Chapter 939 Lin Yuanyuan Dives

"That's right, now the pheasant still wants to become a phoenix."

"Those who boycotted my family's Qingyan's play before, it's best not to watch it, otherwise I feel that they are tarnishing my family's Lin Qingyan."

"Now the artists really let me see that there is no limit to what is going on, and the thief shouted "Stop the thief" and bit back."

"Yanyan sued the mistress. Could it be that mistress who killed her ex-husband?"

"Wang Lan can do such a thing in this family, nothing is impossible."

"Boycott Lin Yuanyuan, get out of the entertainment industry."

"Get out of the entertainment circle, we Lin Qingyan don't need such shameless sisters."

"That's wrong. How can this kind of illegitimate daughter be a sister? She's not worthy of carrying shoes, okay?"

"Am I blind? Lin Yuanyuan's wedding date turned out to be the anniversary of Lin Qingyan's mother's death. No wonder Lin Qingyan hasn't come out to clarify until now."

"I don't want trouble on the day of my mother's death."

"Some people don't care about Ke Ke. The mother and daughter are really kind. They not only killed her, but also held a wedding on the day of her death."

"Don't take the deceased seriously at all. Lin Tianwan is definitely not a good person, otherwise how could he agree to get married on a certain date? Don't tell me that the Ling family chose the date. You also have a chance to refute."

"You are not afraid that when the wedding is held, people will turn into ghosts and come to you."

"Those who can cheat in marriage probably forgot the anniversary of the death of their dead wife."

"It really refreshed my world view. How could Lin Qingyan's mother fall in love with this kind of man."

"Don't dare to fall in love anymore, how can there be such a shameless family of three?"

I don't know if it's the navy that Lin Yuanyuan struggled to buy, but there are still people who dare to accuse Lin Qingyan at this time.

"Even so, as a public figure, Lin Qingyan can't push a pregnant woman, please Lin Qingyan apologize."

"Even if Wang Lan is at fault, Lin Yuanyuan is at fault, but the child is not at fault."

"I don't think Lin Qingyan is wrong. As an artist, don't you even have the most basic emotions? If your mother is killed by others, and they accuse you in turn, you can bear it without saying a word."

"It was Lin Yuanyuan who stopped Lin Qingyan from leaving. Lin Qingyan was not wrong."

"As someone who can play basketball, it feels like Lin Yuanyuan is flopping."

"No way, Lin Yuanyuan wants to bring down Lin Qingyan so that she can take over."

"Lin Qingyan is really unlucky to be born into such a family."

However, there are still media involved in the matter, asking the Ling family to verify whether they know that Lin Yuanyuan is an illegitimate daughter.

The Ling family was interviewed by none other than Ling Yuhao.

In fact, the Ling family and the Lin family are a bit similar, it is the little Sanjiu who occupies the magpie's nest and squeezes the original partner away.

As for the fact that the Ling Group has been cultivating Ling Xiao as an heir, some people don't understand why they naturally treat Ling Yuhao as an illegitimate child.

Generally, interviewing with this kind of illegitimate child will tell the truth.

Ling Yuhao just used the matter of Lin Qingyan to explain all the relationships in it clearly.

In the video, the reporter asked, "Mr. Ling Yuhao, may I ask if your Ling family knows that Miss Lin Yuanyuan is the illegitimate daughter of the Lin family, or was she also deceived."

Facing the camera, Ling Yuhao said coldly, "Of course I know, our family is family friends with the Lin family, and we have a good relationship with sister Qingyan, but my illegitimate brother is willing to marry Lin Yuanyuan even though he knows that Lin Yuanyuan is an illegitimate daughter." An illegitimate daughter, isn't this the right match between an illegitimate son and an illegitimate daughter?"

(End of this chapter)

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