After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 876 You still need to play this kind of trick

Chapter 876 You still need to play this kind of trick
When the girl said this, Gu Yichen remembered those photos that suddenly lay in his mailbox this afternoon.

It was clear that some guy knew that he and Lin Qingyan had broken up, and sent a few photos like that to make the break between him and Lin Qingyan cleaner.

I didn't expect that anyone would need to play such a trick.

But that person really caught Gu Yichen's weakness, and those few photos really almost made Gu Yichen go berserk.

Those photos are indeed misleading.

Lin Qingyan was lying on the hospital bed and fell asleep, while Feng Han sat beside her and took care of her.

Unexpectedly, Lin Qingyan had suffered so much.

Lin Qingyan and her work had forced her to stay awake for two days and one night. For some reason, Lin Qingyan fell asleep drowsily in Gu Yichen's arms.

Gu Yichen picked up the girl horizontally and put her on the spacious big bed in the upstairs bedroom.

The man pulled up the quilt, went to the bathroom, wet a warm towel and came out, wiped the girl's face and hands.

The man gently placed a kiss on the girl's cheek.

Gu Yichen went to the balcony to make a phone call to Gu Jingnian.

To be honest, Gu Jingnian was nervous when he received a call from his brother so late. If his brother hadn't reconciled with Lin Xiaoyan's dead girl, he could go directly to the uninhabited island to spend his days.

"Brother, what are your orders?" Respectful as Gu Jingnian.

"Help me check someone." Gu Yichen told Gu Jingnian about the general situation.

Gu Yichen really knows this brother too well. If you don't tell him what's going on, he will investigate out of curiosity. I don't know how much time it will take, so it's better to tell him directly.

"There is such a thing, I know that the pair of scumbags and sluts are definitely not good together, I will investigate that man now, if I find out, I will definitely hand over to Lin Xiaoyan to deal with that man, so that he Don't worry, brother, I'll give you the result in five days at most."

"Okay." After Gu Yichen finished speaking, he hung up the phone and went back to the bedroom worriedly.

Then the bedside lamp was dim and yellow, and the fine fluff on the girl's face could be clearly seen. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to see that there was still a little baby fat on the girl's face. It should be because she didn't have a good rest in the past two days, so the girl looked thin a little bit.

To be honest, Lin Qingyan didn't have a good rest these two days and one night.

This naughty girl is letting neither of them rest well.

Gu Yichen lay on the other side and fell asleep sniffing the girl's unique clear breath.

The two lived in seclusion in the villa here for two days, and on the third day, the two of them regained their vitality, as if nothing had happened before.

In the past few days, because of breaking up with Gu Yichen and reconciling, a lot of things have been delayed.

In the studio, Liang Chen dealt with it in an orderly manner.

But the time on Grandpa's side is running out, and she has to race against time to spend more time with Grandpa, and she didn't go to see her cousin's side.

Fortunately, there is no important work these days.

Lin Qingyan went to the old house of the Lin family to go fishing with her grandfather in the morning, and in the afternoon she bought some fruit and went to Yijingyuan.

Although the villa on the Yijingyuan side is not very remote, but because it was originally thought to be the secret stronghold of the elves, the security performance is relatively good.

Before Lin Qingyan came, she was worried about her cousin, but there was nothing wrong with coming to see her. On the contrary, her self-regulation was very good, so she was relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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