Chapter 1081 Pregnant? ?
After this video was broadcast, the number of reposts and comments on the Internet directly hit a new high, and Weibo almost went down. After all, there are four fans.

The four of them are all at the level of actor and actress.

Netizens commented, "My actor Mattel is really too cute."

"Ferrancina and my Qingyan have become friends."

"I suddenly felt that my family, Mo Tingmu, had gone bad, but I still like the group."

The movie of Operation Apostle includes the filming of country M, country F and country Hua, and there are too many places to shoot.

This month, Lin Qingyan followed the crew to shoot basically all the foreign scenes, leaving only the domestic plot.

The director gave several people a few days to rest.

Lin Qingyan and Mo Tingmu went back to China first and waited.

Only when Lin Qingyan got home did she realize that her aunt this month didn't seem to be here.

I usually just have a stomachache when I come, but the cycle is accurate, this time it has been delayed for a week.

Lin Qingyan was a little worried and ran upstairs to dig out the pregnancy test stick she bought before and went to the toilet to try it.

During the 10 minutes of waiting for the test paper, Lin Qingyan anxiously looked at the script, but no matter how she read it, she couldn't see her heart.

Finally Lin Qingyan glanced at the reaction on the test paper, it was two bars.

It is pregnant?
There is no reaction at all, is it really pregnant?
Lin Qingyan looked at the two bars on the test paper in complete disbelief. The doctor also said that the chance of her getting pregnant was very small.

So in this slim odds she finally hit the lottery?

Lin Qingyan is also sure, after all, there are times when the pregnancy test stick is biased.
The next day, Lin Qingyan went to the hospital by herself, because she was not sure about something, so she naturally didn't want Gu Yichen to follow her emotional ups and downs, in case she wasn't pregnant.

Two hours later, Lin Qingyan left the hospital holding the laboratory test sheet, the corner of her mouth could not suppress the sunshine-like joy.

The doctor said she is now one month pregnant.

In the car in the underground garage, Lin Qingyan was about to drive home.

"Xiaoyan" Zhao Xinyao hurried over with her bag as if she was looking for Lin Qingyan, followed by Gong Yue.

Lin Qingyan casually stuffed the test sheet into her bag, "Sister Yaoyao, why are you here?"

Lin Qingyan got out of the driver's seat, went to the back and gave up the driver's seat to Gong Yue.

"Things are not good, the news of your pregnancy has been exposed on the Internet." Zhao Xinyao has never been secretive, and she will say what she has.

"How could this be?" Lin Qingyan's smile gradually froze.

Lin Qingyan only confirmed that she was pregnant last night. She was one month pregnant after the examination, and the doctor told her that she needed to go for ectopic pregnancy screening tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

If an ectopic pregnancy is detected within one month of pregnancy, there is no danger as long as the pregnancy is terminated.

It's just that the hospital just confirmed the matter, at most only half an hour, how did the media know.

Zhao Xinyao even came to find it in person, so naturally it was not just as simple as knowing about it for half an hour online.

"Xiaoyan, you are in the hospital again now. I guess you can't explain it clearly even if you want to explain it. If you can't, you should lie to the media first. Look at the emergency department. Do you have any friends in the hospital? Get a diagnosis certificate from the emergency department first." Just let the media fool us, we will slowly find a way to publicize the rest of the matter.”

This matter can be big or small, this kind of scandal may directly affect Lin Qingyan's career, after all, Lin Qingyan's current status to fans is unmarried.

The safest way now is to explain first.

Lin Qingyan's influence is too late even for public relations.

(End of this chapter)

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