After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 1090 You have never been scumbags

Chapter 1090 You have never been scumbags
If it weren't for the pregnancy test report, no one would have noticed that this was a pregnant woman.

Gu Yichen saw how much they treasured them.

In addition, the scene is broadcast live on the Internet, and what the reporters can see is shared with netizens as soon as possible. In addition to the development of Internet technology, some big news reporters edit and upload directly on their mobile phones, which is not like paper media at all. In this era, if there is any big news, you have to wait until the newspaper comes out tomorrow before you can read it.

Powerful people can press these big news casually.

Seeing this, many netizens kept scolding Lin Qingyan for not knowing how to behave.

After all, a good girl will not be pregnant if she checks.

"Did I read it wrong? Lin Qingyan was pregnant when she was young."

"Nowadays, little girls don't know how to check themselves, and they don't know how to protect themselves when they go out, so some people can take advantage of it."

"How can this kind of thing be just one person's fault, why don't you scold Lin Qingyan here when you have time, and scold the stinky man who made Lin Qingyan pregnant."

"I think girls are the ones who tend to make mistakes, and are deceived by some men without knowing anything. How can we look at others with colored glasses in such a situation."

"Haven't you guys been scumbags before?"

"I think Lin Qingyan's fans should stop whitewashing on the spot, they are all stupid fans."

"Not being disciplined is not being disciplined. Finding a boyfriend is a normal thing, but if you don't know how to protect yourself, it's a brain problem. You can't blame others."

"Before, Lin Qingyan pretended to be pitiful. Lin Yuanyuan robbed her boyfriend. It was clear that she had cheated on her first, and she was broken up only after Ling Xiao found out. It was exposed."

"It's all true, so Lin Qingyan doesn't know how to explain it."

The reporter once again turned their finger on Lin Qingyan, "Miss Lin Qingyan, please tell me, are the inspection reports and photos from five years ago true?"

"Miss Lin Qingyan, were you really pregnant five years ago?"

Lin Qingyan's head was buzzing, and she could only hear the troublesome questions from the media lingering in her mind.

Lin Qingyan's voice sounded like a mosquito, "Yes."

Lin Qingyan only answered a simple word, but admitted all the questions raised by the media.

Suddenly the scene was shocked.

The queen of the double movie was pregnant five years ago, which is simply an explosive news.

Liang Qian raised her brows slightly, and her excited eyes were hard to express. She thought Lin Qingyan would argue for a long time, but she didn't expect to admit it so quickly, which was really surprising.

"Miss Lin Qingyan, since you admit that you are pregnant, then Miss Lin Qingyan, may I ask whose child you once had in your womb, and whether it belonged to Ling Xiao?"

"Miss Lin Qingyan, did you think Ling Xiao broke up with you and stayed with Lin Yuanyuan because you were indiscreet and conceived a child with someone else?"

"Miss Lin Qingyan, did you have sex with other men because you were drunk?"

"Miss Lin Qingyan, we now want to know who the father of your child is. Lin Qingyan, please answer directly."

"Mr. Gu, do you know about Miss Lin Qingyan's past, including the news that Lin Qingyan is pregnant?"

"Lin Qingyan, you finally admitted that you once had a relationship with a wild man and had a child with him, Lin Qingyan, you have nothing to say to those fans who care about you, including President Gu, you have nothing to explain .”

(End of this chapter)

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