Chapter 371 The Last Lunch
"That's right, although I'm not as powerful as Assistant Chen, I'm not simple. Besides, Kitty's current position in Wenren Group is very dangerous to be honest. She has access to a lot of company confidential documents. If it weren't for A person you know very well, do you dare to let her take this position?"

Hearing An Yuchen's words, Wen Renshi nodded in approval. Indeed, this is the question he has been thinking about all the time. No matter what kind of company it is, if it leaks confidential documents, it will cause a lot of losses, and even more serious, it will be fatal. Even the celebrity group is like this.So I have been thinking about who to use. It is not difficult to find a very capable assistant, but it is not easy to find a trustworthy person.

"You watched me grow up. Don't you believe me? Besides, it's impossible for me to do anything harmful to Wenren Group. Don't you believe me?"

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that you also know that Wenren Group has a lot of complicated affairs. You are usually a laid-back person, can you bear it?"

"I just want to calm down now. It just so happens that my parents want me to stay by your side and learn more from you."

Wen Renshi thought for a while, and it is not impossible to ask An Yuchen to be Gong Qianxia's assistant, "If you want to, then do it, and I will greet you in your current department. "

"In the future, don't worry, I will definitely take care of Gong Qianxia."

Thus, An Yuchen became Gong Qianxia's assistant.

Gong Qianxia looked at the person standing in front of her and felt her head hurting, "Actually, I don't need an assistant. You should go back to your previous position. I'll talk to the chairman."

"Hey, hey, you're so bad, I've come to report to you in a big way, and everyone in our department has seen it. It's so embarrassing for you to let me go back now." An Yuchen said He sat down on the chair, looking like a fool.

"It's not that I asked you to come. Besides, aren't you thick-skinned and afraid that others will laugh at you?" Gong Qianxia squinted at An Yuchen who was sitting at her desk, and looked him up and down. , "Besides, can someone like you who is used to being the young master still be someone else's assistant?"

Anyway, An Yuchen can be regarded as a young master who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He must be loved and loved by his family, how could he bear to live under the orders of others.

"Hey, if you talk like that, you're looking down on others. Although I'm the young master of An's family, I'm here to work as your assistant. I'm sure I won't act like a young master. I will work hard."

Gong Qianxia looked at An Yuchen, did this person understand what she meant? She simply didn't want him to be her assistant at all, no matter whether he was a young master or not, she didn't want him to be her assistant.


Gong Qianxia was about to speak, but was interrupted by An Yuchen, "Hey, that's all right, don't be coy, I won't eat you, I just want to be an assistant. I'm talking to the director It took me a long time to make sense of her, and I won't give up easily." After speaking, An Yuchen stood up and left the office, leaving a sentence, "I'm going to work, and the chairman is also working hard. Let's work."

Looking at An Yuchen's back, Gong Qianxia was a little crazy, she had never seen such a person before, and she was vying to be someone else's assistant.I don't know what his plan is, if she or he makes a mistake, I will fire him without mercy.Having made up her mind, Gong Qianxia also started to deal with the documents on her desk.

After Kitty left Wenren Group, she went to Hua Wuyou's house. When she opened the door, she saw clothes and pants thrown on the ground, as well as some food pockets.Shaking his head, he walked into the bedroom and saw that Hua Wuyou was still sleeping, half of the quilt fell to the ground, and the quilt on his body was only placed on the waist, revealing his bare upper body.

Kitty walked in, pulled up the quilt that was dragged on the floor, helped him cover the quilt, and then closed the door and went out.

Looking at the chaos in the room, he seemed to remember that he was like this when he first came to Hua Wuyou's house. At that time, Hua Wuyou was working on manuscripts at home every day and had no time to clean up.This time, it was probably because I was busy with the meeting recently, and I didn't even have enough time to rest. How could I still have time to clean up the house.His assistant must be too busy to touch the ground every day, so he didn't have time to come over and help clean the house.

He put the dirty clothes on the floor into the washing machine, tidied up the books scattered on the sofa one by one, cleaned the living room, checked that it was eleven o'clock, and went into the kitchen.When she opened the refrigerator and saw that it was empty, Kitty sighed, as expected.But I was too hasty when I came here just now, and I forgot to go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients and come back.I searched the entire refrigerator, and found not many ingredients, so it seems that I can only cook porridge.

After washing the rice and lighting the fire, everything went smoothly. The ingredients were added together, and the smell gradually permeated the whole room. Kitty looked at some small grunts glowing in the pot, and couldn't help falling into memories.I used to know nothing about cooking porridge and Chinese food, but for Hua Wuyou, I still found a lot of information on the Internet to learn, all just for Hua Wuyou.

But maybe I will never cook for him again in the future, just treat it as the last lunch.

"If this continues, the pot will be dry."

When Kitty was distracted, she heard a voice from behind, and then there was a warm embrace from behind, which was Hua Wuyou's embrace.

Reaching out to turn off the fire on the stove, "Why are you awake?"

"I've been sleeping for a long time, it's time to wake up." Hua Wuyou buried her face in Kitty's neck and rubbed it, "And I'm hungry, I smelled it in my dream It smells so good, I wake up naturally."

Listening to Hua Wuyou's deep voice, Kitty had the urge to cry, to turn around and hug him fiercely.But no, if I am so impulsive, I will definitely not be able to restrain my thoughts.

After finally calming down her emotions, Kitty slowly said, "Go wash the dishes and wash your hands, you can eat right away. I forgot to go to the supermarket to buy something when I came here, and you only have these at home, so just I can only make do with porridge, I have wronged you."

(End of this chapter)

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