After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 1083 Who is the father of the child

Chapter 1083 Who is the father of the child
"Although Lin Qingyan is in Xingyao, I have never heard of any intersection between Lin Qingyan and Mr. Gu. You say that these two people are related, and the child in Lin Qingyan's belly is Gu Yichen's. I can say that Meng Po and Yue Lao are a couple."

"Who said that Lin Qingyan was pregnant? You've seen that pregnant star still filming action movies."

"As for Gu Yichen, it's even more impossible. Who wants my Lin Qingyan to go into business again?"

"I hate being the star of Xiaosan the most, and I don't feel much about the scenes that Xiaosan shoots."

"Xiaoyan, what are you thinking now?" The news on the Internet was probably like this. Lin Qingyan was even more upset and Zhao Xinyao turned off the tablet.

Lin Qingyan was silent for a moment, "Let's go back and talk first."

If it was the past, Lin Qingyan would definitely agree with Zhao Xinyao's public relations, but now it is different.

"Xiaoyan, let Xu Tao draft a public relations copy first," Zhao Xinyao suggested.

Now this scandal should be resolved as soon as possible.

"Don't post it yet." Lin Qingyan seemed a little hesitant.

"Now the media is probably looking for you all over the world, Xiaoyan. Let's leave the hospital and talk about it. If we are really captured in the hospital, we may have ten mouths and we won't be able to tell." Zhao Xinyao was not arguing about this. thing.

For some reason, Lin Qingyan suddenly felt a slight nausea, and grabbed the trash can beside her and retched for a while.

If this familiar feeling hadn't been checked, Lin Qingyan would have thought it was caused by taking high-strength contraceptives.

But the difference now is that she was really found to be pregnant.

Seeing Lin Qingyan retching suddenly, Zhao Xinyao also sensed that something was wrong, "Xiaoyan, you are not really pregnant, are you?"

Hearing this, Gong Yue looked over with concerned eyes.

Lin Qingyan didn't hide from Zhao Xinyao, because this kind of thing was hidden for a while, but not for a lifetime, and everyone would know that she was pregnant in two months.

Lin Qingyan nodded her head in acquiescence to Zhao Xinyao's questioning.

Lin Qingyan explained, "Sister Yaoyao, I'm sorry, but the inspection form that was exposed on the Internet was fake. I suspect that I just came here for an inspection today, and this hospital is very secretive, so it is impossible to be caught immediately." Expose it to the media."

"The incident on the Internet has been going on for almost two hours. At that time, you came to the hospital for an examination, so it is impossible for the hospital to leak the news."

"Sister Yaoyao, I'm sorry." Lin Qingyan apologized again.

Zhao Xinyao didn't mean to blame Lin Qingyan. After all, Lin Qingyan was pregnant from dating to now. She never noticed it, and the media didn't know about it. This is also a skill.

Zhao Xinyao asked, "Who is the father of Xiaoyan's child?"

Zhao Xinyao's serious attitude seemed to be that her own good cabbage had been picked up by a pig.

Now Lin Qingyan is really pregnant, if according to the public relations mentioned before, Lin Qingyan's belly can be seen after three to five months, it is not enough to slap her face.

As long as it's someone who can show it, it's better to let Lin Qingyan make an official announcement now.

It's easy to say if it's someone outside the circle, as long as Lin Qingyan unilaterally makes an official announcement.

Lin Qingyan seemed a little hesitant.

Zhao Xinyao asked, "Could it be Mo Tingmu?"

The way Lin Qingyan and Mo Tingmu get along looks like they are enemies, but they are acquainted like a couple, it is not impossible.

It is not surprising that Zhao Xinyao can think of Mo Tingmu, Lin Qingyan.

(End of this chapter)

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