After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 452 It's You Who Don't Live Up to It

Chapter 452 It's You Who Don't Live Up to It

Gu Jingnian said, "Brother, you finally watch the clouds and see the moon."

Gu Yichen said without any disturbance, "It has always been."

What does the phrase "uh" always mean? Do you want to be so confident?

After dinner, both of them went back separately. Gu Yichen searched around but couldn't find the girl, not even the bathroom.

A bad premonition flashed across Gu Yichen's heart.

Finally, Gu Yichen found the girl under the rose trellis in the backyard. The girl was wrapped in a heavy coat, her hair was disheveled, and she was sitting on the swing frame dangling her legs.

Lin Qingyan was probably thinking about something, she was preoccupied, even if Gu Yichen approached, the girl didn't notice it at all.

Lin Qingyan was holding the phone in her hand and suddenly it rang, breaking the silence in the air. She glanced at the caller ID, which had no notes but was familiar to him with this string of phone numbers, and the girl couldn't help feeling bored.

Lin Qingyan didn't notice the man behind her at all. The moment the phone was about to hang up, the girl answered the phone unprepared.

"Xiaoyan's father thought you wouldn't answer my calls anymore." There was a man's surprised voice on the other end of the phone.

How much Lin Tianwan is true and how much is false Sometimes even her own daughter doesn't know, Lin Qingyan said impatiently, "If you have something to say, don't call me. I'm very busy. Besides, as an actor, I can't afford to lose face to you, Lin Tianwan."

"Xiaoyan, how are you talking to your father? How are you saying that your father is also your elder?"

"and then."

Lin Tianwan didn't know when Lin Qingyan became like a hedgehog, and she would provoke a fishy body whenever she touched it. She didn't have much affection for this daughter at all. Lin Tianwan coughed lightly, not wanting to continue the nonsense with Lin Qingyan, and ordered, " Xiaoyan fifteenth, your sister and the Ling family's engagement banquet, you come over to have a meal, anyway, you are also from our Lin family, don't make the relationship too rigid."

Now remembering that she is from the Lin family, Lin Qingyan couldn't help laughing mockingly, "Oh, is that so? How did I remember that Mr. Lin denied my daughter when he was filming "Crazy Way"? Then what do I say now? What kind of identity is it, Miss Lin is the illegitimate daughter of the Lin family."

From the moment she left the Lin family, in order to let Lin Yuanyuan quickly gain a foothold in that circle, Wang Lan would say that Lin Yuanyuan was the eldest lady of the Lin family and that she was the illegitimate daughter. Lin Yuanyuan is the eldest lady of the Lin family.

Sometimes it's really ridiculous, Wang Lan took the mother's place, and her daughter took her own identity.

"So what if Xiaoyan Yuanyuan can marry into the Ling family and take advantage of the identity of the Lin family's young lady. She is indeed father's biological daughter now, and your own sister. Besides, you are the older sister who let the younger sister do what she should."

When Lin Yuanyuan first entered the door, Lin Tianwan knew to help cover up, but now he doesn't even bother to cover up.

"That's right, so Lin Yuanyuan deserved it for stealing my boyfriend. What capacity did you ask me to do? Don't forget that Ling Xiao is my ex-boyfriend. As a father at this time, shouldn't you let me avoid suspicion?"

"Xiaoyan, you did something wrong yourself, that's why Ling Xiao broke up with you, Yuanyuan just took your place, in the final analysis it's you who didn't live up to it" Lin Tianwan said earnestly.

As long as he can marry the Ling family, as long as he can use the power of the Ling family to deal with Lin Wanhui, he doesn't care if it's Lin Yuanyuan or Lin Qingyan who will marry Ling Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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