Chapter 370
"What did you say? You're resigning?"

"I know it's a bit too sudden to say this now, but I do have some reasons of my own, and I'm really sorry."

Wen Renshi also knew what kind of character Kitty was, and she would not say such a thing if it was not a really urgent matter.

"Is it urgent?"

Kitty nodded, "Yes."

Wen Renshi sighed, "Since you have already spoken to me, I can't let you go. You also know that besides Assistant Chen, you are the most sympathetic subordinate to me. No matter what it is, you can It was handled well, the door of the Wenren Group is always open for you, as long as you want to come back, you are welcome to come back at any time."

Kitty looked at Wen Renshi gratefully, "Chairman, thank you. I will never forget your training over the past few years. If there is an opportunity, I will definitely continue to help you."

Although Kitty is a student who graduated from a prestigious school, a person without much experience is not a special person for a company. Any company like this will grab a lot of such people.But Wenrenshi saw the potential hidden in Kitty and brought her to Wenren Group.Even taught her a lot of things personally, so Kitty will grow up so fast.

"You still have to give the resignation letter to Qian Xia, have you told her?"

"Not yet. I will hand over the resignation letter to her tomorrow. I came here today just to tell you. After all, you have trained me for so many years. My business is over, so I won't bother you anymore. I I'll go back first."

"Okay, then you should be careful. If you have handled your own affairs, you are welcome to come back at any time."

"Thank you."

Kitty went home and found the tickets for Hua Wuyou's meeting on Thursday on the Internet. Although the price was a bit high, but just to satisfy her last wish, she stood in the distance and took a round look at him, and she also willing.Then, by the way, I booked a flight ticket for Friday afternoon. If I leave early, I will feel at ease earlier.

Looking at the photo of herself and Hua Wuyou on the table, Kitty felt a little panicked, but she couldn't be ungrateful, so she could only sacrifice her feelings.

The next morning, Kitty sent her resignation letter to Gong Qianxia's office.Gong Qianxia looked at Kitty in surprise, and then looked at the things in her hands, "Are you going to resign?"

"I've already told Chairman Wenren."

Gong Qianxia knew that Kitty must have misunderstood her meaning, so she quickly explained, "I didn't mean that, uh... I mean, can you tell me the reason?"

"It's my own reasons, I'm sorry I can't tell you." Kitty knew that if she told Gong Qianxia, ​​Hua Wuyou would know about it within three to ten minutes.

"Alright then." Gong Qianxia had no choice, since Kitty didn't want to say anything, it was useless for her to ask further.

"I will entrust you with the affairs of the Wenren Group. Assistant Chen will take over my position and help you take care of some trivial matters of the Wenren Group. I still have some things to do, so I will leave first." Kitty After speaking, he stood up and turned around to go out.

"Hey..." Gong Qianxia was about to call her back, but Kitty turned around, "Oh, right, Qianxia, ​​you have great potential, so you must have confidence in yourself."

"Thank you." This sentence is not only to thank Kitty for his blessings, but also for Kitty's help to him during this period of time.When I first took over Wenren Group, if it weren't for Kitty's help, I would not have been able to handle the company's affairs smoothly.

Kitty gave Gong Qianxia a smile, then turned and left gracefully.

Gong Qianxia looked at Kitty's back, but felt that she was getting further and further away.After regaining consciousness, she secretly smiled at her own thoughts, Gong Qianxia resumed processing the documents in her hand, and Assistant Chen's words may not come until tomorrow at the earliest.

But Gong Qianxia never imagined that things were not as beautiful as she imagined.Seeing the person standing in front of him who claimed to be his new assistant, Gong Asaxia's face was full of black lines.

"Why are you here to be my assistant, Assistant Chen?"

"Do you think we are destined for each other? I also found out about Miss Kitty's resignation by accident." An Yuchen stood in front of the desk with a smile, watching Gong Qianxia shudder.

Coincidentally, when An Yuchen was looking for Wen Renshi yesterday, he happened to see Kitty leaving. The two of them were not very familiar, so they just greeted each other briefly and it was over.

When I went to find Wen Renshi, I saw her sitting on a chair in the study, her expression was not very good, she was gently rubbing her temples with her hands, she looked a little tired.

"What happened to the big beauty? Is there anything else that can upset you so much?" An Yuchen closed the door, walked around behind Wenrenshi, and stretched out his hand to rub her temples, "Are you feeling well?" Some?"

Wen Renshi knew who was coming as soon as he heard the voice, so he didn't even open his eyes, and quietly leaned on the chair, letting him massage him.

"Hey, Kitty just told me that she wants to resign. I want Assistant Chen to go to the group to help Qianxia, ​​but Assistant Chen is not too young. I was planning to let him retire. There are many and complicated things in the group. , I'm afraid he won't be able to handle it now."

An Yuchen's eyes lit up when he heard that Kitty was going to resign, what a great opportunity this is.Now we have to find a way to make Wen Renshi not let Assistant Chen go to help Gong Qianxia, ​​"Would you like to listen to my thoughts?"

Wen Renshi opened his eyes and looked at him with interest, "Let's listen."

An Yuchen walked around to Wenren's desk and sat down, "First of all, Assistant Chen's ability is really nothing to say, but he is indeed old. He has been working by your side for so many years, and he has never been so talented. What mistakes you have made, you are very clear in your heart. But from another perspective, the affairs of Wenren Group are indeed very complicated. Assistant Chen has not had a good rest in recent years. I heard that her daughter has also started working So I think you should let Assistant Chen accompany your wife well, and it's good to go out and have a look."

Wen Renshi frowned, "I think so too, but I haven't found anyone who can replace Kitty yet."

Speaking of this, An Yuchen smiled slyly, "I have a suitable candidate."

"Tell me, do I know you?"

An Yuchen smiled, "Not only do you know each other, but you are very familiar with him. That person is... me."

Hearing An Yuchen's words, Wen Renshi looked at him in surprise, "You?"

(End of this chapter)

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