Chapter 938

Xu Tao acted fast enough, and immediately issued a statement before these few messages were fermented on the Internet.

Does Xu Tao dare to be unhappy?
Why did the big boss let the proprietress be scolded for so long on the Internet for being an illegitimate daughter?

Because it works behind the scenes.

As soon as Xu Tao Xingyao's Weibo posts were posted, they were placed at the top of the trending searches.

'Xingyao Media clarified. '

'A pheasant tries to turn into a phoenix. '

'No matter who is the mistress, he will be slapped in the face instantly. '

'Lin Qingyan filed the lawsuit progress. '

"The deceased is dead, may he rest in peace in heaven."

Xingyao posted a few pieces of evidence directly in the clarification statement, which is a real slap in the face.

The marriage certificate of Lin Tianwan and the two clearly marked the time, and even clearly stated the time of Lin Qingyan's mother's death.

Lin Tianwan and Wang Lan got married just after Ye Linlang passed away.

Lin Yuanyuan's birth time and DNA further prove that Lin Yuanyuan is the illegitimate daughter of Lin Tianwan and Wang Lan's derailment in marriage.

Xingyao directly issued an article accusing Lin Yuanyuan and Lin Tianwan of hyping up the deceased.

And the evidence doesn't end there.

The news was reported by the media and verified with the Civil Affairs Bureau. Lin Tianwan first married Lin Qingyan's mother, Ye Linlang, and then married Wang Lan after Ye Linlang passed away.

The media also found Lin Tianwan's elder brother Lin Wanhui for verification.

Although Lin Wanhui did not appear in the video, there is a recording to prove it.

In the recording, Lin Wanhui said, "Lin Qingyan is my real niece. As for Lin Yuanyuan, Lin Tianwan was a wild breed with other women many years ago, and she only came into the family after marrying Wang Lan."

"Business partners and friends who are close to the Lin family know that when Xiaoyan went abroad to study five years ago, Lin Yuanyuan became the only eldest lady of the Lin family."

They scolded Lin Qingyan so viciously before, but when these evidences were exposed little by little, those people were shocked.

There are also some fans who are just passers-by watching the fun, this kind of morality, so everyone is criticizing it.

"A certain actress, apologize to the deceased."

Lin Qingyan's fans were so quiet before, but now they basically come out to run for her idol.

The president of Lin Qingyan's fan support club even came out and said, "Our fans of Yanyan's family are all civilized people, unlike some other's fans who swear at shrews every day."

"That's right, we, Yanyan, have clarified. I don't know what fans of some people, and those keyboard warriors have anything to say."

"I think those who scolded Lin Qingyan's mother before should come out and apologize. The dead are dead, and it's fine for the living to use others to make a fuss. They also insult all kinds of things. I'm not afraid that you won't go to hell after you die. Or go directly to the [-]th floor of hell."

"There are many wonders in the world. If Xiaosan comes out and calls others as Xiaosan, this illegitimate daughter will really bite back."

"I don't know who is the real illegitimate fan, but I have the nerve to come out and accuse others, what a face."

"This netizen doesn't know. Generally, illegitimate daughters are thick-skinned, so they didn't realize that they were the ones who wanted to occupy the magpie's nest. They always thought that other people were the illegitimate daughters."

"I feel sorry for my family, Lin Qingyan. She just wants to make a good filming, and she gets caught up in this kind of scandal every two days."

"The evidence has come out, I really don't know what some people have to say, and those who call my Yanyan an illegitimate daughter every day, please open your 24K dog eyes to see clearly, the date on the marriage certificate is clear As it is written, who is the continuation, and who is the child of Lin Tianwan's affair."

(End of this chapter)

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