After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 1041 Cousin, I want to resign

Chapter 1041 Cousin, I want to resign
Gu Jingnian couldn't help gossiping about his cousin, "Lingxi, come and tell my second cousin, when will you reconcile with Lin Xiaoyan."

After all, it's a hell of a way to reconcile the two's personalities.

Gu Lingxi stuffed a potato chip into her mouth, "Second cousin, you are so strange. When did I quarrel with my cousin, my relationship with my cousin has always been very good."

Gu Jingnian looked astonished "."

Gu Lingxi must be bewitched, or she must have misread it.

The door was knocked again.

"What day is it today, why are there so many people at home, Lin Xiaoyan, have you dated someone else?" Gu Jingnian asked curiously.

Lin Qingyan shook her head innocently, "No, it's probably an uninvited guest like you."

"How can we be uninvited guests, we are relatives."

"Okay, my dear, please open the door." Lin Qingyan said with a smile.

Gu Jingnian knew it, he knew it was definitely a trap.

Gu Jingnian opened the door full of resentment, and a handsome young man in a white shirt and jeans and a white down jacket was standing in front of the door carrying big and small bags.

The boy looked a little shy, or a little embarrassed.

Gu Jingnian looked the boy up and down.

Who is Gu Jingnian, how could he not recognize the young man in front of him, "You came to find Lin Xiaoyan, come in quickly, it's a coincidence that you came earlier, we are preparing to eat hot pot."

Lin Qingze didn't want to come here to find Lin Qingyan unless he had to, because Gu Yichen, brother-in-law, was too special.

"Cousin" Lin Qingze followed Gu Jingnian to the living room, and saw the girl on the sofa eating fruit.

"Why are you here?" Lin Qingyan was a little surprised when she saw Lin Qingze.

Never thought that Lin Qingze would come here.

"I bought some fruit and food for my cousin. I called my cousin before, but she didn't answer. Later, when I asked Liang Chen, Liang Chen hesitated and didn't say anything. Cousin, I saw on the Internet that you said you were going to rest. It's been a while, are you feeling better now?"

Lin Qingze didn't know that something happened to Lin Qingyan, but she was worried that she couldn't contact Lin Qingyan during this time.

Lin Qingyan didn't intend to tell Lin Qingze, "I'm fine, let's sit down and have a game. Are you here today for something?"

After Lin Qingyan asked, Lin Qingze looked at Gu Jingnian and Gu Lingxi respectively.

Gu Jingnian hurriedly said, "Lingxi, don't just wait for dinner, let's help in the kitchen."

"Okay." Gu Lingxi reluctantly moved to the kitchen.

Lin Qingyan didn't speak, her eyes fell on Lin Qingze's body, waiting for Lin Qingze to speak.

Lin Qingze said, "Cousin, I want to resign."

Lin Qingze seemed to have thought carefully.

"Are you doing well in Hailan? Why did you think of resigning?" Lin Qingze is very business-minded, and even the performance of Yunshang headquarters is not as good as two-thirds of that of Hailan Plaza.

Lin Qingze said, "At that time, I didn't want to go back to study. I stayed in Hailan to gain some experience here. Cousin, I want to start my own company and do something I want to do. I haven't told my father about this yet."

In fact, Lin Qingyan didn't really want to keep Lin Qingze in Hailan, she had other arrangements for Lin Qingze.

Lin Qingyan asked again, "Have you really thought about it?"

Lin Qingze nodded solemnly.

It was beyond Lin Qingyan's thought that Lin Qingze wanted to start her own business.

But it is also a kind of experience, Lin Qingyan naturally has no reason to object.

(End of this chapter)

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