Chapter 392
Hua Wuyou punched Leo hard on the head a few times, and then left quietly. Seeing that he hadn't come back for a long time, Leo's friends went to the toilet to find someone. As soon as they opened the door, they saw Leo passed out in the toilet, with some redness and swelling on his head.It looked like he had been beaten, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then worked together to send Leo to the hospital.

When Leo woke up in the hospital, he pointed at the nurse at the hospital and yelled at the nurse, and sent someone to check the surveillance video of the bar, but was told that the surveillance was blocked maliciously, so he didn't know who attacked Leo. who is it.

The manager of the bar was also terrified, for fear that if Leo blamed him, they wouldn't have to open the bar anymore.

Hua Wuyou taught Leo a hard lesson. Although she vented a little in her heart, she was still thinking about how she could prevent Kitty from marrying him.So Hua Wuyou set off directly to Kitty's house. She was still the same servant as before. As soon as she went out, she saw Hua Wuyou standing outside the door. She was stunned for a second. After entering the door and closing the door, he immediately went to report to Kitty.

"Miss, the man from before is waiting for you at the door again." He hurried to Kitty's room.

"Here again?" Kitty frowned, stood by the window and looked around, and indeed saw Hua Wuyou standing at the door, leaning against the wall, with her head down, wondering what she was thinking.

Kitty felt that Hua Wuyou's figure hurt her eyes, and wanted to go down and hug him immediately, but the two of them had nothing to do with each other, so she couldn't give him any more thoughts.

Turning around, he said to the servant on the side, "Didn't I tell you last time, I don't want to see him, just drive him away."

"I understand." He hesitated for a while, but he still agreed and turned around and went downstairs. He was just a servant of Kitty's family, and he had no right to intervene in the affairs of the master's family, so it was best to follow suit.

When going out again, Hua Wuyou immediately came forward, "Hi, I'm the one who visited your house yesterday, I don't know if you still remember me, I'm here to find Kitty."

"I don't remember you, did you find the wrong one? I don't know what is called Kitty, walk around and don't get in my way." Ignoring Hua Wuyou's astonishment, she immediately walked around him and left.

Hua Wuyou was about to catch up and continue to ask questions, when the man quickened his pace and left.Looking at the back of the servant going away, he frowned.

He was very sure that she turned back again after seeing him just now, although she had a surprised expression before.But when she came out again, she looked like she didn't know herself at all, someone must have explained to her or something.

Thinking of what she had said so convincingly that Kitty was not at home and asked herself to come back later, and what the two maids said, it was estimated that Kitty just didn't want to see her.

Hua Wuyou ran to the middle of the road and saw movement on the curtains on the second floor, it must be Kitty, so she shouted loudly, "Kitty, I know you are inside, I know you have your own difficulties, I put everything down and just want to I need to have a clear talk with you face to face, and you come out to see me. If you really have given up on me, I will definitely not stalk you. "

Kitty leaned against the wall next to the curtain, and when she heard Hua Wuyou's shout downstairs, her heart ached so badly that she couldn't breathe.He said just now that he had let go of everything. No wonder he would show up in Seattle. He must have canceled all the meet and greets. This fool, how could he be so willful?It was hard for him to get his current position, how could he give up so easily.

"Fool, I'm not someone worth giving up everything; fool, go back quickly; fool, I can't stop thinking about you." Kitty squatted on the ground, hugging her head tightly, forcing herself Don't listen to Hua Wuyou's voice.

As long as you can't hear it, you can pretend that he doesn't exist.

Hua Wuyou stood downstairs. He knew that Kitty must be in that room, so he would not give up. If he could not see Kitty, he would not leave easily.

Some servants at home also heard the movement and poked their heads out one after another.Although they couldn't understand the Chinese spoken by Hua Wuyou, they could still understand the name Kitty. They knew that the matter must be related to their own lady, but they didn't have any intention of going out to meet that person.

Kitty's adoptive mother also heard the movement, so she knocked on Kitty's door, "Kitty, I'm mom, can I come in?"

Hearing the sound of knocking on the door and the voice of her adoptive mother, Kitty stood up and collected her emotions, "Come in."

The adoptive mother opened the door and walked in, seeing Kitty sitting in front of the table as if nothing had happened, as if the person outside had nothing to do with her.

"Kitty, I heard someone calling your name outside. It's still in Chinese. It should be your friend in China. Don't you go out and meet?"

Kitty paused her hand pretending to be writing, and said tremblingly, "No, I don't know him very well."

"But didn't he come to our door? How could he be unfamiliar?"

"We really don't know each other very well. It's just that when he first joined the company, I helped him a bit, and he has been thinking of finding an opportunity to repay me. It just so happened that the company sent them here on a business trip this time. He heard that I'm going home, so I have to pay a visit. You know I don't like this kind of relationship very much, so it's better not to see me. What's more, if people in the company know about our private meeting, they don't know that it will spread It doesn't matter what happens to me now that I have resigned, but I still treat him badly after all."

The adoptive mother nodded approvingly when she heard Kitty's words. She also knew that Kitty had been quiet since childhood, didn't like to get along with others, and didn't have many friends. "Okay then, do I need to drive him away?"

Kitty froze for a moment when she heard her adoptive mother's words.Are you going to drive him away?Even if I can't meet him, but I can hear his voice through the wall or glance at him secretly, I am already satisfied.Immediately Kitty nodded, and said to the adoptive mother that it was troublesome, if she didn't drive him away, maybe the adoptive mother would be suspicious.

The adoptive mother nodded and left Kitty's room. Kitty sat at his desk, flipping through the book in his hand, but didn't read a single word.

Hearing the voice of the people outside, his hands trembled slightly.

Not long after, I noticed that Hua Wuyou's voice was no longer outside, quietly opened a corner of the curtain, saw the back of the police car leaving, and silently lowered the curtain.

In this case, will he retreat in spite of difficulties?
(End of this chapter)

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