Chapter 730 Clarification
Chang Yu said, "Before explaining this question, I want to let everyone watch a video."

Chang Yu's voice fell, and the big screen instantly went dark, and then turned on instantly after two seconds.

As journalists, they immediately sensed something interesting about the video, and turned on the video recording function of the cameras one after another. Some reporters even started shooting directly with their mobile phones.

The first screen of the video is the screen where Yu Zhizhi copied Xingyue at that time, and the second screen is the transaction flow between Yu Zhizhi and Divine Allen. After the video is played, it is a bank transfer record of Yu Zhizhi.

All the reporters at the scene were in shock and did not react.

The matter was already obvious, there was no need for Chang Yu to explain anything.

But there are also quick ones.

"It was Divine who stole the design draft of the elves."

"Looking at the video like this, not only the beauty from the north, Xingyue, but even the Liuyun released today is an elf work."

"I heard that Xingyue was designed by Director Chang."

"It is estimated that the thief didn't know it, and thought it was a work designed by elves, so he took it by mistake."

"It's always Divine who bites back."

Immediately, a reporter raised his hand and asked, "Is Director Chang an internal thief in Yunshang Studio who sold the work to Divine?"

"Spirit assistant Yu Zhizhi has been fired from the company, and we will reserve legal responsibility for this kind of theft." Chang Yu didn't answer directly, but it was an indirect answer to the reporter.

The matter is already obvious, and it is superfluous to ask anything else.

The man who traded with the wizard assistant was obviously Allen, the design director of Divine.

"Director Chang, you have always known who the traitor is, why didn't you explain it until now."

"Fans who can believe in elves will naturally believe it, not to mention that we didn't have any definite evidence to clarify to the media before, even if our boss is capable, he is a law-abiding and good citizen." Chang Yu followed Liang Chen and became a lot more tactful.

Liang Chen took care of these matters abroad before.

"Director Chang, will the new elves be on the shelves tomorrow?"

"About the new product, I won't reveal too much today. Please pay attention to our new product launch tomorrow. Thanks again to all media friends and fans for their support and love for Ella."

The plagiarism of Yunshang has been clarified, and the media has nothing to ask, so they hurried back to write a press release, after all, this is big news.

There are hundreds of millions of elf fans.

Lin Qingyan stood up from the crowd, and couldn't help taking a meaningful look at the place behind her.

The Internet is so convenient now, Lin Qingyan saw many media broadcast live, and reported the situation to fans as soon as possible.

Lin Qingyan could have guessed that Lin Yuanyuan must be sitting in front of the computer at this moment, waiting to see Elf repeating with Divine again, and Elf was completely infamous for plagiarism.

Whether it is the circle of authors or their design circles, the most unacceptable thing is plagiarism, just like stealing.

What I didn't expect was that the Elf held a press conference instead of a press conference.

Lin Qingyan could still think of Lin Yuanyuan slamming the computer angrily in front of the screen.

Divine Studio, Lin Yuanyuan in front of the computer desk saw the picture in the video, and angrily swept the computer to the ground just as Lin Qingyan wanted.

The computer screen was instantly shattered.

Lin Yuanyuan angrily came to the office of Alan, the director of the design department, rushed forward and slapped Alan, "This is a good thing you did, and this is what you said was foolproof."

Allen was still waiting for Lin Yuanyuan's reward, he was a little dazed by this slap, and didn't even understand what Lin Yuanyuan was saying.

"Boss Lin, what do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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