyun's leaving back, a little confused about what Wen Renyun meant now.

As soon as Wen Renyun returned to Wenyun Group, he held a press conference and made a final statement for the previous events.

"Here, I sincerely apologize to all consumers. This time, it is the problem of our Wenyun Group that caused such great harm to you. We promise that we will definitely compensate you. I hope this matter will not happen again. Someone reported it."

"Miss Wen Renyun, may I ask if you bought the latest perfume formula or researched it yourself? Why haven't you found such a serious problem?" A reporter asked difficultly. There were rumors in private that the latest perfume of Wenyun Group was the same as The Wenren Group is very similar, so some people actually suspected that this incident had something to do with the Wenren Group, but no one dared to say so.

"The formula was researched by our company, but because our employees were not careful enough, this kind of problem occurred."

"Then I would like to ask Ms. Wenren, since the company's strength is not enough, why did it launch new products?"

"Before all the products leave the factory, didn't Ms. Wenren ask someone to check them? If you just launch new products so casually, aren't you afraid that there will be problems?"

The reporters who were present were talking in a hurry, which made Wen Renyun's mind confused.

"I have already stated that Wenyun Group will take full responsibility for this time. I have finished what I should say, and this press conference will be held here for the time being." Wen Renyun left the scene after speaking , now as long as the hunger thing is resolved this time, I can feel at ease.

Seeing the back of Wen Renyun leaving, everyone hadn't reacted yet. Some reporters were about to catch up, but they were stopped by the security guards at the side.

"Immediately find a way to make up for those consumers, whether it's money or things, as long as it can appease their emotions. All losses in the mall will be borne by us."

"I see, general manager, Assistant Li didn't come to the company today, why don't I try to contact him?"

"No, I'm the one who fired him. Go and do your work."

"Okay." The secretary turned around and went out to deal with what Wen Renyun had ordered him to do.

Wen Renyun leaned on the backrest behind him, hoping that this matter could be handled smoothly.I have been fighting each other for so many years, and now it is time for me to take a good rest.

I am already too tired.

Gong Qianxia was very surprised when she received the call from Assistant Chen. Wen Renshi had recovered very well, why did she faint suddenly? She asked Assistant Chen herself, and he also said that he would wait until he got to the hospital.I had to rush to the hospital in a hurry, and was relieved to see that Wen Renshi was safe and sound.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you faint suddenly?"

Wen Ren didn't answer Gong Qianxia's words, but instead told Assistant Chen, "You go back today, I have something to discuss with Qianxia."


After Assistant Chen left the ward, Wen Renshi held Gong Qianxia's hand and spoke heavily.

"Qianxia, ​​now I have an unfeeling request, I hope you can promise me."

Gong Qianxia looked at Wen Renshi with a heavy expression on her face. When Wen Renyun came to find her today, she felt that something must have happened. As a result, now that Wen Renshi talked to her like this, she was even more sure of what she had in her heart. thought up.

"You speak first."

Seeing Gong Qianxia's heavy expression, Wenren's heart also became heavy, "I know that such a request is a bit inappropriate for you, but I still want to say it. I am very concerned about the matter of Wenyun Group this time. I hope you can help them secretly to help them get through this difficult time."

Gong Qianxia looked at Wenrenshi in shock, and couldn't believe that she would say such a thing, "You know very well in your heart why Wenyun Group has such a problem now. You also know why I hate Wenrenyun so much, why You'll make that decision."

"I know you must not understand why I did this. In fact, I hate myself very much. If it wasn't because of me, you wouldn't lose that child, Yoona, and you wouldn't have made so many mistakes. Things have become like this. I'm sorry for what happened to you, but I'm old now, and I can't bear so much torment."

Seeing the firmness in Wen Ren's eyes, Gong Qianxia felt very entangled in her heart. When she saw Wen Yun Group was in a difficult situation and Wen Ren Yun was besieged by reporters and troublemakers, she was actually not very happy in her heart.But every time she thinks of that child, Gong Qianxia will tell herself that she can't be softhearted, she is the murderer who killed her child.

"Can you tell me why you made such a decision?" Even if you want to give up revenge, give yourself a reason.

Wenren glanced at Gong Qianxia's serious eyes, sighed, and told Gong Qianxia what happened in the morning.

"So you want to make it up to her?"

"I know it's unfair to you, but I've never asked anyone else in my life. Today I beg you to help me this time. I will do my best to make it up to you in the future, and you and Yan Zhaomu have a perfect relationship. In the future, you will definitely have more children."

Listening to Wen Ren's words, Gong Qianxia was silent for a long time, was she really willing to let go of Wen Renyun's words so easily?But it seems that I did not succeed in getting revenge on Wen Renyun, so I actually feel a little bit unbearable from the bottom of my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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