Chapter 367 Unexpected Surprise

Hearing his words, Kitty suddenly realized, "Ah, I remembered, hello, hello, I didn't expect to see you here, this is your child."

"Yes, yes, come on, baby, say hello to my sister."

"Hello, sister." The child said hello to Kitty obediently.

Seeing the cute kid Kitty was also quite happy, and he patted the kid's head, "Hello, what grade is the kid in now?"

"I'm not a kid anymore, I'm already in junior high school." Hearing someone call him a kid, the kid was obviously a little unhappy and said with a pouted mouth.

"How can you talk to your sister like that? It's not polite at all."

"It's okay, kid." Kitty stopped her father from scolding the kid, and turned to the kid, "It's my sister who is wrong, not a kid anymore, can you tell my sister why you like Hua Wuyou?"

When he heard this sentence, the child's eyes lit up again, "Because brother Wuyou is very handsome."

Hearing the child's straightforward words, Kitty burst out laughing. This was the first time he had seen such a straightforward child.Seeing Kitty smiling, the child seemed a little unhappy, "What's the matter? Don't you agree with what I said? Don't you think Brother Wuyou is very handsome?"

"I didn't mean to laugh at you. I also think Hua Wuyou is quite handsome. Then can you understand what Hua Wuyou wrote?"

Hearing Kitty's words, the child was obviously a little embarrassed, lowered his head and said, "I don't understand much now, but I will be able to understand when I grow up. I have all the books written by Brother Wuyou." There are some." The child looked up at Kitty, his eyes full of stubbornness.

Kitty was about to speak, when the fans next to her started screaming Hua Wuyou's name.Seeing the children next to her looking at the stage full of expectation, Kitty didn't speak any more, quietly waiting for the meeting to start.

Not long after, Hua Wuyou appeared on the stage in a black suit, her hair was combed neatly, her eyes swept over, she saw Kitty sitting on the seat, she smiled at her, and sat down on her own position.

"Hi everyone, thank you for coming to today's meeting. I am Hua Wuyou."

As soon as the words fell, the fans in the audience screamed again, even the child sitting next to Kitty called Hua Wuyou's name loudly, "Brother Wuyou..."

The father sitting next to him also looked at his daughter helplessly, and Kitty also looked at the child with a smile, unexpectedly, Hua Wuyou had so many fans.

"Today is my new book meeting, have you bought all my new books?"

"Bought it."

"Read it?"


"Like it?"


Although it was a simple question, the fans present were still very supportive. The screams became louder and louder. Even the building of the shopping mall where the meeting was held was almost toppled.

The meeting process is very simple, just some small interactions.In some sessions, some fans were invited to go up. Hua Wuyou looked at Kitty with a smile. Of course, Kitty understood that he wanted to invite her to go up, and shook her head slightly. She was not suitable for such activities.Hua Wuyou didn't force her, and asked the staff to randomly select a few fans. The fans who were lucky enough to be selected were naturally envious of the people next to them.

The meet and greet went on quickly, and it was over at 05:30. When Hua Wuyou left the stage, there was still a sound of regret. Kitty saw that the fans around him had no intention of leaving. Because of the lively atmosphere, everyone already They all stood up, and their positions had become crooked.Everyone wanted to lean closer, and to get in touch with Hua Wuyou from a greater distance.

"Woooooo... brother Wuyou..."

The cries of the children next to her scared Kitty and the father.

"Baby, what's the matter with you." Obviously, the father didn't expect his daughter to be like this, and he was a little at a loss.

Kitty was also a little dazed, calming down her emotions, "What's the matter? Can you tell my sister?"

The child was sobbing for a long time before he calmed down, "It''s the first time I...see brother Wuyou so close...I want to see him again..." After finishing speaking, the child felt a little embarrassed lowered his head.

"I also want to study hard and become a great writer like Brother Wuyou in the future."

Hearing the child's words, Kitty couldn't help teasing, "Didn't you just say that you liked Hua Wuyou because you thought he was handsome?"

"Who said that." The child looked at Kitty stubbornly, and said stubbornly, "I'm not such a superficial person, Brother Wuyou's writing is also very good."

"Okay, okay, then you have to study hard and become as powerful as Hua Wuyou in the future." Kitty patted the child's head and smiled gratifiedly.

The fans around also began to leave the venue gradually. The child stood up and straightened his clothes, and said to his father, "Dad, let's go back, the venue is already over."

The father also stood up, took his things, and said to Kitty, "Then let's go first, or we can take you back on the way."

Kitty saw that the child was still obviously sullen, and made up his mind, "I'm not in a hurry to leave now, baby, don't you want to see Hua Wuyou again?"

Hearing Kitty's words, the child looked up at Kitty in surprise, and asked seriously, "Is it really okay?"

Kitty nodded seriously, "Of course, my sister can take you to see him."

The child wanted to nod eagerly, but he still looked at his father's face, "Dad, is it okay?"

The father looked at Kitty, "If it's inconvenient, forget it, there will be a chance next time."

"It's nothing, it's very convenient."

"Then go." The father also let go.

"It's great, Dad, I love you so much." The child kissed his dad hard on the face, and then immediately grabbed Kitty's hand, "Then sister will take me to see you again." Worry about brother."

"Well, let me make a call first."

Kitty took out her mobile phone and called Hua Wuyou, and the call was quickly connected.

"I've packed it up, where are you now? I'll go find you." As soon as the call was connected, Kitty heard Hua Wuyou's crackling words.

"I have something to ask you now, where are you now?" Kitty didn't answer Hua Wuyou's words, but asked her own question.

"I'm still in the lounge, what's wrong?"

"Is there anyone else around you now?"

Hua Wuyou looked at the assistant who was swiping his phone beside him, "Only my assistant is still here, and everyone else has already left."

(End of this chapter)

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