Chapter 368 I Have a Fiancee
"I'm going to find you now. I have something to do. You wait for me."

Kitty hung up the phone, and took the child to the lounge to find Hua Wuyou.

"Sister, can I really still see Brother Wuyou?" The child looked at Kitty in disbelief. In fact, he was already very satisfied to see Hua Wuyou at such a close distance. He didn't expect to see him again.And this posture looks like the kind of meeting face to face.

"Why, don't you trust my sister? Ask your father if I can let you see Hua Wuyou."

The child looked at his father in disbelief, only to see his father nodded and patted her on the head, "Follow sister obediently."

Kitty reached the door of the lounge, and knocked on the door, and then Hua Wuyou's voice came out, "Come in."

Kitty pulled the child in front of her and led her into the lounge, "Worry-free."

Hua Wuyou turned around and looked at the child in front of her in amazement, why a child suddenly appeared.

"What's the situation with this child?" Could it be that Kitty's child is going to recognize himself as a father?Hua Wuyou shook her head, she must have thought too much, her brain was too big.

"This kid is your book fan. It's the kid of this gentleman. He was the gentleman who sent us to the hospital during Chinese New Year." Kitty introduced the people behind him. Hua Wuyou hadn't seen them last time because of his eye problems. Sir, so I don't know him.

"Hello, hello, thank you so much for what happened last time. Thank you for taking the time to attend the meeting today."

"No, it just happened to be on the way anyway."

The kid next to him was also a smart kid, and he immediately saw the clue, "So Dad, did you know Brother Wuyou a long time ago? So what is the ticket for today?" Although he guessed it, he was still a little uncertain.

"Today's ticket was sent by your brother Wuyou, otherwise, how could you think your father would be so capable to help you get the VIP ticket." "Really?" The child looked at it in surprise. Hua Wuyou, "Brother Wuyou, did you really know my father from the beginning?"

Hua Wuyou also squatted down, looked at the child and said with a smile, "Yes, your father is a very good person. I heard that you are my book fan. It is really rare. I still have such a cute My little fan."

Even an adult would be shy to be praised by his male god like this, let alone a child who just entered junior high school. "Yeah, I really like Brother Wuyou very much. My dream is to marry Brother Wuyou when I grow up."

Hearing the child's words, the three adults were stunned, and the little girl's father hurried forward, "You are really not ashamed, what are you talking about?"

"Hahaha, but what should we do? Brother Wuyou already has a fiancée." Hua Wuyou glanced at Kitty and said to the child jokingly.

Kitty glared at Hua Wuyou, what kind of fiancée, he didn't even propose to him, and dared to say that she was his fiancée, what a shame.

"What? You have a fiancée? Who is it?" There was a kind of surprise in the child's eyes, but the meaning of gossip was more obvious.

"You also know this person."

"I know? Who is it?"

Hua Wuyou turned the child's body and faced Kitty, "That's my sister, do you know her?"

The child looked at Kitty in surprise, "It's you."

Kitty wanted to shake her head helplessly, but was interrupted by the child's voice, "Oh, forget it, if it's this sister, then I won't rob her." The child turned around and looked at Huawu seriously. You, "Brother Wuyou, you must not bully this sister, she is super nice, so you must not bully her."

Both Hua Wuyou and Kitty smiled helplessly, took a book on the table and handed it to the child, "It has my signature on it, it's a gift for you, and I must take good care of my father's words in the future." , I hope to see you at my meeting in the future."

"I certainly will."

"Hey, now you have seen your worry-free brother, can you go home now? Mom is still at home waiting for you to go back and share with her."

"Okay." After saying goodbye to Hua Wuyou, the child followed his father and left first.

Kitty looked at the back of them leaving, and said to Hua Wuyou jokingly, "I never expected that you can even capture such a small child, you are so charming."

"That's a matter of course. If you look at those fans who are rare to me, you are the only one who doesn't care about me."

When Kitty heard Hua Wuyou's words, she rolled her eyes at him, "Since I don't care about you, then go find someone else."

Hua Wuyou said to Kitty flatteringly, "I don't want to look for others, I only care about you."

Kitty noticed the surprise on Hua Wuyou's assistant's face, and reminded him in a low voice, "Be careful what you say, your assistant is still here."

Hua Wuyou turned her head and saw her assistant looking at the two of them in surprise, and put her arms around Kitty's shoulders, "What are you looking at, today I will introduce you officially, this is my girlfriend, just call her Miss Kitty gone."

"Miss Kitty." The little assistant called out obediently, obviously not recovering from the shock.

"Let's go back first. I'll go in Kitty's car. You can go back by yourself."

After speaking, Hua Wuyou took Kitty and left the lounge, "I came here in my assistant's car today, let's go to dinner first, and then you send me home."

Kitty was a little worried, "Is this okay? You just held a meet and greet in the afternoon, and if you show up in the restaurant then, will it cause commotion from others?"

"It's okay. I'm not a big star, I'm just a writer. Even if someone notices me, it won't cause too much commotion. It's okay, let's go."

"Okay then." Kitty didn't refuse any more, she also knew that Hua Wuyou had been very busy with the new book and had no time to relax, so let's take a good rest today.

As soon as Kitty sat down in the car, the phone rang. Seeing the number displayed on the phone, she frowned and lost her mind for a while.

"What are you thinking, answer the phone."

Hearing Hua Wuyou's voice, Kitty came back to her senses, looked at Hua Wuyou with weird eyes, then got out of the car and answered the phone.

Hua Wuyou looked at Kitty's actions and felt a little puzzled in her heart. Her expression was not very good when she saw her in the rearview mirror, and she could only hear her say a few words before hanging up the phone, but she was a little emotional. Wrong scripture.

Kitty opened the car door and got back into the car. Hua Wuyou asked curiously, "Did something happen? There seems to be something wrong with you."

(End of this chapter)

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