Chapter 393 Hua Wuyou Enters the Police Station
"Sir, we have received complaints that you have caused serious disturbance to the people. Now please come back and assist us in the investigation. Please cooperate with us."

Hua Wuyou just sat quietly on the chair, without saying a word, her ears were filled with abuse from black and white people, and the policeman sitting opposite knocked on the table and looked at herself.It was the first time in my life that I entered the police station, and it was still in Seattle. How could I not think of who did it, but even so, it still couldn't change my decision.

The policeman sitting opposite checked Hua Wuyou's passport and visa, "Sir, do you have any friends here?"

Hua Wuyou thought about it, the only person she knew here was Kitty, she knew that she had entered the police station, even if the police called, she would definitely say that she didn't know her, and definitely wouldn't come here .

Shaking his head slightly, the policeman on the opposite side showed embarrassment, got up and said something to another black policeman, the black man looked over, and then said something next to the policeman.

After the conversation, the policeman came over and sat down again, "Then is there anyone you can contact? Someone who can bail you out?"

"Yes, I can give you a call." The most urgent thing now is to get out quickly, and the only person I can ask is Qian Xia.Although Su Mingfeng is very powerful, he is only an assistant at best. Gong Qianxia is now the chairman of Wenren Group and Yan Chaomu's fiancée, so there must be more ways to do it.

Hua Wuyou skillfully wrote down Gong Qianxia's phone number, and then that person called the phone number on the paper.It seemed that he was confirming the other party's information, then he took a look at Hua Wuyou and handed over the phone, "Your friend has a call and wants to talk to you."

Hua Wuyou put the receiver to her ear, and just "hello", she heard Gong Qianxia's impatient voice.

"Worriless, why were you arrested and taken to the police station? Did something happen?"

"I'm fine. I found Kitty, but she didn't want to see me, so she called the police and arrested me. Can you help me find a way to get me out first?"

"I was contacting a partner of Chaomu who was in the United States before, but he is not in Seattle. I am not sure when I can get you out. Before that, I can only temporarily wrong you and stay inside now."

"it is good."

Hua Wuyou returned the phone to the policeman opposite, and then sat quietly on the chair. The policeman said a few more words before hanging up the phone.

He explained something to a policeman behind him, and then Hua Wuyou was taken away.Staying alone in the detention room, Hua Wuyou just sat quietly, and now she is patiently waiting for Gong Qianxia to find someone to get her out.

Gong Qianxia hung up Hua Wuyou's phone, thought for a while, and got up to go to Yan's. She and Louis could only be regarded as acquaintances, and they could not be said to have any friendship. Even if he was friendly to her, it was probably For Yan Chaomu's sake, I'd better go to Yan Zhaomu directly, and let him ask Louis for help, it should be better.

Yan Chaomu didn't expect that Gong Qianxia would come to Yan's at this time, and he was shocked when he saw her, "Why did you think of coming to me? Isn't Wenren Group busy?"

"I'm busy, but there's something I need to ask you for."

Seeing Gong Qianxia's serious expression, Yan Chaomu also realized the seriousness of the matter, "What happened?"

"Wuyou was arrested in Seattle and taken to the police station?"

Yan Chaomu was still digesting what Gong Qianxia said, Gong Qianxia continued, "Kitty didn't want to see him, so he called the police and took him away. Now he's over there alone. I'm a little worried. So I want to ask You, Fang is inconvenient to ask Louis to do us a favor, first release Wuyou on bail."

Yan Zhaomu pondered for a while, "There's nothing wrong with this, but I'm not sure if Louis is in the United States now. I heard that he still has several cooperation projects in progress. I'm afraid he's on a business trip."

"It's okay, let's ask first."

Yan Chaomu nodded, dialed Louis's number, and he answered it not long after.

"Louis, how are you doing?"

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Yan, why did you remember to call me?"

"It's nothing, I just wanted to greet you."

"Come on, don't you Chinese have an old saying that goes, 'If you have nothing to do, go to the Three Treasures Palace', just talk about it if you have anything to say."

Yan Chaomu used Zhongfang, so Gong Qianxia naturally heard it, and the two looked at each other.

"Since Mr. Louis is so straightforward, then I won't go around the bush. I really want to ask you for help with something."

"Let's talk, it doesn't seem like it's an easy thing to get Mr. Yan to talk to me."

"This matter is easy to say, but difficult to say. A friend of mine was arrested in Seattle, just because of a little misunderstanding. You also know that Qianxia and I can't leave in City H now, so I want to Ask if you can find a way to bail him out."

Louis on the other end of the phone chuckled, "I thought it was a big deal, but I said yes, I need to know why he got in, and I can't help you if it's something illegal."

Hearing that there is hope, Yan Chaomu quickly said, "No, no, my friend went to Seattle because of some emotional matters. He had some conflicts with his girlfriend, so he went to the police station."

"It seems that not only Yan is always an infatuated man, but even Mr. Yan's friend is also an infatuated man. Don't worry, I will leave this matter to me. Please pass on his name and information to me. When the time comes When it's done, I'll call you again."

"Then trouble you, and one more thing, my friend is still a well-known writer, it is best not to spread the news that he entered the police station in Seattle, in that case, it will not be good for his career .”

"I see, I will explain."

"Thank you."

Yan Chaomu hung up the phone and said comfortingly to Gong Qianxia, ​​"Don't worry, if Louis is willing to help, then there will be no problem. Louis still has some status in the United States, and the police will still give him some face." Yes, don't worry about it."

"I'm relieved if I have Louise's help. I don't know what Kitty is thinking. She even took Wuyou to the police station. I don't know what's going on with Wuyou now."

(End of this chapter)

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