Chapter 364 The True Heart

"Qianxia, ​​just take it as I beg you, and promise me this one request."

Seeing Wenren begging herself in a low voice, Gong Qianxia felt that maybe she was also the No.1 in the world, so she reluctantly agreed, "I see, I will take care of this matter, You don't have to worry. But I want to tell you that I didn't forgive Wen Renyun for what he did to me, but I just didn't want you to be unhappy. I did this all because of you. You are my only relative I don't want you to be unhappy anymore."

Hearing Gong Qianxia's words, Wenren smiled gratifiedly, and held Gong Qianxia's hand, "I knew you were the most understanding, don't worry, I understand your thoughts, I I also hope that child Yun'er can realize his mistakes, and it would be better to reform himself as soon as possible."

Gong Qianxia sighed, "Then you should have a good rest first, I will go back first."

"Well, be careful on the road."

Gong Qianxia got up and was about to go out when she heard Wenren's apologetic say, "Qianxia, ​​I'm really sorry, and thank you for understanding me so well."

Hearing Wenren's words, Gong Qianxia left the ward without saying anything.

Why didn't he want to let Wen Renyun's life pay for his life?But she understands the truth of when it's time to repay the injustice, the things have already happened, and Wen Renyun already wants to explain it clearly to herself, so there is no need for her to hold on to it tightly.Maybe I'm still not cruel enough, so can I really manage Wenren Group well if I am so indecisive?I don't believe myself a little.

When Gong Qianxia returned home, Yan Chaomu had already prepared dinner, and was about to call Gong Qianxia when he heard the door open, "Did something happen to Chairman Wenren? Why did he enter the hospital? "

"Didn't she be diagnosed with the early stage of cancer before, she arranged time for surgery and is now recovering. Wen Renyun went to find her this morning, and then the chairman suddenly passed out. The doctor said it was just a moment of emotional excitement. , rest for a day or two and you'll be fine."

Yan Chaomu frowned, "Did you deliberately hide Wenren's admission to the hospital? The outside world didn't hear anything about it."

Gong Qianxia washed her hands and came out of the bathroom, sat down on her seat, and answered Daoyan Chaomu's question, "The chairman is afraid that if the news of his illness spreads, some people who covet the Wenren Group will be ready to move. That's why I concealed this matter, but it has already been settled, and after a while, I will be able to return the Wenren Group to Wenren's hands, and I will retire."

Hearing Gong Qianxia's relaxed tone, Yan Chaomu couldn't help feeling a ripple in his heart. Now that Gong Qianxia has started to deal with the affairs of the Wenren Group, and things are handled very well, even if Wenren's body is healed , but will he really take over the celebrity group again?Even if the Wenren Group was established by Wenrenshi alone, it is estimated that after this incident, Wenrenshi probably has no intention of managing the affairs of the group.Even if Wen Renshi doesn't want to be old, he can't do it anymore, there will always be a day when his body can't bear it.In addition, she originally trained Gong Qianxia as the heir.It is estimated that it will not be easy for Gong Qianxia to hand over the errand this time.

Yan Chaomu was still thinking about Wenren Group, but was interrupted by Gong Qianxia's voice, "Chaomu, there is something I want to tell you."

"What's the matter?" It seemed that she was a little serious, Gong Qianxia rarely had such an expression.

"It's about Wen Renyun. The chairman said he asked me to help manage the relationship and help Wenyun Group settle this matter. What do you think?"

Yan Chaomu glanced at Gong Qianxia, ​​and asked seriously, "Do you want to hear the truth?"

Gong Qianxia nodded heavily, "Of course, I just don't know what I should do."

Yan Chaomu cleared his throat, "Actually, when this incident broke out, I guessed it. Chairman Wenren must have done it behind the scenes. The people I sent to investigate came back with news that Wenren used Wen Renjing asked Wen Renjing to help me with Wen Renxiong's matter. After all, Wen Renjing and Wen Renyun are both on the same boat. They both want to replace you, and they both have the ambition to inherit the Wenren Group, so They are cooperating on the surface, but in fact they are calculating each other in their hearts. This time, Wen Renshi just took an alternative formula and gave it to Wen Renjing, but it was Wen Renjing who moved inside. Hands and feet, that's why such a big incident happened. Haven't you noticed that since this incident was exposed, Wen Renjing has disappeared?"

Gong Qianxia listened to Yan Zhaomu's analysis and nodded, "It seems to be true, she didn't even attend some business gatherings."

"That's right, she must be afraid of finding out about herself, so she ran abroad to avoid the limelight as soon as possible. Although I found out about this matter, they are both strangers to me , I also know that because of that child, you have always hated Wen Renyun in your heart, so I didn't make a high-profile conspiracy about Wen Renjing. Anyway, the two of them will be eliminated sooner or later, whoever is the first It doesn't matter if it's the second one. But Xia Xia..." Yan Chaomu stretched out his hand to hold Gong Qianxia's hand, and continued, "I know you've been hinting at what you Wen Renyun did, but it's actually useless. When this incident was exposed, you didn't feel very happy, and even when you saw Wen Renyun's embarrassment, you didn't feel very relieved. In fact, you just didn't understand it yourself, and added to yourself So much pressure. I think it's the best choice for you to let this matter go. Lost a child, we will have more children."

Listening to Yan Chaomu's gentle words, Gong Qianxia also felt very uncomfortable. She has always been aware of her inner demons, but she has been avoiding them all the time, imposing all her problems on Wen Renyun.At that time, I didn't notice that I was pregnant, which was my own fault, and the doctor also said that even without that fall, it would be difficult for the child to be born smoothly.

"I understand what you said."

Yan Chaomu looked at Gong Qianxia's downcast appearance, felt a pain in his heart, stretched out his hand to wrap around Gong Qianxia's shoulder, patted her on the back lightly, and comforted her softly, "Don't worry, I'm here for everything."

(End of this chapter)

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