Chapter 1042
Lin Qingyan didn't ask Lin Qingze what exactly she wanted to start her own business, she just asked, "Do you have start-up capital?"

"I have saved a little, which should not be enough. My right to exercise the stock in the Lin Group is still in the hands of my father. I don't want my father to know that I don't have any performance." Lin Qingze is also a resolute child.

Eyes full of ambition.

Lin Qingyan said, "If you don't have enough start-up capital, you can just go to Liang Chen to get the money. If you can't pay it back, you can treat me as a shareholder."

"Thank you cousin." Lin Qingze couldn't express his excitement.

"What's there to thank, it's useless to keep so much money, my cousin supports you." Lin Qingyan patted Lin Qingze on the shoulder.

Lin Qingze hesitated for a moment and said, "My cousin has nothing to do, so I'll leave first."

"Are you okay?" Lin Qingyan asked.

"I'm fine."

"It's okay, let's go after dinner here," Lin Qingyan said.

In the evening, a family that has never been together sits around and eats hot pot.

Perhaps the happiest thing is to invite one or two friends, drink happy water and eat hot pot together.

Gu Yichen sent all the brushed meat to Lin Qingyan's bowl.

Gu Lingxi searched around the table and couldn't help asking, "Why is there no seafood, or you forgot to wash it."

"My cousin is allergic to seafood," Lin Qingze said.

"Ah, cousin, I don't know that you are allergic to seafood. I think beef and mutton are also a good choice. Cousin, you should eat more." Gu Lingxi was very abnormal and snatched the meat that Gu Jingnian had caught in his hands, and sent it to him in a pretentious name. Lin Qingyan flattered the girl in the bowl in front of her.

"Gu Lingxi, can you not borrow flowers to offer Buddha?" Gu Jingnian had a helpless expression on his face.

Gu Lingxi just felt that she owed Lin Qingyan and tried her best to be nice to her.

Mo Tingmu couldn't help but said, "Gu Lingxi, when did you treat Lin Xiaoxiao so well?"

"It's always been good, okay, please don't wrong me anymore."

While talking, Lin Qingze and Gu Lingxi clamped a piece of meat at the same time, and neither of them planned to let go.

Gu Lingxi glared at Lin Qingze and said, "Do you know that women come first?"

"I don't know, I only know that first come, first served," Lin Qingze said neither humble nor overbearing.

Gu Jingnian hastened to be a good person and sent his own flesh to Gu Lingxi, "This is yours, you let others."

"Huh..." Gu Lingxi was reluctant to let go, as if her own flesh had been delivered to someone else's mouth.

Lin Qingyan couldn't help but smile like an aunt when she looked at the two.

Gu Lingxi muttered in a low voice, "Are you cousin or not? Why do you feel that you don't look like cousin? You are not as good-looking as cousin."

"Then are you brother-in-law's cousin? You don't look like brother-in-law, not as good-looking as brother-in-law." Lin Qingze imitated Gu Lingxi, returned Gu Lingxi's words to Gu Lingxi, and slapped her face vividly.

The conversation between the two caused laughter at the dinner table.

"You..." Gu Lingxi was so pissed off, her usually chattering little mouth didn't know what to say for a moment.

"How can you be so narrow-minded as a big man. You don't have any guts at all," Gu Lingxi said.

"I don't need to be generous with you," Lin Qingze replied.

Lin Qingyan couldn't help saying, "It's good to be young."

"Cousin, you have to take good care of your cousin. It's easy to find a girlfriend if you go on like this."

When Gu Lingxi said this, she still looked good for others.

Lin Qingze said, "Finding a girlfriend doesn't seem to have anything to do with you. Even if I can't find a girlfriend, I won't look for you."

(End of this chapter)

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