Chapter 387 The Promised Meeting
Su Mingfeng put his arms around Lan Chuchu's waist and said proudly, "Mom, it's true. I went to the hospital for an examination this morning. The doctor said it's been 6 weeks."

As soon as Su Mingfeng finished speaking, Lan's mother became even more excited, and hurriedly told Lan Chuchu to sit down quickly, "Don't keep standing, 6 weeks is not too stable, let me tell you, this paragraph You must have a good rest in time, otherwise it will be bad for yourself and the child in your belly."

Lan Chuchu looked at her mother helplessly, is it so serious?Lan's father still didn't realize it, until Lan's mother called him, "You haven't reacted yet, your brain is really slow."

"No, no, I figured it out, I'm happy."

Ye Qianwen hurriedly sat down next to Mother Lan, "Xiao Rou, I have asked Chu Chu to move back home, and she and Ming Feng are the only ones who are first-time parents. I don’t know, I’ve been here anyway, and I can help out with anything.”

When Mother Lan heard this, it was exactly what she wanted, "That's a good idea. I don't know if you can live in your house. I'll move in too. I'm afraid you won't be able to do it by yourself."

"Of course it would be the best if you can move here. With your own mother by your side, Chuchu can relax a bit. Then you can go home and pack your luggage and move here. I'll let someone clean up your room. Let me tell you. , I said to let the two of them sleep in separate rooms, but I was still reluctant, and I was still arguing with me just now."

Upon hearing this, Mother Lan turned her head to look at Lan Chuchu and Su Mingfeng, and said earnestly, "We must sleep in separate rooms. This is for the benefit of both of you. You are still young and you will have a long time to come. Wait until the sitting is over." Yuezi, you can make out as much as you want, we will never care about you."

Lan Chuchu's face turned red when she heard what her mother said, so she had to lower her head.Su Mingfeng saw that his mother-in-law said so, of course there was no room for maneuver, so he could only silently accept the arrangements of his mothers.

At dinner, everyone was very happy because of the news that Lan Chuchu was pregnant, and the atmosphere at the table was also very good.

Lan Chuchu watched silently as her mother and Ye Qianwen were discussing what to do when she was pregnant. She just felt a pain in her head, and felt that she would not feel well in the next few months. If she knew it earlier, she would wait later. told them.

However, Hua Wuyou, who is far away in Seattle, is not as happy as Lan Chuchu's family. She always feels a little uneasy, but she doesn't know why. She still doesn't know Kitty's exact address, so all she can do is wait.

Kitty followed the arrangement of her adoptive mother and went to the appointed restaurant on time to have dinner with those rich young masters.Fifteen minutes had passed since the agreed time. Kitty was a person who valued the concept of time very much. According to her previous personality, she would have left directly when the agreed time came and the other party hadn't come yet.But the adoptive mother urged Wan Wan not to offend that one, so she had to wait patiently.

Twenty minutes later, a tall man appeared in the restaurant, and Kitty looked out the window without noticing him.He only felt that the lights around him had dimmed, and then he turned around slowly, and saw a drunk man standing in front of him. Kitty had seen his photo, so she recognized him as the person she was going to meet at a glance, and frowned secretly. She could smell the alcohol on that person's body while sitting.

The man sat down on the opposite side, and said with misty eyes, "You are Kitty, right? Hello, I'm Leo." Then he stretched out his hand to Kitty, Kitty glanced at him calmly, and said He didn't intend to shake hands with him, he took a sip of coffee in a flat manner, looked at his watch, and said calmly.

"Mr. Leo, it has been 20 minutes since the time we agreed on, and you came here with such an image, I think you have to give me an explanation, although your family has helped my father's company through now. This crisis, but I don't think I'm just one level lower than you."

Hearing Kitty's words, Leo wasn't angry, instead he smiled and withdrew his hand, "I've heard that Miss Kitty is an iceberg beauty, and I only found out today that she really deserves her reputation. But, I just like your temperament, Anyway, we're going to get married soon, so we need to get to know each other better. I went to a friend's party yesterday, so I drank a little too much. My dad will scold me if I go home. , so I just found a hotel to sleep in, and I didn't bring a change of clothes, so that's all I could do, please forgive me."

"Mr. Leo, I think you also know that our marriage is just a commercial marriage, so I hope you don't use the reason of marriage to force me too much."

"Miss Kitty is quite similar to me in this regard, but I also hope you can understand that I have always been a person who is used to being free. Marrying you is just my family's repeated urging. It is the same whoever you marry, so I followed their wishes, and I am still very satisfied with you. I heard that you are a talented student who graduated from a prestigious school, and after graduation, you will work for Wenren Group, so you can give up a high-paying job, I I would like to know why?"

Kitty was shocked, but the expression on his face remained unchanged, "This is my personal matter, it has nothing to do with you."

"Okay, okay, then I won't ask." After speaking, Leo called the waiter, flipped through the menu and said to Kitty, "I often come to this restaurant, and the food in this restaurant is not bad." Ordered a few dishes at random The dish returned the menu to the waiter.

Kitty looked at the person in front of her, and all she could think of was Hua Wuyou's figure. Every time the two agreed to meet, he would arrive before her no matter how busy she was; He will pass the menu to himself first, and let himself order first; no matter how tired he is every time, he will clean himself up before coming to meet himself.

"Miss Kitty, I hope that after we get married, it is better to live separately. I have my own private life. I think you should have checked my information. You must know what kind of person I am. Don't think I will take care of you when I get married, you don't care about my affairs, and I won't meddle in yours either."

"Of course it's the best thing to do. I think Mr. Leo, with such a romantic personality, won't fall in love with someone as boring as me."

(End of this chapter)

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