Chapter 877
Ye Li arranges flowers in the room.

Lin Qingyan put the fruit on the coffee table casually, and sat at the dining table with Ye Li quietly watching the girl trim a rose and put it in a vase.

Lin Qingyan held her chin and said, "My cousin and you have an inexplicable feeling of tranquility."

"But what are you going to do with the child, cousin, and what are you going to do with uncle and aunt?" Lin Qingyan still couldn't help asking.

After all, this is not something that procrastination can solve.

Since my cousin likes Lu Jiawen, and the child is Lu Jiawen, it might be a good idea to let Lu Jiawen be responsible.

"I have already told your aunt and uncle about the child," Ye Li said very calmly.

"Then what is the reaction of uncle and aunt?"

"The two of them didn't support or object, but they just asked me to go home when I was free. I guess they wanted to ask who my child's father is. Your uncle is getting older every year. For some reason, he even started to like children. .”

Ye Li said this because her eyes were full of longing, but she knew that the picture she was longing for was really not so easy to achieve.

Cousin is a good girl in front of her uncle and aunt, she is the kind of child who can't make mistakes, and she is also a child of other people's family in other people's mouth.

With her cousin, Lin Qingyan was always inexplicably quiet.

"Cousin, actually, I think this child can be kept, and surgery may not be safe. Uncle and aunt probably want to keep this child, after all, you are also a single pass."

"I won't keep this child," Ye Li said firmly.

Ever since Lin Qingyan got acquainted with her cousin, Ye Li had made a decision and estimated that no one could make her change it.

Ye Li continued, "I went to the hospital for an examination yesterday, and I have a meeting in country X tomorrow. When I come back from country X, the hospital will arrange an abortion for me."

"Cousin, have you really made a decision? You don't want to consider Lu Jiawen's thoughts by the way."

Ye Li looked disappointed, and paused with the hand holding the flower, "He won't like this child, since it was an accident, there's no need to stay."

Ye Li was really firm, and Lin Qingyan couldn't change Ye Li's mind.

Lin Qingyan left the villa very late.

Lin Qingyan originally planned to go home directly, but halfway through, Lin Qingyan turned around and went to the company.

As soon as Lin Qingyan got off the car, she saw Lu Jiawen standing outside the company.

Lin Qingyan came here after receiving a call from Zhao Xinyao suddenly, and it was not an important matter. Zhao Xinyao told her that there was someone who had been waiting for her at the company for a long time, and he was there day and night and never left.

At first, he thought it was some kind of pervert who divided his fans, and originally wanted to let the security guard drive him away, but later Jin Xu recognized him, saying that he was the son of Xingchang Lu's family.

It’s not good for everyone to kick it out, it’s not good if you don’t, it’s not a good idea to wait here all day like a sculpture.

When Lin Qingyan arrived, Lu Jiawen was leaning against the hood of the car and guarding the gate of Xingyao.

Lin Qingyan took a closer look at Lu Jiawen, how many days had Lu Jiawen not taken a bath, and Lin Qingyan could smell a strange smell from the man's body, mixed with the smell of nicotine, not too far away.

His face was covered with stubble and looked a little scruffy.

Lin Qingyan couldn't help teasing and said, "Lu Jiawen, did you just come back from fleeing outside?"

"Little cat, do you know where Ye Li is?" Lu Jiawen asked eagerly when he saw Lin Qingyan as if seeing a ray of sunshine.

(End of this chapter)

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