Chapter 401 Seeing the Parents

But Hua Wuyou seemed to have not heard her, and said to herself, "Do you think your parents don't like me? Probably not, I am such a handsome and knowledgeable man , how could your parents not like it."

Listening to Hua Wuyou's words, Kitty only had the urge to roll her eyes.

This guy didn't even propose to him, and he didn't agree to him. Why did he talk about his parents?

Not ashamed.

The car soon arrived at Kitty's house, parked the car in the garage, Hua Wuyou got out of the car, and saw the servant who drove him away staring at him.At this time Kitty also locked the car door, walked to his side and said, "Let's go in."

Hua Wuyou glanced at that person, put an arm around Kitty's shoulders, and then swaggered into the door.

Kitty felt his movements, and also saw the people looking at them, and immediately understood in her heart that this was Hua Wuyou's rivalry.She didn't expose him, and let him put her arms around her shoulders, "How old are you, and still so childish?"

"I'm so naive, you didn't even see that person's eyes, as if I was a stalker, it made me so miserable to death."

Kitty burst out laughing, and said teasingly, "You have come here from China, if you are not a stalker, then what are you?"

"How can you do this? I have been wronged so much recently, and you still treat me like this. What kind of crime did I do? Why did I suffer from such a heartless person like you. "

Kitty heard that Hua Wuyou's voice was gradually getting louder, so she quickly covered his mouth with her hand, "Okay, okay, it's okay if I made a mistake, let me apologize to you and make amends. There are still There are a lot of servants around, don't you feel ashamed of crying like this."

Hearing Kitty's words, Hua Wuyou immediately silenced her voice, and nodded vigorously. Kitty looked at his serious expression, and then put down her hand. Who knew that Hua Wuyou said, "I will be their uncle in the future anyway, and I will establish my prestige from now on."

Kitty couldn't help but look at Hua Wuyou's proud eyes, she didn't agree yet, this person really added drama to her.

Glancing at his mouth, he led Hua Wuyou into the door together. Kitty's adoptive father was reading the newspaper on the sofa, and her adoptive mother was watching a movie on the TV. When she heard the sound, she turned around and saw Kitty and another man standing at the door.

"Kitty is back, this is Wuyou, come in and sit down." The adoptive mother was the first to react, and beckoned the two to sit down on the sofa.

Hua Wuyou handed the gift to her adoptive mother, and said respectfully, "I came in a hurry this time, so please forgive me."

The adoptive mother took the things that Hua Wuyou handed over, and ordered the servants to prepare refreshments, "It's fine as soon as the person comes, what are you doing with the things, it's costing you again."

Kitty sat down next to Hua Wuyou, "Oh mom, don't nag, anyway, what do you feel bad about because he spends money, every time I buy something for you, you are also very happy to keep it Well."

"You child." The adoptive mother gave Kitty a reproachful look, but she didn't mean to be angry.Hua Wuyou could tell that although Kitty was an adopted child, both of them treated Kitty very well.

"Uncle, I was really embarrassed that day, so I took the liberty to go to the company to disturb you, please forgive me."

"I still have to thank you. If you hadn't come to the company to tell me, I would still be kept in the dark. This mother and daughter are simply too daring. They dare to carry such an important matter behind my back." It's decided. Mr. Louis's support has also allowed our Xingyue Enterprise to survive the crisis. I am currently looking for a suitable successor, and this is all thanks to you."

"Don't dare to act, dare not act, if the company is fine now, then I can rest assured."

Peter turned his head to his wife and Kitty and said, "You two too, you made such a big decision without telling me, and even got Wuyou to the police station, you said you two are not angry."

Kitty and her adoptive mother looked at each other, smiled helplessly, and quickly sat down beside Peter.

"Oh my husband, how many times have you said this, you are not tired, my ears are callused, just stop, I promise you that such things will not happen again in the future, "

"Dad, don't we also want to share your worries? Although the way we do it is not right, we still have hard work if we don't have any credit. Don't be angry anymore."

Peter looked at the mother and daughter on the left and the right, and said angrily, "I know, I know, if I say it again, you two will be so nagging that I will make my ears sound like cocoons."

Hua Wuyou looked at the warm scene of the three of them, if the Peter couple hadn't adopted Kitty, she still didn't know if she would be able to meet her.

Peter noticed Hua Wuyou's gaze, turned around to face him, held Kitty's hand, put it on Hua Wuyou's hand, and said earnestly, "Wuyou, what happened before is because Kitty didn't think carefully. , you don’t mind anymore, it’s best to talk about things openly, otherwise there will be a hurdle in your heart in the future. As for our Kitty, sometimes she has a bad temper, and her personality is not very good either.”

He spoke very slowly: "I know that Kitty has always wanted to make a career on her own, so I can't force her to stay with us, or the Wenren Group is a better choice for her, so you all want to make a career after all. We are going back to China together. Now, I will hand over my precious daughter to you, and you will take good care of her for me."

As he said that, his eyes were clouded with mist: "This child sometimes has a childish temper, so you have to be more forgiving. But if you dare to bully my precious daughter, I will not let you go. Even if you are far away in China, I will go over and settle accounts with you."

Hua Wuyou listened to Peter's words and was overjoyed. It seems that this is the rhythm of unifying their affairs. Could happiness come too suddenly?
But he still nodded his head hastily, held Kitty's hand tightly, and promised Peter, "Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of Kitty and won't let her suffer any grievances."

Kitty took a look at Hua Wuyou, but she was too embarrassed to poke her, and she didn't know who was taking care of whom.I guess I haven't been to his house for such a long time, and it must be a mess. If Xiao Tang is busy with other things, I guess there is no one to clean up the house.

Speaking of Xiao Tang, Kitty remembered, isn't there still a few meeting meetings for Hua Wuyou now?But he is in the United States now, what happened to the meeting, whether it was canceled or postponed, and now I really want to know.

(End of this chapter)

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