After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 1089 Mr. Gu Must Not Know

Chapter 1089 Mr. Gu Must Not Know
If it was five years ago that Lin Qingyan hadn't entered the entertainment circle, but a girl should be at the age of college?
how to get pregnant.

Reporters don't care about these in order to dig out big news.

No matter when an actor entered this circle, her past will also become a past that can be gossip.

Of course, the media was overjoyed with such a big news, and immediately rushed to the previous question and asked one question after another.

"May I ask Ms. Lin Qingyan, did you break up with Ling Xiao five years ago because you were pregnant with someone else's child?"

The fact that Ling Xiao and Lin Qingyan used to be boyfriend and girlfriend was well known by Ling Yuhao, and he even gave Ling Xiao the name of a scumbag who abandoned his girlfriend.

Now this is the rhythm of whitewashing Ling Xiao and Lin Yuanyuan.

"Miss Lin, did you go abroad for five years because you were pregnant?"

"Miss Lin Qingyan, may I ask who the father of your child was?"

"Miss Lin Qingyan doesn't know if it's true that you were pregnant five years ago."

At that time, no matter what the reason was, as long as you were pregnant, you would be scolded and misbehaved. No one wanted to hear the reason, and no one would understand.

"Mr. Gu doesn't know that Ms. Lin Qingyan was pregnant with a child, do you know?"

"Miss Lin Qingyan, please answer."

For the first time, Lin Qingyan felt a little powerless in the face of these flashing lights, and her mouth opened and closed, not knowing how to answer the media's questions.

Liang Qian said suddenly, "Mr. Gu definitely doesn't know about such a hidden matter, but it's true if you think about it. Lin Qingyan is so anxious to marry Mr. Gu. Naturally, she won't say such things that can make Mr. Gu hate it."

"In order to prevent Mr. Gu from being deceived by Lin Qingyan, I have evidence here for Mr. Gu and the media to see."

Liang Qian couldn't hide her admiration when she looked at Gu Yichen. After all, any woman would like a man as handsome and rich as Gu Yichen.

Liang Qian is no exception.

Liang Qian opened a folder, took out a few photos and a list, because Liang Qian sent two copies to Gu Yichen and the media respectively.

"Mr. Gu, please take a look carefully, these materials are not fake."

Friends from the media took photos and circulated them.

Liang Qian looked good for Gu Yichen and said, "Mr. Gu, I also hope that you won't be deceived. This woman is already unclean. She slept with a wild man a long time ago, and even made a wild one."

"I guess I was afraid that the bastard would delay my career and take over a funder like you, so I killed the bastard."

Seeing Gu Yichen's solemn expression, Liang Qian began to chatter even more unscrupulously.

Seeing Liang Qian's evidence, no one thought that a girl could become pregnant, and aborted the child for his own sake.

It's scary to think about.

The evidence that Liang Qian sent to Gu Yichen was a report that Lin Qingyan found out she was pregnant when she was abroad.

There are also several photos of Lin Qingyan appearing in the obstetrics and gynecology department.

From the photos, it can be seen that Lin Qingyan was in a hospital in country M, and the girl was relatively pure at that time, dressed like a student in a white dress.

The picture is a bit far away and definitely cannot be completed by synthesis or P picture.

From the photos, it should be that the month is relatively small, and there is nothing to be seen except that it appears in the obstetrics and gynecology department.

(End of this chapter)

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