Chapter 1082

The only thing that can be done now is to reduce the influence.

The person concerned, Lin Qingyan, has been silent all the time, while Zhao Xinyao has been paying attention to the current trends on the Internet.

Zhao Xinyao suddenly said, "Xiaoyan is not well."

"What's the matter, Sister Yaoyao?" Lin Qingyan asked with a lack of energy.

Zhao Xinyao now completely believes in Lin Qingyan, she didn't even ask whether the things on the Internet were true just now, and directly believed that it was a gossip.

Since Lin Qingyan's debut, the scandal surrounding the girl has basically never stopped.

Zhao Xinyao sent the tablet to Lin Qingyan, "Xiaoyan can watch it by herself."

Now the real-time trending news on Weibo is basically taken up by Lin Qingyan.

"Actor Lin Qingyan is pregnant for real."

There was also a pregnancy receipt posted inside.

This receipt is not real at all, she just got the inspection receipt from the hospital, what's more, Lin Qingyan is looking for the same doctor that Gu Yichen found her before, it is impossible to leak the secret when she knows her identity of.

Lin Qingyan felt relieved because the secrecy here is better.

Although the receipt was fake, it was a very coincidence that Lin Qingyan was really pregnant now.

Most of Lin Qingyan's fans are still skeptical.

"My family's backer is about to start business again. You trolls like to pour dirty water on whoever is popular, okay?"

"I also don't believe that Lin Qingyan is pregnant, just wait for Xingyao's official announcement."

"I've never heard of Lin Qingyan looking for a boyfriend. It's hard to accept the sudden revelation that she's pregnant."

"Aren't all female stars nowadays like this, pretending to be single and cheating fans, hehehe."

"It's not normal for a woman to be pregnant, and who knows if this pregnancy test report is real or not. I can make a dozen or twenty of them myself. Do you want it? I can make it for you. Here are a few."

"What we pay attention to and like is Lin Qingyan's works. We'd better pay less attention to the private life of celebrities."

"My Lin Qingyan was forced to come out for business again."

Lin Qingyan continued to browse down.

"Gu Yichen's spiritual relationship seems to be broken."

"Gu Yichen cheated on Lin Qingyan."

"Lin Qingyan got involved as a third party."

Everyone in this society still hates mistresses.

In addition, this incident also involved Elf. Gu Yichen had been rumored to have an affair with Elf before, and neither of them denied it. Although the media didn't report it later, the fans all acquiesced.

Fans of elves are spread all over the country and abroad, both male and female.

When such news was reported, Lin Qingyan immediately received a wave of scolding, and even Gu Yichen was implicated.

"Damn, nowadays celebrities like to be mistresses. They think they are pretty enough to come out and hook up with people. I curse your child for not having an asshole."

"I really don't know how Lin Qingyan became so popular."

"It might be because of Gu Yichen's thigh. After all, as someone else's mistress, you should always hug him back."

"I really don't feel worthy for the elves, but I met such a big scumbag."

"This kind of person doesn't deserve to be in the entertainment circle at all."

"Cheating is actually not the fault of one person, both men and women are responsible."

"Why do you say that Lin Qingyan is a third party who intervenes in other people's families? Although the media deliberately said that Miss Elf is with Gu Yichen, neither Elf nor Mr. Gu have come forward to explain it, and it is possible that they are not together again."

(End of this chapter)

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