Chapter 400 Xiaobie wins the newlyweds

When the two returned home, Kitty received a call from Hua Wuyou, said hello to her adoptive mother, and went to answer the phone.

"Hey, worry-free."

"I just want to ask if you have gone home. Didn't you say yesterday that you have something to deal with this morning? Have you dealt with it?" In fact, Hua Wuyou guessed that it should be the marriage with Yuanshan Enterprise. It should be difficult for Yuanshan Enterprises to make sense of a sudden change in good things.

"Of course it's been dealt with. Don't you still believe in my ability? There is a saying that a big tree attracts the wind. A company like Yuanshan Enterprise can find their black material with a little effort, so it's easy to solve. "

"I knew you would be able to solve the problem very well." Hua Wuyou smiled softly, but would a person like Leo give up easily?But let's talk about it later.

"That's for sure. I've worked for Wenren Group for such a long time anyway. If I can't learn this, I really don't have to mess around."

"Yes, yes, you are the best." Hua Wuyou felt quite happy listening to Kitty's relaxed voice. Kitty used to be a relatively reserved person, but now she still jokes with herself, feeling the change in Kitty Still quite happy.

"What time will you come in the afternoon? Do you need me to pick you up?"

Hua Wuyou thought for a while, "That's for sure, I was disgraced when you asked your servants to drive me away, of course you have to come pick me up, otherwise I will be given away by your servants again." When the prisoner was sent to the police station."

Hearing Hua Wuyou's words, Kitty couldn't help laughing, with an obvious sour feeling, "I see, send me your address later, and I will pick you up then."

"Okay." Hua Wuyou heard the servant calling Kitty to eat, so she said to Kitty, "Hurry up and eat, I will go to eat first, that Louis is too weird, tsk tsk..."

Kitty hung up the phone, smiled and went to the restaurant for dinner. During the dinner, she told her father about Hua Wuyou's upcoming visit, and asked the two adults to stay at home to meet.

Peter met Hua Wuyou once, although he didn't feel much about it, since he was his daughter's boyfriend, there was still a need to meet him.After all, my daughter's eyesight is probably not too bad, and she has a little friendship with Louis.

After Kitty had finished eating, he thought Hua Wuyou should be done with time, so he drove there according to the address on his phone. Hua Wuyou didn't have a driver's license in the United States, so he probably couldn't drive. It would be more convenient to pick him up by himself. .

I drove the car to the downstairs of the hotel where Hua Wuyou was staying, and sent a text message to Hua Wuyou, "I have already arrived at the downstairs of the hotel, my license plate is xxxx, a white car, come down when you are done. .”

Hua Wuyou received Kitty's text message, left Louis who was still eating, and left directly, "I'm leaving first, you can eat slowly."

Louis looked at Hua Wuyou's back, and complained to him silently in his heart, how could there be such a person who forgets his friends when he sees sex, he is indeed Yan Chaomu's friend.

Hua Wuyou went downstairs quickly, saw Kitty's car at a glance, and then walked over with big strides. Kitty was sliding her mobile phone when she heard the door of the co-pilot opened. Knowing that it was Hua Wuyou who came, she put down the mobile phone in her hand. Before she could speak, she was pulled over by Hua Wuyou and kissed her fiercely. up.

Feeling the temperature from Hua Wuyou, Kitty blushed, but in fact, she wanted Hua Wuyou very much, so she didn't push him away and let him kiss her.

After a long time, Hua Wuyou ended the kiss, pressed her forehead against Kitty's forehead, and said softly, "In the past time, every minute and every second, I have been thinking about you."

Listening to Hua Wuyou's words, even though she knew they were sweet words, she couldn't stop laughing, her heart was filled with happiness, "I miss you too."

Noticing Hua Wuyou's enthusiastic eyes, Kitty felt a little uncomfortable, the two had never talked so close before, a little awkward.So he gently pushed Hua Wuyou's shoulder, "Why do you keep looking at me like this? Is there something on my face?" After finishing speaking, he stretched out his left hand and touched his cheek. There must be nothing weird stuck on it.

Seeing Kitty's movements, Hua Wuyou smiled, stretched out his hand to take her hand, put it on her lips and kissed lightly, "I'm just trying to make sure that the person in front of me is you. Promise me, Don't quietly disappear from my side again, I can no longer bear the days without you."

Kitty listened to Hua Wuyou's words, her heart was full of sweetness and self-blame, obviously she did something wrong, but Hua Wuyou has always been playing the humble side, what virtue can she do.

"The previous thing was bad for me. I promise that the same problem will never happen again. Even if you don't want me anymore, I will always stick to you."

"Until the day when my life ends, I won't want you, so you'd better plan to be entangled with me for the rest of your life."

In this way, Hua Wuyou and Kitty are reconciled.

As the saying goes, a little farewell is better than a newlywed, and after a few days of separation, Hua Wuyou and Kitty got along better, and the two of them were chatting along the way.

"I didn't expect that you still have a driver's license from the United States."

"That's natural. I took the driver's license test when I graduated from high school, and then I took the driver's license test there when I was working in Wenren Group."

"I can't drive in the United States. No matter where I go these days, I'm in trouble. It's super difficult to get a taxi."

"It doesn't matter. You don't stay in the United States for long anyway, and it's okay to drive. I'll just come."

Listening to Kitty's words, Hua Wuyou frowned, shook her head, and muttered to herself, "That's not good, this is not good."

Hearing Hua Wuyou's low muttering, Kitty asked curiously, "What are you talking about? Whispering."

"I was thinking, although I didn't stay in the United States for a long time before, and my work has nothing to do with it here. But in the future, I should spend more time visiting my father-in-law and my mother-in-law, and if When you want to spend the New Year with your parents, shouldn't we come back here earlier, in that case, we will stay here for a longer time, it seems not good to let you drive all the time." Hua Wuyou Analyzing clearly and logically.

Kitty's heart beat faster when she heard Hua Wuyou's words, "Who said I want to marry you, don't be ashamed."

(End of this chapter)

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