Chapter 388 Convening the Board of Directors

Kitty is not an enthusiastic person, more often she prefers to be alone, so in the eyes of most people, Kitty is cold.Only when facing Hua Wuyou, Kitty will show her different side.

Kitty ate her own food, and did not say a word to Leo during the dinner. Her task today was to meet Leo. Now her task was completed, and she was hungry now, so she finished eating. Just go home after dinner.

Kitty took out the money from her wallet and put it on the table, "Thank you Mr. Leo for the recommendation, I think it is very good, but we have nothing to do with each other now, so I will pay for my share, I will go first .”

Kitty didn't wait for Leo to say nonsense, and walked out first.Looking at Kitty's back, Leo pulled the corner of his mouth. This Kitty seems quite interesting.

All the members of the board of directors of Wenren Group received the notice from Wenren early in the morning, so everyone arrived at the group on time on Monday morning to prepare for the meeting of the board of directors.Only for particularly important cooperation projects, Wen Renshi will hold a board meeting. It seems that Wen Renshi has something important to announce this time.

Gong Qianxia arrived at the meeting room early, almost all the board members of Wenren Group already knew each other, greeted them one by one, and sat down in their seats.

"Tell me, Chairman Wenren, what is the importance of this?"

"I don't know very well, it seems to be quite serious."

"Seeing that so many people are here, it must be something big?"

"This is not clear."

While everyone was still discussing, the door of the conference room was opened again. Wen Renshi walked in first, followed by Assistant Chen and An Yuchen.Gong Qianxia looked at An Yuchen with some doubts, how could that guy be here.The people who were still chatting on twitter saw Wen Renshi come in, so they immediately shut up.

Wen Renshi sat down in his seat and scanned the audience. Everyone was present, so we could start.

"Everyone is invited to come today, because there are some important things to announce."

At this time, a lady of etiquette came to Gong Qianxia's side, and whispered in Gong Qianxia's ear, "Miss Gong, the chairman invites you to come over."

Gong Qianxia looked suspiciously at Wen Renshi who was sitting on the main seat, and she nodded to herself, Gong Qianxia didn't ask any further questions, and just followed Miss Etiquette.

"First of all, I would like to ask the directors for their opinions on the handling method of Wenyun Group."

As soon as Wen Renshi's words came out, the people below exploded, "Chairman, in my opinion, although Wenyun Group has been hit hard recently, Wenyun Group has always been operating well, so I think Wenyun Group can be Yunyun Group is handed over to a capable person, and I believe that in time, Wenyun Group will be able to return to what it used to be."

"No, chairman, although Wenyun Group used to be very good, but now because of the previous new products, consumers have become suspicious of Wenyun Group. Now the country is focusing on key points. Even if it is a new look, it is very difficult. It’s hard to get the favor of consumers.”

Hearing everyone's discussion, Wenren glanced at Gong Qianxia, ​​as if seeking her opinion.

"I think Wenyun Group has done a good job in daily chemicals before. I suggest that we can cooperate with other companies to specialize in this area."

Hearing Gong Qianxia's words, everyone thought about it, and it seemed that it was indeed good.Seeing that all the directors nodded, Wen Ren smiled, "Then do it as Gong Qianxia said."

Wen Renshi paused, "Then I will announce the second thing. I think everyone knew that I temporarily handed over the group to Gong Qianxia because of some personal issues. Everyone has also seen Qian Xia It did not live up to my expectations, and it did a good job, so... I would like to take this opportunity to hand over Wenren Group's full authority to Gong Qianxia."

As soon as Wen Renshi's words fell, the entire meeting room became completely silent, and everyone couldn't believe what they heard.Wenrenshi wanted to pass the Wenren Group to Gong Qianxia, ​​Gong Qianxia looked at Wenrenshi in surprise, shaking her head vigorously, she originally just wanted to let Wenrenshi receive proper treatment, but now Why did it become like this.

Wenren held Gong Qianxia's hand under the table, and said in a low voice, "Qianxia, ​​you know that Wenren Group is my life's painstaking effort, look at these people, even though I have worked with them for dozens of years It's been years, but I still can't trust them completely. You are my own granddaughter, and I can't trust anyone but you."

Gong Qianxia looked at Wenrenshi with some embarrassment, but at first she just wanted to learn more from Wenrenshi so that she could help Yan Chaomu in the future.Gong Qianxia thought hesitantly, Wenren had no choice but to increase the strength in his hand, and held Gong Qianxia's hand tightly, "Qianxia, ​​you can't just watch grandma's hard work being destroyed by outsiders like this, right?" , Grandma will only feel relieved if I hand over the Wenren Group to you."

"But, I'm really afraid that I won't do well. What if I disappoint you?"

Wenren smiled, it seems that Gong Qianxia has been shaken, although he feels a little sorry for taking advantage of Gong Qianxia's kindness, but this is the only way for him to protect the Haowenren group.

Patting Gong Qianxia's hand, he said comfortingly, "Didn't you handle Wenren Group's affairs for me well before? I believe in your ability."

Gong Qianxia was about to say that it was because Kitty helped her a lot, but Wenren continued to interrupt, "Don't worry, I know you are worried about Kitty, and I will help you, he Also very powerful."

Seeing Wen Ren's pleading eyes, and then another look at An Yuchen's half-smile expression, he nodded with difficulty, "I will try my best."

Wen Renshi smiled, and said to the members of the board of directors, "Does anyone else have any comments?"

The directors below all looked at each other in blank dismay, "Chairman Wenren, even if you want to let Xian, you should choose a better person. As far as I know, Miss Gong is not a graduate of a famous school. You have managed the Celebrity Group for a while, but you can't just hand over the Celebrity Group to her."

Gong Qianxia froze as soon as she heard it, knowing that everyone might not accept that she became the next heir of the Wenren Group. She originally thought that she could ignore all of this, but at the moment she heard it, her heart still Can't help feeling sad.

(End of this chapter)

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