Chapter 451 Brother Shameless
Although it is now the end of the new year, the hot pot restaurant that Lin Qingyan often goes to is closed.

There was no other way, Lin Qingyan had no choice but to take Gu Yichen and the others home to eat.

Lin Qingyan still didn't forget to be serious and explained to Gu Yichen, "Don't worry, isn't it the bottom of the hot pot? Trust me, I can still do it."

"Okay" Gu Yichen didn't doubt the girl at all when driving, even if the girl was boiled, wouldn't he still be there?

Half an hour later, the three of them returned to Villa No. [-] in Yuyuan, and there was no one there except Rhubarb who came out to greet them.

In the kitchen, Mo Tingmu kept washing and picking vegetables, and was also arranged to feed rhubarb.

Lin Qingyan knew that Gu Yichen couldn't eat chili, so she cooked mandarin duck hot pot. The last time I saw Gu Yichen made it, this time Lin Qingyan still learned it well.

Lin Qingyan brought the hot pot to the dining table, but the three of them hadn't eaten yet, when Gu Jingnian smelled it and found it.

"You guys are actually eating hot pot behind my back. Fortunately, I caught you." Gu Jingnian was wearing a fluffy lake blue suit, pretending to be heartbroken.

You don't even need to look at how flamboyantly dressed you must be to hook up with a girl.

I don't know how many girls have been harmed by this guy.

"Do you have time?" Gu Yichen mercilessly exposed someone who liked to act.

Gu Jingnian: "."

Can you show me some face, isn't my brother shameless?

"Little uncle, why are you here?" Gu Jingnian scanned the table, it was all his favorite food, he was very shameless and sat down on his own without other people's consent.

"Why can't I be here, of course to go to the movies together?" Mo Tingmu kept brushing his flesh.

Since it's celebrating the scumbag's marriage, of course we have to eat a little more.

"Damn, why are you so unreliable, you don't know how to call me when you go to the movies, you actually leave me alone at home, and you forget about such a big thing as eating hot pot, it really isn't true love" Gu Jingnian groaned .

Lin Qingyan ate the meat from the boss, "I don't have time to call you. Aren't you going on a date with the fairy sister? How can there be a fairy sister who still remembers us little people."

"But you've already eaten the hot pot. As for the movie, you can go to the movie theater with your fairy sister to make up for it. Anyway, what you support is the movie business you invested in."

Gu Jingnian was told that he could only bow his head and eat in silence.

Just pretend he never said it.

It's always him who gets hurt.

Brother, you can't take care of Lin Xiaoyan, well, look at his brother's doting eyes, he thinks too much.

It would be nice if his brother wasn't controlled by Lin Xiaoyan.

Gu Jingnian had no choice but to keep swiping his phone in his arms, and as soon as he entered Weibo, he saw an official account live broadcasting the scene of Ling Xiao and Lin Yuanyuan's marriage proposal in the movie theater.

Gu Jingnian shook his fingers, and the phone almost fell into the dipping bowl in front of him, "Damn, the scumbag actually proposed."

Gu Jingnian finished watching in surprise, and looked at the three with calm faces.

Mo Tingmu explained, "We watched the live version."

Gu Jingnian took a cautious look at Lin Qingyan, saying that that scumbag is also Lin Xiaoyan's old love, and Lin Xiaoyan has been guarding him for a long time.

Lin Qingyan knew what Gu Jingnian was thinking of writing, "So the hot pot you are eating now is our celebration of the scumbag finding true love."

Gu Jingnian, who has been in love for many years, has an IQ. It can be said that Lin Xiaoyan's unwavering eyes can be seen at a glance, and he may have thrown the scumbag out of the sky long ago.

His brother finally had his chance.

(End of this chapter)

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